State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Program on Strategic Partnerships and Innovation

  • Japan, Nuclear Power and the Need for Transparency

    Japan, Nuclear Power and the Need for Transparency

    A year and a half after the Great East Japan Earthquake triggered one of the worst nuclear catastrophes in recorded history, the country is now in full energy conservation mode.

  • School-Business Partnerships Key to Job Training

    School-Business Partnerships Key to Job Training

    President Obama’s proposed American Jobs Act was presented to Congress this week. Included in the $447 billion jobs package is about $5 billion toward community college construction. Community colleges are uniquely positioned to provide workforce training and higher education.

  • Crossing Sectors, Growing Economies

    Crossing Sectors, Growing Economies

    Coordinating the resources of academia, government, non-profits and the private sector can promote industrial innovation and create jobs; it also can improve education, limit the spread of diseases and increase access to food.

  • Japan, Nuclear Power and the Need for Transparency

    Japan, Nuclear Power and the Need for Transparency

    A year and a half after the Great East Japan Earthquake triggered one of the worst nuclear catastrophes in recorded history, the country is now in full energy conservation mode.

  • School-Business Partnerships Key to Job Training

    School-Business Partnerships Key to Job Training

    President Obama’s proposed American Jobs Act was presented to Congress this week. Included in the $447 billion jobs package is about $5 billion toward community college construction. Community colleges are uniquely positioned to provide workforce training and higher education.

  • Crossing Sectors, Growing Economies

    Crossing Sectors, Growing Economies

    Coordinating the resources of academia, government, non-profits and the private sector can promote industrial innovation and create jobs; it also can improve education, limit the spread of diseases and increase access to food.