State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

New York City16

  • Cuomo’s Commitment to Addressing Climate Change

    Cuomo’s Commitment to Addressing Climate Change

    New York State has taken a progressive stand on climate change, pushing for renewable energy development and promising to curb greenhouse gas emissions. On Thursday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, joined by Vice President Al Gore at Columbia University, announced several new actions to increase New York State’s commitment to fighting climate change.

  • How Much Energy Does NYC Waste?

    How Much Energy Does NYC Waste?

    While the New York metropolitan area has been deemed the most wasteful megacity in the world, New York City is considered one of the world’s greenest. But how much energy does New York City waste and what is it doing about it?

  • A Sustainable City Would Continue to Keep Cars Out of Times Square

    A Sustainable City Would Continue to Keep Cars Out of Times Square

    The trade-off between regulating public behavior and free speech can be difficult, but must be taken on if we are to have public space in sustainable cities. Since we need more of these public spaces rather than fewer spaces, the behavior in Times Square is a challenge of governance that must be taken on by…

  • Was Hurricane Sandy the 100-Year Event?

    Was Hurricane Sandy the 100-Year Event?

    Recent research suggests that Sandy may have been much more likely than previously believed.

  • From PlaNYC to OneNYC: New York’s Evolving Sustainability Policy

    How do we encourage the wealthy to participate in our real estate market without driving out the rest of us? How can the city tax some of the new real estate wealth to provide housing subsidies for working New Yorkers?

  • Lessons in Sustainability Policy

    Lessons in Sustainability Policy

    On April 7, 2015, the Earth Institute hosted a panel event and reception on ‘Sustainability Policy: Progress and Opportunity.’ Over 170 students, faculty, and local professionals gathered in Low Library to hear a panel of experts speak about sustainability and the role of government. Panelists discussed local-level policy, the role of metrics, and what the…

  • Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate Kick-Off

    Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate Kick-Off

    This week marks the launch of the new Columbia Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate, a cross-disciplinary collaboration between a variety of centers, research groups and individuals from across Columbia University. The Initiative, led by Adam Sobel, kicked off on Monday evening with a World Leaders Forum panel event in Low Library. Panelists discussed a…

  • Report Forecasts Worsening Climate Hazards for Region

    Report Forecasts Worsening Climate Hazards for Region

    A new report gives a worrisome picture of climate-related problems the New York region will likely face this century. Temperatures are projected to rise, extreme precipitation and heat waves will be more frequent, and sea level could rise as much as 6 feet.

  • NYC, Gulf Coast Teens Talk About Life After Disaster

    NYC, Gulf Coast Teens Talk About Life After Disaster

    At the two-year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, high school students in New York City posed questions about life during and after a catastrophe to a very particular group of experts – high school students in the Gulf Coast who had experienced the BP oil spill and had lived through as many as six hurricanes in…

  • Cuomo’s Commitment to Addressing Climate Change

    Cuomo’s Commitment to Addressing Climate Change

    New York State has taken a progressive stand on climate change, pushing for renewable energy development and promising to curb greenhouse gas emissions. On Thursday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, joined by Vice President Al Gore at Columbia University, announced several new actions to increase New York State’s commitment to fighting climate change.

  • How Much Energy Does NYC Waste?

    How Much Energy Does NYC Waste?

    While the New York metropolitan area has been deemed the most wasteful megacity in the world, New York City is considered one of the world’s greenest. But how much energy does New York City waste and what is it doing about it?

  • A Sustainable City Would Continue to Keep Cars Out of Times Square

    A Sustainable City Would Continue to Keep Cars Out of Times Square

    The trade-off between regulating public behavior and free speech can be difficult, but must be taken on if we are to have public space in sustainable cities. Since we need more of these public spaces rather than fewer spaces, the behavior in Times Square is a challenge of governance that must be taken on by…

  • Was Hurricane Sandy the 100-Year Event?

    Was Hurricane Sandy the 100-Year Event?

    Recent research suggests that Sandy may have been much more likely than previously believed.

  • From PlaNYC to OneNYC: New York’s Evolving Sustainability Policy

    How do we encourage the wealthy to participate in our real estate market without driving out the rest of us? How can the city tax some of the new real estate wealth to provide housing subsidies for working New Yorkers?

  • Lessons in Sustainability Policy

    Lessons in Sustainability Policy

    On April 7, 2015, the Earth Institute hosted a panel event and reception on ‘Sustainability Policy: Progress and Opportunity.’ Over 170 students, faculty, and local professionals gathered in Low Library to hear a panel of experts speak about sustainability and the role of government. Panelists discussed local-level policy, the role of metrics, and what the…

  • Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate Kick-Off

    Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate Kick-Off

    This week marks the launch of the new Columbia Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate, a cross-disciplinary collaboration between a variety of centers, research groups and individuals from across Columbia University. The Initiative, led by Adam Sobel, kicked off on Monday evening with a World Leaders Forum panel event in Low Library. Panelists discussed a…

  • Report Forecasts Worsening Climate Hazards for Region

    Report Forecasts Worsening Climate Hazards for Region

    A new report gives a worrisome picture of climate-related problems the New York region will likely face this century. Temperatures are projected to rise, extreme precipitation and heat waves will be more frequent, and sea level could rise as much as 6 feet.

  • NYC, Gulf Coast Teens Talk About Life After Disaster

    NYC, Gulf Coast Teens Talk About Life After Disaster

    At the two-year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, high school students in New York City posed questions about life during and after a catastrophe to a very particular group of experts – high school students in the Gulf Coast who had experienced the BP oil spill and had lived through as many as six hurricanes in…