EPA Administrator Pruitt’s Misguided Conclusions About Climate Change
Last week, Scott Pruitt provided us with additional insight into his views about climate change.
We Need to Reinvent Regulation, Not Destroy It
We should be thinking about regulation as a way of ensuring our economic activity can proceed with the least possible amount of unanticipated negative impacts. We need to police ourselves and make sure that the rules of correct behavior are clear, fair, well understood and creatively applied.
Public-Private Partnerships Must Survive this Attack on the Public Sector
It’s popular to believe that the private sector is a paragon of efficiency and that government is simply waste, fraud and abuse, but it is simply not true. It is essential that we focus on building the public-private collaborations that have long made this nation great.
New York City’s Subways Need Congestion Pricing Now
Charging drivers more could provide much-needed funding for public transit, while reducing traffic and making Manhattan a better place to live and work.
Resisting White House Chaos by Building Community
Despite the chaos that has enveloped the White House, we can take comfort in the day-to-day functioning of our American communities.
Staying Hopeful in A Troubling Time
The recent birth of my first grandchild reinforces my desire to believe that the world that she will inherit will be at least as good as my world, if not better. I am trusting her future to the sustainability leaders and professionals that have emerged during the first part of the 21st century.
Why Renewable Energy Will Replace Fossil Fuels
Renewable energy will displace fossil fuels when (not if) it becomes as reliable, cheaper, and more convenient. The polls indicate that the latent market for renewables in already in place, with young Americans strongly supporting a transition away from fossil fuels.
Understanding Today’s Climate Politics
The climate problem will be made less bad by technological, cultural, social and economic change that will force political change. Waiting for policy to be the change agent is an exercise in futility.
Trump’s Attack on Renewable Energy
The companies that develop cheaper and more reliable renewable energy and energy storage technologies will drive fossil fuel companies from the marketplace. Since Trump’s team won’t help, let’s convince them to end their attack on renewable energy and stay out of the way of the change that is on the way.