State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


Climate Information, Meet Public Health Problems

IRI scientist Madeleine Thomson talks with a participant during the Summer Institute poster session The climate and public health fields would seem to be a match made in heaven. However, practitioners in those fields often have a hard time connecting. That’s why the International Research Institute for Climate and Society has been playing matchmaker for the past four years by putting on the Summer Institute on Climate Information for Public Health.

The Summer Institute is a two-week course designed to bring these communities closer. This year the course, organized in partnership with the Center for International Earth Science Information Network and the Mailman School of Public Health, brought together 10 professionals from around the globe. Their research interests and experience were as diverse as the places they came from. You can read about some of their stories in more detail in IRI’s latest feature story.

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12 years ago

[…] That’s why focusing climate and international development efforts on present variability and change can have immediate impacts. The IRI, Goddard said, promotes these kinds of efforts, working with scientists in developing countries in order to co-creates appropriate decision systems using seasonal and other climate forecasts. IRI’s efforts to train scientists on how to develop and disseminate good climate information has helped create climate-resilient systems ranging agriculture to water management to public health. […]

13 years ago

it is really a good initiative that the International Research Institute for Climate and Society tries to bring practitioners in these fields together. I’m sure that when this happens moe and more that it will improve a lo research and for example als give better medicines.