Extreme-Weather Winters Becoming More Common in U.S., Study Shows
This past July was Earth’s hottest month since record keeping began, but warming isn’t the only danger climate change holds in store. Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the simultaneous occurrence of extremely cold winter days in the Eastern United States and extremely warm winter days in the Western U.S., according to a…
How Safe is the Hudson? Scientists Test the River, Adirondacks to Ocean
A team of scientists conducted an unprecedented health check of the entire Hudson River system, from its source to New York Harbor. This is what they found.
Fall Undergraduate Research Assistant Opportunities
The Earth Institute will offer eight research assistant opportunities for undergraduate students during the fall 2016 semester. Undergraduates from Columbia and Barnard will be able to serve as assistants on research projects related to sustainable development and the environment with distinguished faculty and researchers at the cutting edge of this burgeoning field.
Assessing Conflict in the Policy Process, Using Fracking as a Lens
Conflict is essential in the policy process, and understanding conflict better has the potential to assist policymakers and improve outcomes.
Watch: a Positive Vision of Sustainability
How do we transition to sustainability in a positive and effective way? In this video, Steven Cohen, executive director of the Earth Institute, discusses a positive vision of sustainability—one that avoids the gloom and doom rhetoric so often seen in headlines—and focuses on the technology, ingenuity and innovation that can build a sustainable economy.
Facilitating Science and Innovation in China
Last week, representatives from Columbia University traveled to Tianjin Binhai, China to finalize a partnership with the Government of the Tianjin Binhai New Area. Both parties signed a memorandum of understanding as a first step in the development of a series of programs for research, education and executive training in the Tianjin Binhai New Area.
Research Assistant Openings for Grad Students
The Research Program on Sustainability Policy and Management at the Earth Institute is seeking several graduate-level research assistants for fall 2015, to assist with the program’s various research projects. Read more about the various openings for research in sustainability metrics, sustainable finance, sustainable tourism, and ecosystem services. Applications due August 14, 2015.
Lamont-Doherty Strategic Plan
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory has been a leader in the study of our planet since its founding 65 years ago. Today, Observatory scientists continue the institution’s long tradition of addressing important questions in the Earth and planetary sciences.
Closing in on Antarctica
We are less than a day away from our first study area on the continental shelf in front of the Dibble Glacier. As we approach Antarctica we are starting our science program with a 4500 meter deep CTD and multibeam acquisition.