Bottled Water Can Contain Hundreds of Thousands of Previously Uncounted Tiny Plastic Bits, Study Finds
Using a new technique, scientists have been able to identify extremely minute plastic fragments in bottled water, 10 times more than previously counted.
Water Week Event Sparks Deep Discussion Around Community-driven Urban Planning
More than 70 researchers, government officials, consultants, and academics came together at the Forum to discuss alternative solutions and approaches for water action in cities.
First ‘Worlds at Waste’ Conference Takes an Interdisciplinary Look at Water in South Asia
From glaciers and landslides to displacement and flooding, two Columbia University professors broke down academic silos and reflected on water issues.
Affordable Energy and Water Are Out of Reach for the Urban Poor. Providing Both Would Be Simple.
A visit to a slum in Kampala, Uganda, reveals how the poor pay exorbitant prices for basic utilities that other city dwellers take for granted. The problem could be easily solved.
Glaciers a Common Thread Throughout New UN Climate Report
Across many chapters and sections of the new IPCC report, glaciers help to tell the story of climate change’s global impacts and how communities are responding.
Shannon Márquez: Empowering Women and Girls Through Access to Water and Sanitation
The engineer and environmental health researcher studies the intersections of gender, water, sanitation, and hygiene.
An Immersive Art Installation Records the Sounds of the Sea
Columbia’s School of the Arts will present Jana Winderen’s “The Art of Listening: Under Water,” February 3-13.
Professor Indrani Pal Recieves ‘Moonshot Award’ for Her Water Work in California
Pal and her team identified how a data-driven approach would enhance the state’s ability to predict water supplies.