State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

What Would Happen if the Earth Were Actually Flat?

flat earth map
If Earth were flat, you’d know it, because a lot of things would work differently. Photo: Pexels

Welcome to the new year, 2018. The Earth has yet again made a revolution about the sun. But not so fast. If you subscribe to the idea of a flat Earth, then you’d believe that no such thing happened, because the sun rotates in a circle around the sky.

Humans have known for thousands of years that the planet is round, yet the belief in a flat Earth refuses to die. Members of the Flat Earth Society and several celebrities, including Atlanta rapper B.o.B and NBA player Kyrie Irving, claim to hold such beliefs. Let’s examine, then, how the well-known principles of physics and science would work (or not) on a flat Earth.

Gravity Fails

First of all, a pancaked planet might not have any gravity. It’s unclear how gravity would work, or be created, in such a world, says James Davis, a geophysicist at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. That’s a pretty big deal, since gravity explains a wide range of Earthly and cosmic observations. The same measurable force that causes an apple to fall from a tree also causes the moon to orbit the Earth and all the planets to orbit the sun.

People who believe in a flat Earth assume that gravity would pull straight down, but there’s no evidence to suggest it would work that way. What we know about gravity suggests it would pull toward the center of the disk. That means it would only pull straight down at one point on the center of the disk. As you got increasingly far from the center, gravity would tug more and more horizontally. This would have some strange impacts, like sucking all the water toward the center of the world, and making trees and plants grow diagonally, since they develop in the opposite direction of gravity’s pull.

Solar Problems

Then there’s the sun. In the scientifically supported model of the solar system, the Earth revolves around the sun because the latter is much more massive and has more gravity. However, the Earth doesn’t fall into the sun because it is traveling in an orbit. In other words, the sun’s gravity isn’t acting alone. The planet is also traveling in a direction perpendicular to the star’s gravitational tug; if it were possible to switch off that gravity, the Earth would shoot away in a straight line and hightail it out of the solar system. Instead, the linear momentum and the sun’s gravity combine, resulting in a circular orbit around the sun.

The flat Earth model places our planet at the center of the universe, but doesn’t suggest that the sun orbits the Earth. Rather, the sun circles over the top side of the world like a carousel, broadcasting light and warmth downward like a desk lamp. Without the linear, perpendicular momentum that helps generate an orbit, it’s unclear what force would keep the sun and moon hovering above the Earth, Davis says, instead of crashing into it.

Likewise, in a flat world, satellites likely wouldn’t be possible. How would they orbit a plane? “There are a number of satellite missions that society depends on that just wouldn’t work,” Davis says. For this reason, he says, “I cannot think of how GPS would work on a flat Earth.”

If the sun and moon just loop around one side of a flat Earth, there could presumably be a procession of days and nights. But it wouldn’t explain seasons, eclipses and many other phenomena. The sun would also presumably have to be smaller than Earth so as to not burn up or bump into our planet or the moon. However, we know the sun to be more than 100 times the diameter of the Earth.

Removing Heaven and Earth

Deep below ground, the solid core of the Earth generates the planet’s magnetic field. But in a flat planet, that would have to be replaced by something else. Perhaps a flat sheet of liquid metal. That, however, wouldn’t rotate in a way that creates a magnetic field. Without a magnetic field, charged particles from the sun would fry the planet. They could strip away the atmosphere, as they did after Mars lost its magnetic field, and the air and oceans would escape into space.

Tectonic plate movement and seismicity depend on a round Earth, because only on a sphere do all the plates fit together in a sensible way, Davis says. Movements of plates on one side of the Earth effect movements on the other. The areas of the Earth that create crust, like the mid-Atlantic ridge, are counterbalanced by places that consume crust, like subduction zones. On a flat Earth, none of this could be adequately explained. There’d also have to be an explanation for what happens to plates at the edge of the world. One could imagine they might fall off, but that would presumably jeopardize the proposed wall that prevents people from falling off the disk-shaped world.

map of flat earth
How some Flat Earthers map out the planet. The Arctic is at the center, and an “ice wall” around the edges supposedly prevents people from falling off. Image: Wiki Commons

Perhaps one of the most glaring oddities is that the proposed map of the flat Earth is totally different. It places the Arctic at the center while Antarctica forms an “ice wall” around the edges. In such a world, travel would look very different. Flying from Australia to certain parts of Antarctica would, for example, take forever—you’d have to travel over the Arctic and both Americas to get there. In addition, certain real-world feats, such as traveling across Antarctica (which has been done many times), would be impossible.

Falling Flat

Contrary to popular belief, it’s a misconception that many societies of serious, educated people ever actually believed in the flat Earth theory. “With extraordinary few exceptions, no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the Earth was flat,” historian Jeffrey Burton Russell noted in 1997. “A round Earth appears at least as early as the sixth century B.C. with Pythagoras, who was followed by Aristotle, Euclid, and Aristarchus, among others in observing that the earth was a sphere.”

As the scientist and writer Stephen Jay Gould once wrote, the idea that many people—including the Spaniards and Christopher Columbus—believed the Earth to be flat was largely concocted by 19th century writers such as Washington Irving, Jean Letronne and others. Letronne was “an academic of strong anti-religious prejudices… who cleverly drew upon both to misrepresent the church fathers and their medieval successors as believing in a flat earth,” Russell noted.

In any case, while it’s fun to imagine counterfactual scenarios, science proceeds by coming up with theories to explain observations. When it comes to these theories, the simpler, the better, Davis says. The flat Earth idea, however, clearly begins with the idea that the planet is planar, and then attempts to twist other observations to its benefit. You can find odd explanations for individual phenomena under this framework, says Davis, but “it falls apart pretty quickly.”

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Lynn Kempen
6 years ago

It is painfully obvious you have not investigated the Flat Earth theory.
Proverbs 18:13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.

Please explain why we no longer have the technology to send a man through the Van Allen belt. Then give me one example of the alleged curve, which, per your model’s dimensions, drops 8″ per every mile squared (8″ in 1st mile, 32″ at 2nd mile, 72″ at 3 miles.) This is should be readily documentable on any large body of water. Yet, there is not one physical example found on Earth.

1 Thess 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Sarah Fecht
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
6 years ago

Hi Lynn,

We don’t have the technology to send humans through the Van Allen belt because the U.S. stopped making rockets that are meant for human spaceflight, period. NASA and SpaceX are currently working on fixing that with the SLS and Falcon Heavy.

Further reading:

Reply to  Sarah Fecht
4 years ago

We don’t have technology to push in nothing (rockets in vacuum). The Globe theory fails majorly in few aspects: Full moon in day time is IMPOSSIBLE. We should see Venus only on day sky always, yet it appears on night sky. if you think it went past horizon u just need some huge lenses and zoom in. SURPRISE it appeared again. navigators do this all the time. Ohh water has a property: it shows the perfectly flat level. And lastly why would you name a spinning rock PLANet? Plan means flat, et or est in latin: is flat

Reply to  bogart
4 years ago

Actually we do, i literally just saw something about it. Firing a rocket into an asteroid to deflect it slightly. We dont have towing technology yet but we do have the means to deflect a hazardous comet or asteroid

Jay Dog
Jay Dog
Reply to  Mel
4 years ago

Gods word is true hasnt anyone heard of the fermament, He placed the sun, moon and starts in it, thats why on a cloudy day the suns rays display crepuscular Rays, same as a street light shining through fog the rays splayed out from a localized light source just like the sun it’s only about 3,000 miles in the sky set in the fermerment.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Jay Dog
3 years ago

Find an online dictionary and look up for the meaning of the word Firmament, it doesn’t mean the atmosphere, or the dome… it means the Heavens or space.

Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

I’m sure that’s a recent change. When one reads the Bible it says God created the firmament to divide the waters above from the waters below. Seriously don’t think air or space can divide waters above and below with a barrier. Fi

Phelix Vanzant
Phelix Vanzant
Reply to  Tray
3 years ago

If what you stated is true then the firmament was released during the flood.

Nicholas Collins
Nicholas Collins
Reply to  Phelix Vanzant
1 year ago

It was also rolled open again later after the flood.

Reply to  Phelix Vanzant
1 year ago

Only partially, if you read the Holly Scripts, you will see that firmament was open, and the water came from below, from the earth itself. Even today earth is full of natural water deep beneath…

Nicholas Pappapetru
Nicholas Pappapetru
Reply to  Phelix Vanzant
11 months ago

There is no flat earth model period

Reply to  Tray
2 years ago

Why does it always have to be about God? Science just simply proves this!!!

Your Face
Reply to  DaBomb
2 years ago

Well I believe science is completely correct and the earth is round *Obviously* But for my beliefs, God Is One To Be Thankful To And Loved

Reply to  Your Face
2 years ago

Are you sure your understanding of God purpose is tune with truth ?

Vernon L Brannon
Vernon L Brannon
Reply to  DaBomb
2 years ago

Because God put everything in place and holds it all together.

Reply to  Vernon L Brannon
2 years ago

God doesn’t “personally hold it all together”…
He created the Laws of Physics to do the “holding” for him. You should consider that God as the Creator, implies that everything that exists; matter, energy and the effects of physics are of his creation and that would include the Laws of Physics. In simple words, he created the laws of physics such as gravity to hold everything together… otherwise He would have had to be permanently holding the Universe together, and on the first Sabbath or Sunday, when he took his first rest, it all would have fallen apart.

Nicholas Collins
Nicholas Collins
Reply to  JoeBlack
1 year ago

The Sabbath is Saturday.. not Sunday..

Reply to  Nicholas Collins
1 year ago

Correctamundo! Mr. Collins! Mr. JoeBlack must be from our friendly Church folks up there around the great city of Rome, Italy, the Vatican City. The Sabbath is the last day of the week, Saturday. Maybe it’s a type O!

Reply to  Nicholas Collins
1 year ago

You lost the meaning: Sabbath or Sunday, whichever applies to the reader, because everyone counts, whatever their religion.

Reply to  Nicholas Collins
1 year ago

Yes, the Sabbath is the Holy Day of rest. The Holy Day of rest was replaced by sunday, thanks to the Catholic church…even that is forbidden to change the Holy Scriptures words…

Reply to  Nicholas Collins
1 year ago

And, you’re actually incorrect. The Sabbath is from Friday at sundown and ends Saturday at sundown. Either way, you deflected by from his point by nitpicking, and ignored his point, which is that God rested on the seventh day.

Reply to  Nicholas Collins
1 year ago

No proof our Saturday is Gods 7th day. In fact following Israel’s ancient calendar makes the 7th day eventually fall on every day of our week. . Sabbath just means rest , man was to work 6 and then rest . That rest can fall on any day of the week. On many European calendars Sunday is the 7th day

Dan Herlihy
Dan Herlihy
Reply to  Kyle
1 year ago

The Romans used an eight day week/cycle until 321 AD when Constantine decreed there would be a seven-day week in the Roman calendar and set Sunday as the first day of the week.

Reply to  Nicholas Collins
1 year ago

What if the sabbath was lunar based and not by the popes calendar? Who thought to change times and laws?

Reply to  JoeBlack
1 year ago

Great reply. I 100% agree with you. And one of the glaring facts that bothers me about most flat earthers is that they make the word of God basically a manual to understand how the earth is flat and if you and that is basically God’s msg for us to know, when in really the word of God doesn’t even imply that any of this is important, but even tells us in Job that most things in Gods creation are far beyond our comprehension. My question to you my flat earth friends is; how serious do you take the easy to understand scripture, such as how to live, to turn from sin. To not love the world and so on.

Reply to  Ernesto
1 year ago

Thanks… true that the shape of the Earth is not important to God, as is its natural function does what he intended, without his constant intervention to keep it “running”… and the flat model wouldn’t be able to do that… and if you add that it wouldn’t work according to the Laws of Physics, the model would be an instant failure, beginning with its high and heavy atmosphere that would crush all life on it… without a Sun to provide the heat and energy that regulate the temperatures that favor all life, feed the vegetable kingdom, etc…

Reply to  Ernesto
1 year ago

Exactly! This is what I’ve been telling my flat earth friend. His obsession with this topic has become a distraction to what he should be doing as a believer (sharing the Gospel). I just had a gospel conversation with a flat earther and he even admitted this….that he was too consumed with it. We turned our conversation to Christ and his words about salvation and this young man accepted Jesus and became part of his kingdom forever. Praise God!

Reply to  JoeBlack
1 year ago

The Bible says God gave the sun/ moon/stars their paths in the sky and the seasons… so God did create Laws for them, he doesn’t have to hand hold them thankfully!!

Reply to  JoeBlack
1 year ago

I love what Joe Black said! I believe in science – and! in a Creator Entity. I never personally found the two to be mutually exclusive…

Reply to  JoeBlack
1 year ago

Sunday is not the 7th day.

Reply to  JoeBlack
1 year ago

@joeBlack Collossians 1:17 would disagree with you

Reply to  DaBomb
1 year ago

Because without God there is no science

Reply to  Kyle
1 year ago

Then why is science slowly but surely disproving alot of your religious text? Therefore slowly eroding the spaghetti monster in the sky himself then?

Reply to  DaBomb
1 year ago

Bazaar ideology why even argue with them? Im sure flat earthers this is simply an attempt to shame christianity by bringing out wacko’s who insist the earth is flat. They argue by speculation yet provide not one point of legitimate theory to counter existing theory. This is a group of people that have been lied to by so many people that they don’t believe anyone anymore.

Justin Harvey
Justin Harvey
Reply to  Tray
2 years ago

Atmosphere is space, it is not, outer space. Atmosphere has the clouds (water above), Oceans (water below.)
Gen 7:11 says the waters of the flood came from the great deep, and from the heavens.

Reply to  Tray
1 year ago

Actually air can easily displace about any liquid, so your theory on the magic invisible guy and his fairy tales has no room in a logical debate. Also you guys know that rich white men throughout history edited your book of answers to fit themselves, right? Unless you have access to the Ethiopian texts or dead sea scrolls handy, your point is invalid…. didn’t think so. Carry on..

Katie caven
Katie caven
Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

Yes correct and the firmament is heaven within our atmosphere according to the Bible. And if you believe Jesus is our lord than you should certainly believe it is possible the earth is flat. Everything we know to be reality has been controlled, sensored, and exposed over time by rich and power humans and the war of good and evil is as real as it gets.

Bo Bogus
Bo Bogus
Reply to  Katie caven
2 years ago

If there’s anything I’ve seen in our nature, it’s that people tend to hate doing things that gain them nothing. So answer me this — what would these people gain by claiming that the world is round? Conversely, what would they lose by claiming it to be flat?

Last edited 2 years ago by Bo Bogus
Reply to  Bo Bogus
2 years ago

Bc you can come to the conclusion of the earth being flat by reading the Bible but if all these worldly leaders get ppl to believe that the earth is a globe then it would make the Bible seem false or atleast the beginning. The leaders of this world are of this world not of our God. But I guess I’ll have to wait till I look back on my way to heaven and see if it’s a globe or flat either way doesn’t matter God is omnipotent and omniscient

Bo Bogus
Bo Bogus
Reply to  Dan
2 years ago

I too read the Bible, so perhaps I should refer you there. Revelation 7:1 says that “After these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree” (King James Version). Then, we have Isaiah 40:22, which says “It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in” (King James Version). If you take both of these verses literally, then they are entirely impossible to reconcile because a circle doesn’t have corners.

Bo Bogus
Bo Bogus
Reply to  Bo Bogus
2 years ago

It occurred to me that I should clarify my point that even if the Bible claims the Earth is flat, it can’t even tell us the shape it makes. For both shapes to be true, one or both must be metaphorical. So, couldn’t it be possible that in describing the Earth, God might have been speaking to the Hebrews using language and concepts that they would understand? Consider if I were to describe to you how a computer program works. One way would be to simply describe what the program does: given these x inputs, it basically performs y function. Now imagine I told you the same information by reciting every single line of code. You almost certainly wouldn’t understand it, and you’d forget two thirds of it by the time I got through a dozen lines. It would be pointless, as you wouldn’t learn anything from it, even though everything I would be saying is true.

In the same way, God would not have spoken using the equations and scientific principles we know today because nobody would have understood. Instead, he spoke using concepts and words the Jews understood, so that they could get the basic concept of what He was saying. That would include any reference to the shape of the earth.

Danny Stefanovski
Danny Stefanovski
Reply to  Bo Bogus
1 year ago

God Does mention it several times sitting in his thrown looking down at the circle like a compass.

A compass draws circles .
Not spinning cartoon balls .

Water needs a container .
Hence the Antarctic icewall .

Look at the United Nations logo,

Exactly the true flat earth map registered by the Americas Patent Office for over 100 years which all pilots ñavy army and all sophisticated guided missiles and radar and sonar systems rely on and ONLY WOULD WORK ON FLAT EARTH .

Penny Stanley
Penny Stanley
Reply to  Bo Bogus
1 year ago

Neither does a spinning ball!

Reply to  Bo Bogus
1 year ago

With respect, That’s the four cardinal points North, South, East & West. There are cardinal points on a globe. The Bible does not state whether the earth is a globe or flat. The Bible has verses in it we correctly say these sections are written figuratively. As in a 1,000 hills we know there are more than a 1,000 hills on the earth. So now it’s a SQUARE earth is it. If it has four corners it would be a square. Look at what would happen if the earth was FLAT. If you were God looking down you would see a globe as a circle. Put an orange on the lawn stand on a tall ladder take a photo it would appear as a circle. Glad you read the KJV. I think the problem is people do not always see when God uses figurative speech and literal speech. We just had a full eclipse of the Sun seen in Exmouth Western Australia just a few hours ago 20/4/23. Why here in Perth did it not go totally dark as it did there? Because of the curvature of the earth because it’s a globe and the position of the sun & moon revolving in their delegated path’s around the earth. And it’s a circular shape you see which as with the orange does not make it a flat circular object.

Reply to  Narelle
1 year ago

Perfect explanation.

Reply to  Dan
2 years ago

The Bible is also missing 15 entire books, we call those missing books the apocrypha. Now, if humans can simply remove 15 entire books from the Bible, what is stopping them from changing a few words? Listen, the Bible is worth considering. It shouldn’t be taken as hard fact. If you want hard facts, ask God for the truth and He shall reveal it to you in His time. As for flat or round earth, it doesn’t matter. Do you plan on leaving earth for any reason? Plus why would earth be the only flat planet in the universe? Also, if its flat, why does it cast a round shadow on the moon?

Danny Stefanovski
Danny Stefanovski
Reply to  Dustin
1 year ago

It doesn’t ..

It is also written in Every other çuluture in the world belief.
United Nations Logo is the true flat earth map that is registered and patented by the American góvernmént
to be true and correct for the past 100 years .which has been used to navigate the world without any correction .

Reply to  Danny Stefanovski
1 year ago

WOW! Are you wrong or just… anyway, just try flying from anywhere on the US west coast to Hawaii, for example, using that flat earth may and I absolutely guarantee you will end up stranded in the ocean. If you represent the earth on a flat map, you MUST fly a “Great Circle” route or you will likely DIE , if flying over a major body of water. Pilots have known this they started flying long distances, back in the 1920’s actually. It’s not a conspiracy, it just a fact: if you fly long distances, and you want to end up where you want to (and not die in the drink), you fly a great circle route that is generated on a flat surface to the the earth being a globe. Sorry if the facts upset you, but lives are at stake.

Durwood Whitman
Durwood Whitman
Reply to  Dan
1 year ago

Humans wrote the Bible. How do you know that they didn’t just make it up. You are putting all your faith into a single human that wrote the Bible. That human was of this earth. You choose to believe one human over millions of humans with nothing to gain. That one human that wrote the Bible had everything to gain.

Nicholas Collins
Nicholas Collins
Reply to  Durwood Whitman
1 year ago

You can clearly see the writing styles are different, so no, it was not one human that wrote God’s word.. it was many.. and yes, the bible has been proven true with it’s accounts of history..

Last edited 1 year ago by Nicholas Collins
Reply to  Dan
1 year ago

Isa 40:22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,and it’s people are like grasshoppers.

Reply to  Rick
1 year ago

I’m a bit late to the conversation but here is my input! If you consider the 2 verses enthroned above the circle of the earth could still mean the earth is flat. If they are looking down from above its very likely the shape of the earth is a circle which would not mean it’s a sphere necessarily. And the other verse about the angles standing on the four corners. Then angles would be physically on the earth the 4 corners being north, south, east, and west. I’m still unsure on my stand point. But I sure as hell don’t trust the government.

Reply to  Rick
1 year ago

Get on a plane, when you get to cruising altitude, look out and around the airplane… the Earth looks like a circle, but the ground resembles nothing like the whole Earth!.. Globe or flat, true, but the view is according to what we should see on the globe Earth and not the flat earth, for there are no recogizable flat earth map features, no ice wall, no complete continents or seas even if you do see the apparent end/edge… but what you really see is the horizon which is only 224 miles away from 33-35 thousand feet up… look out the opposite side of the plane window, another 224 miles to the horizon, make it a 448 mile in diameter, NOT a 24906 mile diameter circle.

Next, look at the blue sky… the blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering and only happens in the presence of atmospheric gases… Next look up at the darkened sky, that indicates the lowered atmospheric density, at that altitude you are over most of the atmosphere…. Next look up at the darkened sky, that indicates the end of atmospheric gases which mostly (99.9%) end at 50 miles, but?… doesn’t the flat earth atmosphere go up to the dome?… There’s no such thing as a flat earth, nothing in Nature is disk shaped, nothing is naturally encased in a glass dome… only the mentally blind see what’s not there, without evidence, without reasoning, without a care for the globe Earth facts that are right in front of our eyes.  

God is much Greater than flat earthers make Him out to be… and with His Greatness, why would He Create a tiny, disfunctional, deadly, piece of flat plane, without a Star (Sun), and without the unmeasurable lights in the night Sky that clearly show us the Greatnes of His Creation.

Go out to a desert on a clear night, where no light pollution obstructs the view, and see the amount of stars that look like dust clouds due to the distance and abundance that would not be able to hide in the daytime. That is His Real Creation, and not the puny thing you call home plane-et Earth, where asteroids wouldn’t have ever been possible, and yet we film them, hear them, see them and even suffer their caused damage. Quite a difference that only the blind will not see.

Brian Village
Brian Village
Reply to  Dan
1 year ago

Yeah nobody’s ever once come forth out of all the worlds scientists and all the worlds leaders mmmkay. Keep following your cult.

Reply to  Dan
1 year ago

The word you so cherish, was also altered by above said men?

Reply to  Katie caven
2 years ago

The Bible doesn’t say the Earth is one shape or the other… the firmament doesn’t imply it either… that conclusion is not based on religion nor science but flat earth pseudo-science which is based on 100% lies, because everything about the flat earth can be proven wrong, and the top flat-eathers know it, and when some aspect of it debunked, they simply replace it with another lie. I call those changes lies, because they know they are fooling people, and making money from the followers. And you should know that flat-earth is not a Religion and if they made it one, it would be a sacrilegious religion, being based on lies. You may believe in flat-earth, but I don’t believe, I know the Earth is spherical.

To me, what the Bible means with waters above from waters below and firmament in between, because the atmosphere contains huge amounts of dispersed water, in the air as humidity, moisture and clouds.

At any moment, the atmosphere contains an astounding 37.5 million billion gallons of water, in the invisible vapor phase. This is enough water to cover the entire surface of the Earth (land and ocean) with one inch of rain.”

eric mayes
eric mayes
Reply to  JoeBlack
2 years ago

how do you know the earth is a sphere?

Justin Harvey
Justin Harvey
Reply to  eric mayes
2 years ago

How do you know it is Flat.
How is the sun sphere?
Or the moon?

Reply to  eric mayes
1 year ago

eric mayes said: “how do you know the earth is a sphere?” 

Your eyes see it, your mind understands it… I’ve known since before I ever got in elementary school… watching the horizon from the beach, I never though of it as flat… don’t recall how I got that impression but what I do recall it that following the horizon line from 90º left to 90º to the right, I did see a curve… Same curve you see when you turn around 360º on a boat, away from shore… You see a horizon 360º around you and realizing you’re only seeing a limited distance of a few miles, and that you’re standing at the center of a 2.8 mile radius circle, that wouldn’t be possible in a flat earth where all you would be able to see was a view around you, as far as the eye could see, a much greater distance than 2.8 miles… but, not the case in reality.  

Another observation: The horizon may look flat directly ahead, but observing the blue or cloudy sky touching the horizon line 2.8 miles ahead… that, says it can only be a spherical Earth, and show such view. 

Same if you’re on a airliner: 35000 feet altitude, if you look out the window, the horizon is 224 miles away, look out the opposite side window, same distance, you see around 360º, it’s a 448 mile across circle, too puny to be the flat earth’s edge… you don’t see an Ice Wall, you don’t see the geographical features you see in a world map, round or flat, and if you’re more than 224 miles from a coast, you can only see land… The obious and logical conclusion is that wee are not on a flat earth…. It’s that simple.  

Reply to  JoeBlack
1 year ago

What do such people gain from saying the earth is flat compared to what do people gain from saying the earth is a globe? Prove the horizon and zooming lens wrong if you can so easily say everything can be proven wrong

D zim
D zim
Reply to  Katie caven
1 year ago

Amen to that, sister.

Reply to  Katie caven
1 year ago

If God never said the Earth is Flat, why should I believe that lie?… You can prove this yourself, go search online for a Bible website they usually include all editions of the Bible, so you can search for the Book, Chapter, versicle for the passage where God said the exact shape (not wheat you want to understand), and you will not find any versicle that says flat it may say plane, but that word also applies in this spherical world, and will not say “flat”.

Saying that the Earth is flat, ant that there is no Universe, without any evidence, is not only wrong but offensive to God because with his great unlimited power he wouldn’t settle for a puny dysfunctional, cold, deadly place not only for humanity but for all life that’s incapable of supporting at least 100 times the measurable 14.7 psi of atmospheric pressure. This is just a small sample of all the arguments that make flat earthers very wrong.

Reply to  Katie caven
1 year ago

Meant to type plain, which applies to a Quote: flat expanse of land that generally does not change much in elevation, and is primarily treeless”. Imagine the flat earth without many trees or forests, jungles, etc.

There’s a very extensive description of the correct meaning of the Word here:

Reply to  Katie caven
1 year ago

This includes all the texts you use to prove your Christian theology? So what does that say to rational people? You are a walking contradiction ?

Old Skool
Old Skool
Reply to  Joe Black
2 years ago

If you go by the online dictionary, you will get a boatload of misinformation and inaccuracies, especially when pertaining to the Bible. Nowhere in the Bible does it mention a universe. It does mention multiple levels of the Firmament/Heavens. To be fair, there are a lot of new age “Bibles” that have come about, claiming that they represent an interpretation of the King James Bible only to touch way off base.

Reply to  Old Skool
1 year ago

Furthermore the bible is still written by man and as such subject to interpretation. It probably changed a minuscule bit with every translation. Although god is omnipotent, man is not.
Unlike laws of physics which have been proven and are not open for interpretation.

Christopher Tilton
Christopher Tilton
Reply to  Old Skool
1 year ago

God took Job on a tour of the Universe to show him what He created…

Reply to  Joe Black
2 years ago

If taken from a hebrew word (which I wish I understood better) I believe firmament is something like raqiya and literally means the hammering out of gold or some sort of metal like hammered out sheets. Truthfully that is a MUCH closer meaning of the word firmament and GOD says it (the firmament) divides us and the Heavens. There is also 3 Heavens in the Bible if you research. I believe one is above us where the birds fly and the second is where the stars (possibly angels) are and third is the throne room of GOD sitting on top of us all.

Bart Florczyk
Bart Florczyk
Reply to  Joe Black
2 years ago

Thank you. Someone with common sense.

Reply to  Joe Black
2 years ago

Look everything up in Hebrew then you’ll see.

D zim
D zim
Reply to  Joe Black
1 year ago

Upon looking up the word “firmament,” Google/Safari gives a simple definition — as per Wikipedia, so do take lightly — of a structure built above earth’s atmosphere as a solid dome. Perhaps once upon a time this & your definition meant the same thing. Who knows, except God? I guess…

Last edited 1 year ago by D zim
Rey l castillo
Rey l castillo
Reply to  Joe Black
1 year ago

How can a firmament exist in an infinite space?
In biblical cosmology, the firmament is the vast solid dome created by God during his creation of the world to divide the primal sea into upper and lower portions so that the dry land could appear.

Christian Sister
Christian Sister
Reply to  Joe Black
1 year ago

Seriously! You send us to a man’s definition of a Godly word? The Bible was written so that man can understand it if he chooses to “rightly divide” the word.

Last edited 1 year ago by Christian Sister
Reply to  Joe Black
1 year ago

In Hebrew ‘ raqia firmament’ means arch of the sky , expanse

Reply to  Kyle
1 year ago

The original Hebrew text says in Gen. 1:7, in part, “Vayya’as Elohim et-haraqiya…” Raqiya means expanse. So, translated is, “And God made the expanse…”
Gen. 1:8 says, “Vayyikra Elohim laraqiya shamayim…” Shamayin means Heaven, or sky. Translated is “And God called the expanse Heaven, or the sky…”
Though your definition is correct, there’s nothing about firmament in the text.
That word was used in the KJV translation and is look at as a solid structure so people run with it… even though the original texts say nothing of a solid structure.

Reply to  Jay Dog
3 years ago

I could physically feel my brain cells committing suicide while reading this

Matt Hollars
Matt Hollars
Reply to  Deshawn
2 years ago

You have explained my exactly thought about ignorance in these subject matters. Thank you and no ignorance is NOT a bliss.

Bart Florczyk
Bart Florczyk
Reply to  Deshawn
2 years ago

I’m with you, I honestly can’t believe some people still think this way. And I believe in the Christian God myself and these people are an insult to God

Danny Stefanovski
Danny Stefanovski
Reply to  Bart Florczyk
1 year ago


Im with you like God will always be with us.

They àll believe in cartoon ball earth that was disproven to it moving

But fixed and stationary like it says iñ the Bible .

1800 Michaelson ànd Morley experiment .

1962 operation fishbowl
Operation Dominic

Lorice Walker
Lorice Walker
Reply to  Deshawn
2 years ago

I absolutely agree with you… Whatever happened to discernment..

Reply to  Deshawn
1 year ago

Absolutely. How do these flat earthers ever pass high school?

Reply to  Jay Dog
3 years ago

Isaiah 40:22 states the God sits enthroned on the circle of the Earth (Hebrew word there means sphere. Also used in Isaiah 22:18 interpreted as “ball”) God’s Word clearly states the Earth is round. Don’t misrepresent the Word of God

Reply to  Tom
3 years ago

How about you do some research you before you open your mouth? There are separate words for sphere and circle in Hebrew. Stop misrepresenting the Word of God..look it up, it’s called ‘Goo-gle’…sheesh

Katie Caven
Katie Caven
Reply to  Tracy
3 years ago

Yes and in Addition to opening ones moth we should also open our eyes and stop letting “ Goog elsh” information tell us what is factual when it’s all sensored and filtered to support a narrative that is just as crazy as the flat earth theory. I wish people would understand by connecting with god and nature rather than believing everything they see and read as truth.

Reply to  Tracy
3 years ago

i’d like to thank you, because this is the funniest thing i’ve seen all day.

Reply to  Tracy
2 years ago

This comment section:

0 : mouths open.
2 : sides of opinion clashing
X : Priceless ammount of clownfoolery.

Katie Caven
Katie Caven
Reply to  Tom
3 years ago

The Bible is also full of metaphors. I look forward to your verses that support the earth being flat. They are in there –

vinton zwahlen
vinton zwahlen
Reply to  Katie Caven
3 years ago

revelations 20:7-9 research the word BREADTH look into the concordian and greek and hebrew language interpretations !

Reply to  Katie Caven
2 years ago

talks more in regards to globe/ circuit in root of hebrew words explaining the earth is only thing that someone could use, but most will take out of context Enoch.

Reply to  Katie Caven
2 years ago

do you also believe its flat

Fox Schaffer
Fox Schaffer
Reply to  Tom
3 years ago

Don’t forget, God sits ANYWHERE on a Globe, and the NUMBER of actual circles He’s sitting upon is INFINTE!!! Also, dinosaurs and LARGE fossilized insects REQUIRED an ice (water above the firmament) with equal and opposite magnetic PUSH to resist 1G of Gravitational PULL, creating a hyperbaric paradise, but 2G atmosphere, and explains 50% increased oxygen found in Fossilized amber that scientists are baffled by. The thing that boggles my brain, did THEIR (flat/disc earthers) think that God half-assed it to take a day off??? I mean THEIR world is a facade designed to deceive us??? That doesn’t sound like MY God, the God of the Bible. Lastly, go look at Quantum Physics, Inner Space, they notice, looks VERY much like our own Universe! So me, I want to serve a HUGE and very COMPLETE God, if they wanna put “Half-assed god in a box” and think He’s the same, that’s on them! But I asked my friend, WHAT EVIDENCE WOULD YOU ACCEPT TO CHANGE YOUR CORE BELIEF IN A FLAT EARTH??? He couldn’t answer me, so that tells me he doesn’t want to change what he believes?! But hey, God gave him that free will to do exactly that!

Reply to  Fox Schaffer
3 years ago

Explain to me then how the Mississippi River flows. When according to the (so called) curvature of the earth it would have to flow uphill 11 miles? Not for 11 miles but 11 miles in height!

Reply to  Mark
2 years ago

It doesn’t, you are misunderstanding how directions work.

J. W.
J. W.
Reply to  Mark
2 years ago

Kindly written, the images of spherical bodies in space are so available and universal that to write and speak otherwise is clearly a willful mental departure from reality. Willful. We know what’s going on in your minds. The only question is how to help you or ignore you best. Go to your club meetings and commission a flight to edge of Antarctica. Quite affordable for your collective group. Bring back some photos of where the flat planet ends. Otherwise talk harmlessly amongst yourselves.

Eric Hickman
Eric Hickman
Reply to  J. W.
2 years ago

To you sir I say educational practices might very well be a fruitful endeavor. You do sound as if you can grasp a concept quite well. I can assure you within this regard, an in depth study of what has came to be a very large group of extraordinary intelligent people scholars and misfit alike, a earth of a shape other than spherical is most certainly the case at hand.

John Doran
John Doran
Reply to  Eric Hickman
2 years ago

You say a VERY LARGE group, at it’s last FE convention it attracted 900 people? More people have actually proven the globe theory than you have members, so think again. And a misconception that Antarctica is prohibited and guarded by military personnel only, well one of the laws of the treaty is no military personnel or practice may be carried out here, many people work here, and many people visit, but still to see a 24,000mile 150ft ice wall…It is the only continent that belongs to noone, so you don’t even need a visa to visit, if your country is part of the 1959 Antarctic it’s perfectly feasible to visit here like thousands have.

Danny Stefanovski
Danny Stefanovski
Reply to  John Doran
1 year ago

Yes it is monitored ànd guarded airspace as well as sea by us navy.

You cannot go there on your own unless your on tour guide .

There are photos of the icewall and if you do your research you will discover why.

Yet gravity and spinning globe theory were proven that they were made up in the 1800s

Eth Ki
Eth Ki
Reply to  Danny Stefanovski
1 year ago

One word. Gravity

Reply to  Danny Stefanovski
1 year ago

Dear Danny, trust you are well. Do you know expeditions have successfully crossed Antartica. If it were a wall surrounding a flat circular earth with the Artic in the centre how is that possible it would have taken an eternity. Please check these facts. Expeditions have crossed Antartica.

Reply to  Danny Stefanovski
1 year ago

You are mistaken.

  1. The airpace isn’t guarded. There are just regulations and some restrictions in place to ensure the safety of aviation activities and to protect the environment. The International Civil Aviation Org. establishes the guidelines and regulations.
  2. The sea isn’t guarded…From the IAATO .org website: Each year, hundreds of visitors go to Antarctica onboard sailing or motor yachts to experience this unique ecosystem. With this rewarding adventure comes a responsibility: careful planning and preparation are needed to legally travel to and stay safe in Antarctica.
  3. You can indeed go there on your own. Though doing so requires jumping through many hoops as you need a really good reason for doing so, Check out
  4. The photos we see of this so-called ice wall are actually of an iceberg that is several hundred miles long. As long as the earth has been around, not a single person has flown or sailed any significant distance along this ice wall to show that it exists. and this whole, “because it’s all guarded” excuse is just silly..
Danny Stefanovski
Danny Stefanovski
Reply to  J. W.
1 year ago

In a vacume of space you need a çontainer to keep all the gas in which is impossible ..

They are not planets but wondering luminary stars and the moon is a translucent plasma

They are not solid objects .

Bart Florczyk
Bart Florczyk
Reply to  Mark
2 years ago

It’s called pressure from the rest of the current upstream and the 11 miles in height is spread out over such great distances that water pressure moving in 1 direction could easily do that

Reply to  Mark
1 year ago

If the earth is flat, why does it or any other river, flow at all… and in the same direction?

LC Haro
LC Haro
Reply to  Fox Schaffer
3 years ago

your conjecture about dinosaurs/fossilized insects/firmament is just that. We don’t know what the earth was like when those things happened. We were not there.

One of the most important things about the flat earth movement is that it truly challenges our assumptions. We have so many more assumptions than we realize. When I first challenged by this idea, we tend to go back to those things and argue with them. Little by little, if we are honest with ourselves, it all begins to unravel. some rely on what they were taught in school growing up. Some have become physicists and can fill huge black boards with mathematical equations. (Look how well mathematical projections served us in the plandemic, and you will see how useless they are in the real world, when there are variables not accounted for.) assumptions based on assumptions are made before we did the math on how big and how large things are “out in space.“

Instead of arguing, it would be nice to get down to brass tacks of what we do know for sure, Versus what we speculate to be true.

Reply to  LC Haro
2 years ago

About a year before I really woke up I had an epiphany and came to the realization that everyone should know I realized the only thing we can be sure of is the fact that we can’t truly be sure of anything at all not 100% history is written by the victors how do we know the good guys won, bad guys definitely won’t tell us the truth and will make themselves look like the good guys that frame of mind is really essential when you start examining the world and trying to figure out what exactly is going on, only then you realize almost everything we’ve ever been taught is a lie, government doesn’t want an intelligent population that can tell that the government is screwing them over and only want you smart enough to push a button when you’re supposed to and to be good little obedient workers that don’t question anything K through 12 schooling system was put together a hundred years ago to educate a population of factory workers that only needed to know when to push a button

Last edited 2 years ago by Kyle
Reply to  Kyle
2 years ago

Good points. I think I can come to the same conclusions a while back also. I also believe the Bible is the actual only 100 percent factual truth of any kind of history on Earth and has never been proven inaccurate. I also believe there is only 1 “good guy” and 1 “bad guy” out here and that is GOD and Satan! If you ask me the meaning of our life here, it becomes VERY simple by definition and also very easy or very difficult depending on how you choose to look at it and that is the meaning of life is to LOVE GOD! Learn to love GOD and live by example of Jesus in spite of Satan and this world which he rules. We truly are spiritual + physical beings together and life truly is a giant battle of good and evil. The real fight isn’t with other humans, governments, organizations etc.. but the fight is with Satan the prince of this world and you must pray to GOD and trust GOD to do the fighting for us!

eric mayes
eric mayes
Reply to  Jon
2 years ago

the only way you could say the bible was the only true book is if you have the first book. there have been many translations of the bible. which one is the real truth and what changes were made to help the powers of the time to put their version of the truth.

John Doran
John Doran
Reply to  LC Haro
2 years ago

True in so many ways, although I don’t think mathematics is a problem solver with a viral pandemic unless it’s for statistical analysis, projected outcomes, or data correlation. But you have several valid points, but for anyone to deny dinosaurs existence is either ignorant or uneducated, not saying you are either mate, but with so many relics and fossils to full skeletal systems have been uncovered and reconstructed and many adorn museums, I know some are castings of originals to recreate but these originals must surely not just be dismissed as another cover up or there is serious proof of mistrust in all fields and to smear honest people that spend years in archeological digs, scientific research that’s required years of studys a little unfair because of a conspirital mind. I myself hold doubts in certain areas but hold belief in the hard work and effort put in by hard working,honest people as truth. It’s higher up the ladder I hold contempt.

Reply to  LC Haro
1 year ago

Well I was in college biochemistry during the pandemic and we studied several equations that deal on how strongly and how often a drug or antibody binds to the coronavirus spike-proteins hindering the virus ability to infect human cells similar to what medical researchers were doing to come up with treatments for the illness. Furthermore, to build radiology equipment used in hospitals typically requires much physics training as the equations are useful in studying how light interacts with matter like in human tissues and dyes injected in the humans. If physics and quantum mechanics did not work none of the common technologies used these days would work. For the record the physics that goes into our technologies supports a spherical shaped planet in which a flat earth would collapse in on itself. Even other objects we have observed in the solar system that are too small in mass to collapse in on itself into a spherical shape are anything but flat such as comet churyumov-gerasimenko.

Reply to  LC Haro
1 year ago

LC Haro please think about this. Buzz Aldrin himself stated they did not go to the moon. No one can travel past the Van Allen Belt. So they fib. However you cannot Patent anything that occurs naturally or if it a part of nature or anything that is known facts like maths for example. To patent the flat earth means THEY MADE IT UP. Check with a Patent Attorney ask them they will tell you that is true.

MIke Shellenberger Jr
MIke Shellenberger Jr
Reply to  Fox Schaffer
2 years ago

Earth Is round and spinning all proven facts. Antarctica is 5.84 million sq miles 5th largest continent on NO IMAGINARY ICE WALL EXISTS. Bible proves earth is round and space is real and endless universe. Hurricanes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, Jetstream, earth quakes can’t happen on a flat earth . Stop believing in debunked conspiracy theories with zero evidence to evidence to back up your claims you delusional flerfers.

Last edited 2 years ago by MIke Shellenberger Jr
Eric Hickman
Eric Hickman
Reply to  Fox Schaffer
2 years ago

You are allowed to hold your beliefs. Though when your belief is the right to degrade by verbal insults, then your belief is wrong. We flat earthers have done our homework in both fields and made our choice. I know with all conclusion that you have not. Please keep the insults and if you choose to debate a flat earther then furst understand the argument. Understanding the arguement must be done by educational practices not verbal insultive remarks.

Reply to  Eric Hickman
1 year ago

Bless your heart flat earther. You are right insults show immaturity. However the UN patented the flat circular earth. You cannot be given a Patent for any natural thing or known!!!! Anything be it plant, animal, the earth, maths, as it’s known. So they made it up. Ring a Patent Attorney and he will concur that is a fact. You have to invent a thing. You Patent it to lawfully protect your invention or idea. I own Four Intellectual property patents. I achieved them without a patent Attorney. I had to study for months but I did it.

John Doran
John Doran
Reply to  Fox Schaffer
2 years ago

Man, the most lucid answer I’ve read, there is no changing the mind of the indoctrinated by belief, and that’s all it is, a belief system, no fact. No years of philosophy or science and mathematics to back it up, just some flat earth priests, filling the empty or succeptible minds of people. There’s no reasoning with them I’ve encountered…to phrase god is a last grasp at straws. Everything and everyone in the last 2000 years to prove astrophysics, the government, media, are all lying on this massive agenda. For what purpose? Madness

Reply to  Tom
3 years ago

First off remember that the Bible is written by man. Man has the ability to change it in any form or way he sees fit to do so. As far as god and thrones and such in the Bible speak of yawway that was the name of the Annunaki king that came here to rule it says we was made in his image the image of man the image of Annunaki. God created your spirit not your body that’s the image of my god not a human form but a spiritual one. Most of the Bible has been changed or major parts left out to fit the narrative of those controlling things. Using the Bible as a reference to prove flat earth is not a good reference IMO because you are once again going on what controllers have placed in it. It’s not the actual voice of God. You can’t even say it was overseen by God because then that takes away our source of choice. Most people are seeing by now that the top level of the religions around the planet are curropt and have been hand picked for a reason. The pope being the worst and committed horrible crimes but if you don’t believe in cloning I guess you would have a hard time understanding this. There are so many things we yet don’t understand for all we know the earth could be flat and a sphere at the same time. Lunar rocks cause weird things to happen when crushed to powered and applied like corn from seed to maturity in a week. I assume that’s why any lunar asteroid that falls on USA soil belongs to the government they don’t want you learning the properties of physics from other planets or other planets moons because our moon didn’t come from here or the proposed crash theory. So with so many lies can anyone really believe anything about what we know or have been taught.

Jeff black
Jeff black
Reply to  Tom
2 years ago

It could also mean that it’s only half a ball with the bottom part being flat and the top being rounded. Imjustsaying

Reply to  Jeff black
2 years ago

No. It couldn’t. At all. Ever. Under any circumstance. The earth is, and always has been a spherical object. Anyone who thinks different should be properly educated using reality. Imjustsayin

Sketch P.
Sketch P.
Reply to  John
2 years ago

This is what the ancient Hebrews understood.
It’s in ‘The Book of Enoch’ as well.

Charles Tulloch
Charles Tulloch
Reply to  Sketch P.
1 year ago

To think that the world is flat is rediculous.then to back it up with a story book proves that point.religion is made up to give people answers to questions they couldn’t answer have answers to those questions through scientific does someone take a boat around a flat earth?why do planes navigate with the curve of the earth to make trips shorter if we live on what your saying is a piece of plywood.with some mystical angels holding the oceans in place.cmon are you guys serious with this?people have been here a long time and no one has ever found the edge yet.hhhmmm

Reply to  Tom
2 years ago

You don’t need Hebrew to explain anything, use the KJV Bible and the Bible only to explain itself. In Is 22 18 says ball and 40 says circle. In English and that’s all I know as a language. Circle is not a sphere, so therefore we can not ASSUME that it is a sphere, the only reason you would think so is you are trying to fit the model, that you know into what the Bible says, instead of letting the Bible speak for itself. God sit’s upon the circle of the earth which just by the meaning of the word means it is a plane. The only other verse that I know people use is in Job where it says he hangs the world on nothing. When you build a house you hang your house on nothing meaning it is supported from a foundation below. In fact if you really study scripture you will see that the Heliocentric model breaks ALL NATURAL LAW. Why would God create the law of centrifugal force only to counteract his own law with the law of gravity. Stars are NOT 3D there is no depth to stars that is why you can navigate by them. The Bible says firmament (meaning firm structure) that is considered a heaven. Bible says, Sun, Moon, and Stars are INSIDE the firmament. “Science” says, they are well outside our firmament. I could go on and on, but you have to make that choice yourself. Read Job 38 God DEMANDS an answer to this question. He is not only demanding it of Job but all of us.

Reply to  Peter
2 years ago

So, explain water drains on each side of the equator. We’ll wait.

eric mayes
eric mayes
Reply to  Henry
2 years ago

that is a myth. I have lived on both north and southern hemispheres and the water does not drain any differently. but hay they were my own experiments. you draw your own conclusions

Reply to  Peter
2 years ago

Have you considered gods throne sitting upon the circle of the earth could very well have been misinterpreted by the human that wrote it down when he was told about god(the annunaki) throne ( his spaceship) sitting upon the circle of the earth ( locked in orbit so sitting on and going round in a circle = orbiting possibly to someone with no words or vision of a technology far beyond our own at that time ….think about how you might explain so.ething comicated to a cbild using words that the child can understand so as toexplain the idea….this is what makes the most sense really

Bill Vecchione
Bill Vecchione
Reply to  Peter
1 year ago

Your the man.. backing u up 1 billion percent God created the earth first then placed light on it and then sun moon and stars then man

Toya Brown
Toya Brown
Reply to  Tom
2 years ago

The Bible does state that the earth is a circle. So is a pancake and a pizza. Both flat and round.

And why does is the UN logo a flat earth? Just wondering….

Sketch P.
Sketch P.
Reply to  Toya Brown
2 years ago

I agree…people most often think of a circle like to a baskeball

Prime Lemur
Prime Lemur
Reply to  Toya Brown
1 year ago

UN flag? Because its a handy way to show all the nations of the Earth in one image. No more, no less. Like all maps, its a projection. All projections (ie flat maps of the Earth) sacrifice one kind of accuracy to retain another. The UN flag, an azimuthal equidistant projection, displays all landmasses at accurate relative distances from the north pole. Its just as easy to project from the south pole. Its just one of many projections, each of which sacrifices one kind of accuracy for another.

Bart Florczyk
Bart Florczyk
Reply to  Tom
2 years ago

It’s funny when u present facts no one from the other side responds.

Alejandra Pena
Alejandra Pena
Reply to  Tom
2 years ago

Circle doesn’t mean sphere and that’s just common sense.

Vernon Ray Sandusky
Vernon Ray Sandusky
Reply to  Tom
2 years ago

Absolutely, and the more I study God’s Word the more I realize how the Bible upholds Science.

Sketch P.
Sketch P.
Reply to  Tom
2 years ago

This is what the ancient Hebrews understood.
It’s in ‘The Book of Enoch’ as well.

Sketch P.
Sketch P.
Reply to  Tom
2 years ago

Read the book of Enoch, its in there.

Reply to  Tom
1 year ago

Can it not be round but not a sphere ..? I mean a circular saw blade is flat and round
and it might be both sides are wrongg and right…could be a compromise of both…when above looking down it would be round and flat across horizontalland
beside that why can’t a spherical globe have a firmament …evidently there aren’t any rules to thinking what the shape is but DAMN… It’ll drive us all nuts though… yes

Dan Miller
Dan Miller
Reply to  Jay Dog
3 years ago

Nice try that’s actually the sun’s Rays shining through our atmosphere which is made up of several layers depending on the temperature

Reply to  Dan Miller
3 years ago

And which layer is the one solid enough to hold pressure? We do have atmospheric pressure don’t we?

Fragile Rock
Fragile Rock
Reply to  Jay Dog
3 years ago

You still believe in mythology? Oh boy… no wonder you don’t understand science.

Reply to  Jay Dog
2 years ago

Yes, the “firmament” just simply translates from Greek/Latin/Hebrew/Aramaic-
Atmosphere. God isn’t as simple and small as flat earthers make Him. He made the Universe the way it is because it’s MASSIVE, and beyond human understanding. Not a paper plate with a tupperware lid. We are NOT God’s pets.

Justin Harvey
Justin Harvey
Reply to  Jay Dog
2 years ago

Taking the Bible out of context is not the way to go. The Bible was written for the people of the time and a certain audience. It was written, not as a science book.

Extraordinarily Stellar
Extraordinarily Stellar
Reply to  Jay Dog
1 year ago

Where in the bible does it talk about any thing in our solar system other than the Earth Moon and Sun…it talks how he made earth in 6 days..nothing about other planets..also I have an open mind why did your God not talk about the vast Universe I have read the Bible countless times there is talk of universe

Last edited 1 year ago by Extraordinarily Stellar
Michael J carloni
Michael J carloni
Reply to  Jay Dog
1 year ago

If the sun was that close to the earth we would not be here because it would be has hot as Mercury and Venus

Thomas Carey
Thomas Carey
Reply to  Jay Dog
1 year ago

People misunderstand what the Bible means about the firmament etc the Bible says nothing about a flat Earth. Firmament means sky or heavens. In fact the firmament has seven planets in it meaning Saturn Jupiter Mars etc showing that it means heavens. If you just do a quick Google search and ask Google if the Bible says that the Earth is flat you will find out that’s not what they mean at all

wayne myhre
wayne myhre
Reply to  Jay Dog
1 year ago

firmament is an old word which has changed in meaning. the word behind it (Hebrew) is raquia, and means “expanse”

Reply to  Jay Dog
1 year ago

Where do meteorites come from?

Reply to  Mel
4 years ago

Uhhh….2 words: FIRMAMENT DOME. Enough already. *SIGH*

Reply to  bob
3 years ago

The firmament would be the solid entity to allow us to have atmospheric pressure!

Reply to  Mel
2 years ago

show me a picture of all the Space Junk. Not a artist picture or computer artist. a simple picture of space junk. surely Elon and Virgin guy have a snap shot of the space junk.

Reply to  bogart
4 years ago

We live on a spining ball flying around space at 5000 miles an hour yet I can’t feel anything. Not to mention flying around the sun at 6000 miles an hour. Man that could rip you arm off if you stick it out the window at 6000 miles an hour. Yet no one can feel it. Heven is above the dome.

John Michael
John Michael
Reply to  FED
4 years ago

Sounds scary doesn’t it the earth spinning at 1000 mph at the equator – remember this is linear speed but we are rotating and the earth is huge and turns in its axis once every 24 hours. Sit on a fairground roundabout and get it to turn a full circle once in 24 hours – not so scary now and you won’t fly off. The centrifugal force exhibited at the equator is massively less than the force of gravity hence you don’t fly off into outer space and neither do the oceans.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  John Michael
3 years ago

Good points, same I use every time I can. The minimum speed to fly off into space is the same lowest orbit achieving speed or basic escape speed which was 17,500 miles per hour first achieved by the mission that put John Glen in low orbit. Gagarin’s mission had achieved 17,029 mph.

After all these years and so much information given, flatearthers have managed to miss everything… seems they prefer to let the mind lose and imagine it all in their own way… they must think; Why waste time learning at school when you can “open the mind” and imagine an alterante “reality”… and maybe get a little boost from a friendly substance.

Reply to  John Michael
3 years ago

If it is spinning at 1000mph, you would be able to fly from NY to LA, but not back! Rotation is from west to east @ 1000mph, leave NY to LA, plane =600mph+1000mph rotation= 1600mph, 2 hrs to LA. Return trip impossible, plane=600mph-rotation@1000mph= -400mph= backing out over the pacific!

Reply to  Mark
1 year ago

So if you are traveling in a car at 70 mph and drop an apple on the floor,what happens?

Eric Hickman
Eric Hickman
Reply to  John Michael
2 years ago

The roundabout is not going fast. 1000mph is very fast, maybe you are thinking of the closer to center, thats where the one rotation would not be felt so much. And regarding gravity keeping us from flying off, which suggests that as I travel north from the equator I should gain massive weight, correct?

Reply to  Eric Hickman
1 year ago

One study was done on the flattest known part of the world on the north american plains, where researchers placed levels across the plain as far as one could see and all the levels gave a level reading. Later, the researchers went into a hot air balloon high above the same plane and observed the curvature of this alleged flat surface. This is indicative that gravity pulls objects of mass towards the epicenter of large bodies of mass. To change your weight, you have to get to a higher or lower elevation, which would make you lighter or heavier respectively under the law of gravitation and can be confirmed experimentally as well. Now calculus is the mathematical study of rates and some ancient greek philosophers contributed to the understanding of calculus by understanding that anytime you zoom in on a curve, the curve will appear to be flat, like a tiny insect experiencing a flat environment while crawling around ones curved arm.

David Gregory
David Gregory
Reply to  FED
4 years ago

The air is pulled as fast as you take a plane flight and toss a ball in the air inside the plane the ball moves as if you are not moving the air in the plane moves with you

Reply to  FED
4 years ago

You cant ‘feel’ speed. You can only ‘feel’ acceleration.
When travelling down the road at 40mph you dont feel anything but if you leave your driveway and ACCELERATE to 40mph you can feel that.

Reply to  Aidan
4 years ago

Stick your head out the window of your car at 40 mph and tell me you can’t feel it

Reply to  Mick
4 years ago

It’s because of air resistance. The air molecules are moved out of the way by your body, and that pushes back against you. Either way, the Earth’s atmosphere rotates with it, so you don’t get that air resistance.

Roger D Deese
Roger D Deese
Reply to  Ethan
3 years ago

Why can’t a helicopter lift up and wait for the spin of the earth to bring destination to it? Why is water always level. No curve. When building train tracks there is no formula for curved surface. The air force even admitted flat surface when working on formulas. Check their documents. We have been lied to for a very long time. We have achieved zero energy. They won’t use it because it would be free and would all but end the oil industry. And nuclear power. Kill our economy for years to come. Lied to,manipulated. They want us to believe there is no God. We are easier to control that way! God Bless. Forget everything you think you know and do your own research.

Reply to  Roger D Deese
3 years ago

Our atmosphere moves with the earth. So whether your helicopter is in the air or sitting on the earth, it continues to move with the earth. Have you ever measured the surface of water? If you ever do, let us know. No document admits a flat surface or a flat earth. The documenmts you’re referring to ASSUME a flat earth or surface for the sake of simplifying calculations. Many flat earthers make the same claim you do, yet not one of them have ever produced a document stating the earth is flat. Flat earthers’ favorite mottos is “Do your own research.” The level of hypocrisy is staggering!!

Reply to  Seth
3 years ago

The air does not move with the Earth, I don’t care wtf Einstein says. If the atmosphere moved with the earth then how do we feel wind? This is the dumbest argument ever. Also, if the atmosphere moved with the earth then everything in it would also move with it, which in turn would make flying against the rotation of the earth a more difficult task as your fighting the resistance of the atmosphere vs the other way with the ‘wind at your back so to speak, thus using much more fuel and a little time even. None of which happens…all.yall do is spout so called arguments none of you ha e tested or even visually verified..thoopid theep..

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Tray
3 years ago

Did you even go to school? The wind is caused by warm air currents rising over cool air currents. As the warm air rises, the cool air flows into the space that the warm air moved out of, thus creating wind. And as for how we can get to where we are going if the earth is rotating faster than us? Just like a train can be going faster than a person, but someone running on top of the train can still get from one end to the other. That’s what it means when someone says motion is relative The person is moving at its normal speed relative to the train, but it’s also going faster than its normal speed relative to the ground.

Reply to  Joshua Noriega
2 years ago

But unlike the person on top of the moving train we aren’t on top of the earth trying to travel we are inside protected by the earth we are still inside so that’s why we don’t feel the earth spinning a 1000 miles an hour because we are inside protected any winds would caused by earth moving would only be felt outside of earth just like people in the train don’t feel the wind unless they open a window so if we could somehow create a window and stick our arm out into space from the inside of earth to the outside of earth we could feel it but not likely considering at that speed anyone would survive. But earths outer crust keeps us nice a nestled inside so we don’t ever feel what’s going on outside goes unnoticed

Last edited 2 years ago by Karen
Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Karen
2 years ago

No, we wouldn’t feel motion if we stuck our arms into space. There’s no air out there to create wind. All you’d feel would be your blood expanding and making your skin stretch from lack of external pressure.

Reply to  Tray
1 year ago

Wind is related to thermodynamics in which a heated system will always lose heat to a cool reservoir. Heated air tends to be less dense than cool air because the molecules making up the heated air are in a more energetic state and on average are further from one another. Heated air tends to carry moisture with it and when the heated air collides with cool boundaries condensation of the moisture happens causing rain clouds to form which form weather systems that causes the warmer air to move out and cool air flushes in to take its place. There can be warm winds and winds without storm development depending on the thermodynamic conditions in a general region. Whats important to weather further is the coriolis effect caused from the differing speeds experienced by on object at the equator vs other parts of the globe north and south of the equator. Due to the spherical shape of the Earth, and a rotational time of about 24 hours the speeds of an object at the surface of the earth vary. For the equator the distance of 24901 miles divided by 24 hours gives close to 1000 mph, however, at the artic and antarctic circles the speed is 9940 miles / 24 hours to get closer to 400 mph. This variation in speed is partially responsible for the tides as well as wind currents that contribute to weather. This effect (not force) is especially observable on Jupiter including its giant red spot. Finally, the helicopter shares the initial velocity of the earth when it takes off, or the helicopter is thrown with the velocity of the earth upon take-off. This is the same reason why an apple can be thrown up on a plane and be caught without moving the hand, because the apple shares the initial velocity of the plane and the earth.

Prime Lemur
Prime Lemur
Reply to  Tray
1 year ago

People have understood atmospheric dynamics long before Einstein. He really has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic. The atmosphere is *coupled* to the Earth’s rotation. Air movement in the form of wind is exceptionally complicated. The Earth’s rotation has certain large scale effects on the movement & circulation of air. But it is also influenced by temperature & pressure at many different scales. Its only in recent years, and within the satellite age, that accurate longer range prediction can be made. Putting that aside … how could the Earth’s atmosphere _not_ rotate with the Earth? We see it happening in exactly the same way on Jupiter & Saturn, both of which have brightly coloured atmospheres that are similarly coupled to these planets’ rotations. How could the atmosphere not rotate … what could stop it from doing so? Yes, everything moves with it … obviously! I’m only surprised by the idea that you think this phenomenon is unexplained! You won’t make much progress with anyone by suggesting everyday phenomena have no explanation. The problem is you (apparently) think everyone else lives in a world of magic & mystery, where nobody has an explanation for anything. The reality is that everything is clearly and precisely explained … you just haven’t bothered checking. Airplanes are not directly affected by the Earth’s rotation. The Earth and its atmosphere is a coupled system. It doesn’t mean they’re rigidly locked together, but the net effect is that it tends to behave that way. Flying is not some magical feat invented yesterday … all aspects of flight are fully & consistently explained in a manner concordant with the commonly accepted understanding of the Earth and its atmosphere … and this should come as no surprise. Flying east or west is completely irrelevant to the mechanics of flight. The Earth isn’t rotating relative to the lower part of the atmosphere, or vice versa. Irrelevant to this question, but worth noting: humans have no innate sense of motion. We can, however, sense a change in motion: an acceleration. It is sensed in our inner ear. Sensory hairs protrude into a small structure, filled with a fluid, that allows us to directly detect any (sufficiently large) change of motion we are experiencing. Rollercoasters (for example) are designed, in part, to overwhelm this sensory organ. But we’re incapable of directly sensing motion. “I don’t feel like the Earth is moving”. Yes, that’s right. We’re not equipped to sense it. Consider the counterfactual: if you could sense motion, and you are travelling at thousands of kph. But it then begs the question: motion relative to what, exactly? Well, not the thing we’re standing on. We are motionless in reference to the Earth’s surface.

Reply to  Seth
3 years ago

Water does not bend! Construction have used water levels to level buildings for thousands of years, yet no round earther can produce a document to disprove this! If there is no Firmament, how do we have atmospheric pressure? There are literally thousands of things that prove flat earth, yet your cognitive dissonance caused by the training you have had since birth won’t let you think for yourself to open your mind and understand all the lies!

Raphan mcleod
Raphan mcleod
Reply to  Mark
3 years ago

But the water in a spirit level is very small only existing over a minuscule amount of land. Perhaps if we were to build an enormous level across the world with cameras that could be placed into an array to display synchronised a flat view of the bubble as not to distort our perception we would see a curve within a seemingly to the naked eye flatly built structure expanding across a flat earth. However to see beyond your eyes capabilities you’d have to rely on science to prove or disprove this. The reason I belive we can’t see this naturally is because we’re not meant to. It’s like the tree of knowledge the more we know the scarier it can get and also the more people or evil forces can slip in confusing mistakes that mathematically can work out for a number of things but then not others. The reason we have no unified theory is that all theories are indeed incorrect but they keep them to make things happen. Science in itself admits broadly that it can make things happen by understanding some concepts within parameters that allow for control or manipulation. However they cannot merge many fields such as quantum mechamics and general relativity, I admit it has been some time I read into these fields but I have heard nothing drastic in report if a unification which I know there would be much talk of.
What I am saying. Is that God indeed created all of this. Gods will is not for us to fight.over it but to know we can’t see it without help or it will blow our minds on both sides of this disagreement we have very close minded people I am wanting call foolish. And yes it used to be water but just to be funny at the end here I’d like to say a spirit level uses spirits like ethanol
But not ghosts, or water. Lol
Ps I have not proof read this so if there are any mistakes my apologies

LC Haro
LC Haro
Reply to  Raphan mcleod
3 years ago

Perhaps you should address the fact that people see much further, with the assistance of telephoto lenses, then the curvature of the earth should allow for. I would love to see such an experiment with even more powerful lenses. Experiments using lasers over long distances of water, being careful about the weather and other details, are pretty compelling. That’s what you need to be able to address. When people see things very far away, they also note that the objects are still fully vertical. They should have a somewhat compressed appearance as if they are leaning away from us if they are on a globe, no matter what the atmospheric conditions are at the time.

I think it would also be good for you to challenge and work on your assumptions about the atmosphere traveling with the globe. if, indeed, the atmosphere is traveling at the same speed as the globe, why would it make sense for the aeronautics industry and the military to “assume“ a flat and non-rotating earth when it comes to air travel from north to south, for example. Talk about a crosswind! and yes, I am using crosswind in a very casual manner. But I hope you get my drift. Even if we do not perceive spinning east-west, something weird should happen if we are traveling north to south. pilots have to cut on the deck for a Crosswinds unrelated to the spin of the earth when they land. How could they NOT have to accommodate if the landing strip is gone from north to south? If they have to course correct to get from New York to South America? None of that is happening, And no one calculated for that even before they had computers for airplanes.

I challenge you to challeng your assumption.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  LC Haro
2 years ago

First of all, give me one example of someone being able to see too far. I bet you can’t. and buildings appear to be vertical because the dropoff of the curve, not the rotation, is what causes buildings to be obscured by the horizon. And course corrections are made on flights all the time. That’s the whole reason pilots exist, so point invalid.

Gary Ryan
Gary Ryan
Reply to  Joshua Noriega
1 year ago

There are many examples of seeing to far . An easy search . Mt San Jacinto in 3D Infrared, seen from 123 miles away, 4k. .This would be impossible on a globe with the radius of 3959 which is suppose to be earths. Earth is scientifically provable flat and nonrotating . Just as your Bible says . If you believe in your Bible . To believe in the spinning space ball is just …Well , Stupid .

Last edited 1 year ago by Gary Ryan
Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  LC Haro
2 years ago

And a drop of several miles because of earth curvature is only a curve of fewer than ten degrees, so obviously, buildings don’t look tilted.

Reply to  Mark
2 years ago

What about Bermuda Triangle there is still a lot of unanswered questions maybe we just don’t know everything yet just bc it doesn’t ever appear to bend doesn’t mean there isn’t an explanation Im just saying maybe we should all have open minds cause truly nobody knows everything I’m listening to both sides but staying suspicious bc an open mind can still learn

Reply to  Mark
1 year ago

Water doesn’t bend? Have you ever used a level? Why is the air bubble inside a level a round shape? Clearly it’s ‘bending’ or ‘curving’ the water ‘around’ it inside the vial. Why are drops of water or other liquids a perfect sphere? Go to the search engine of your choice..any search engine. Go to Images and type in- drop of water -you will see water forms a perfect sphere when dropped. Even when dropped on a flat surface, a bead of water holds its rounded shape. If water doesn’t bend, how does it ‘bend’ into a spherical shape?

Prime Lemur
Prime Lemur
Reply to  Mark
1 year ago

The amount of curvature over any building’s floorplan is negligible. Water obeys the laws of physics. All points equidistant from the centre of the earth (or the centre of the earth’s mass, more precisely) experience exactly the same gravitational force. Water doesn’t “bend”, and describing it that way is an appeal to ignorance rather than intuition. Water will move to the configuration with the lowest potential energy. That point (for water that is contained in some way) is where all points on its surface are equidistant from the centre of the earth. That’s not “bending”. The atmosphere behaves in a very similar way. All of these things are clearly & thoroughly explained. Obviously. They’re not hidden or secret. They’re easier than at any time in human history to access. You haven’t lifted a finger to check any of the stuff you heard in a social media video. You just believed it, because it was wrapped in an attractive (to you) narrative. If you want proof of water’s behaviour, there are countless photos of ships, taken from kms away, where most of the bottom of the ship is missing, hidden by the Earth’s curvature. The top quarter or third is clearly visible … “taking out a telescope” won’t help: the part that is visible is crystal clear. The bottom part isn’t somehow further away, but just needs more magnification. Its actually hidden by the Earth’s curvature … and this is an everyday reality for anyone who works in ports where very large ships dock. There’s an Australian guy who worked at Singapore Anchorage & photographed many of the largest ships on earth. Hundreds of his crystal clear photos show ships at differing distances as they approach S.A.

Reply to  Seth
2 years ago

The Bible is my irrefutable document of proof. Ask GOD! (read Job 38)

So you and others say the atmosphere rotates with the earth and all that stuff; so tell me wouldn’t that have to limit this rotation to a single direction? Does that even sound logical to you? If you “propel” yourself “with” rotation or movement (for or against), I can’t see possible to use the exact same propellent, mass, speed, everything in going the opposite direction and getting the same results ie distance in same amount of time.

As far as documents assuming a flat earth to “simplify” calculations you are talking about people that fly jets and airplanes around and you can’t “simplify” these things. That is silly. Flying hundreds of miles an hour (and faster) and the so called curvature drop equates to something like 8 inches every square mile or whatever, I’d think you would need to “calculate” this into your flying … seriously think about it.

“Do your own research!” How is this hypocrisy exactly? It is great advice!

Lorice Walker
Lorice Walker
Reply to  Jon
2 years ago

Tbh I feel that God shouldn’t even be used to justify your explanations of what you deem to be questionable science. Because at the end of the day there’s a reason and purpose for everything that’s happened and is still happening in our existence here on earth. You’re counter arguments are fortunately amongst the minority so I take comfort in that fact.

Bottom line discernment and critical thinking have waned greatly I see.

Reply to  Jon
1 year ago

The ancient egyptians believed in a spherical earth based on mathematical measurements done by the ancient greeks. The egyptians were very religious and worshiped deities that resembled animals like cats and birds. It seems that most flat earthers who claim biblical evidence for a flat earth would only need to be born in egypt under this religion during this time to have their priests tell them and ultimately convince them that the earth is spherical to be convinced. Just blatantly going with what some priest says or what some very old book says without offering any evidence requires absolutely no critical thinking. There seems to be a positive correlation with a complete lack of critical thinking and these horridly ignorant pseudo-science concepts.

Reply to  Seth
1 year ago

Yes, and snipers in the military are trained to account for the curvature of the earth in their long distance shooting which is even said by Chris Kyle in his American Sniper book.

Reply to  Roger D Deese
3 years ago

“Simple and obvious answer: because there’s no net horizontal FORCE acting on the helicopter to cause it to move to a different location.“ (found this online)

Lorice Walker
Lorice Walker
Reply to  Anna
2 years ago

This statement is a perfect example why the internet has proved to be more bad than good. So much information with different interpretations has led to a plethora of conspiracy theorists triple than before the internet took off. I’m not saying it’s not useful but with that comes a whole new world in which you have to filter out what you’re taking in.
This is where discernment and good critical thinking are lacking in the digital age.

Riovo Gaming
Riovo Gaming
Reply to  Roger D Deese
3 years ago

the helicopter is also spinning at the same rate as the earth, as it is part of the earth’s atmosphere. Also, the earth is massive. I suggest you get a ping pong ball and a basketball. which one curves more? if you had any sense, you would say the ping pong ball. just take that example and scale it up by a factor of 1.5 x10^23 times. That is 15, followed by 22 zeros. That is how massive the earth is, it is so massive that you can’t even begin to imagine it. so you cant detect the curvature over short distances, just like an ant cant detect any curvature on a basketball. I have dumbed this down as much as I could while still keeping it relevant, and if you don’t understand this, I truly pity you.

Reply to  Riovo Gaming
3 years ago

The curve of the basketball and ping pong ball are the same lol

Reply to  Leon
3 years ago

No, it is not. They are both spherical, but they have a different curve. Basketballs are larger and curve more “slowly”, meaning that the angle is larger due to larger surface area. Ping pong balls are smaller and curve more “quickly”, meaning that the angle is sharper and has less surface area. Now, they do have the same RELATIVE curve as compared to their sizes, but not the same curve in general.

Reply to  Natsujin
3 years ago

Wrong! The angles are all the same, all angles add to 360. It is the basketball’s perimeter or circumference that is larger, but the angles are the same…this is elementary fgs..

Reply to  Leon
3 years ago

True, a sphere is a sphere. They all have 360°. Another daf argument by a globalist

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Tray
3 years ago

Imagine you are the size of a flea on the surface of that basket ball. Would it not look flat to the flea where ever it looked around? It, too, would see a flat horizon all the way around it from its perspective. It’s the same with earth. It is HUGE, you are SMALL. I really can’t believe people don’t think before commenting.

LC Haro
LC Haro
Reply to  John Smith
3 years ago

When NASA sends up cameras, We see the curve of a fisheye lens. When amateurs send a Camera to the same height, we see a flat earth. Pilots see a flat earth, as do passengers, unless the window is curved. NASA has presented us with a series of big blue Marble photos, round and globular. They proclaim that this is the earth. But they got busted, Because they used a lot of CGI and claimed sometimes that pictures of Jupiter were taken in different years, And yet all of the details in the clouds etc. were in identical places. as the evidence for flat earth grew, and they could no longer ignore the fact that things are a lot further away from each other in the southern “hemisphere“ then the globe would suggest, we started to hear people like Neil Degrasse Tyson tell us that the earth was an oblate spheroid, fat around the equator… And then he said that it was pear-shaped. Well, there is nothing pear-shaped about the pictures we have been shown of the earth. So apparently they were not just doing CGI on the continents and the cloud cover, apparently the entire shape of the world is wrong as well.

Really, you cannot blame people for thinking that what we’ve been taught since we were children has been a lie when we are faced with that sort of thing. People who are still firmly entrenched in their beliefs, what they were taught in school as opposed to what they empirically discovered for themselves, they need to wake up and realize what they don’t know. Their tax dollars, over $50 million a day for God knows how many years, have been going to a government agency that is lying to us. I think some answers are long overdue.

Reply to  LC Haro
2 years ago

is nasa is the only space station in the world . what about other space station. i m a indian and i dont believe that my government trying to hide that earth is flat. there are thousands of scientists around the world who are gelogists , are they are lying that earth is spherical.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Tray
2 years ago

Actually, you’re wrong. Measure the distance of the radius of a basketball, then go horizontally from the top of the basketball until you reach the length of the radius. Then, go down the length of the radius. Do the same with a ping pong ball. That’s a 90-degree curve for both, correct, but if you repeat the process on a basketball using the diameter of a ping pong ball, that’s much less than 90 degrees. This proves beyond doubt that ping pong balls curve more than basketballs. Another simpler way to prove this is to go around the circumference of a basketball once with measuring tape. Using the same length of measuring tape, count how many times that length goes around the ping pong ball. It’s many more times than the one that it goes around a basketball. So 360 degrees of a basketball is more than 360 degrees of a ping pong ball. This means the ping pong ball is more curved.

Reply to  Riovo Gaming
3 years ago

Great way to explain it!!!

Reply to  Riovo Gaming
3 years ago

Those four words you spoke “the earth is massive” is something they just can’t understand and upon that lack of understanding stems their delusion. I wrote it in eleven words:

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Gabriel
3 years ago

They also cannot think 3 dimensionally. Also, if you went due east in a straight line in a boat, let’s say, assuming there were no land masses directly in your path; you’d set off and eventually you’d end up right back where you started from. Explain that, flat earthers! Oh, that’s right, you can’t, because that can only happen if the earth is a globe (it is, by the way, we checked).

LC Haro
LC Haro
Reply to  John Smith
3 years ago

First of all, you start with a big “if“ and proclaim that it would be true. You failed to account for the fact that it’s really hard to sail anywhere in a straight line, and that a compass will always point you to a magnet even if you are circling it. all circumnavigation of the earth is easily explainable on the flat earth model. What is puzzling or historical accounts of people attempting to circumnavigate the southern hemisphere, experienced sea captains, navigating by the stars, who say that they traveled 50 to 70,000 miles during their circumnavigation, and the sea captains who found themselves unexpectedly on the wrong side of continents based on using the globe understanding.

As I mentioned to someone else, we have been shown “pictures“ of the world by NASA. And yet now, we are being told that the world is an oblate spheroid. Then we are told that it is pear-shaped, fatter on the bottom. If this is the case, NASA lied to us about their globe images. Or they are lying now. So… Your argument falls apart even before it gets started. There’s nothing scientific about saying that IF people could circumnavigate the world from east to west in a boat, it WOULD Be proven that the world is a globe. That’s not proof. It is pure speculation.… Based on what you have been carefully taught, which is based on what NASA has told us about the shape of the earth. PS, all ancient proofs of a globe also apply to the flat earth model. It is scary out here in the world when you realize you’ve been lied to By the people that you respect and have faith in. Most of them were simply repeating the lies that they had been programmed to teach. The fact is, we don’t know the shape of the earth.

MIke Shellenberger Jr
MIke Shellenberger Jr
Reply to  LC Haro
2 years ago

Earth 25,000 miles in circumference obilate sphere weighing 13 septillion tons. Can’t feel that speed. Also hurricanes, plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquakes, Jetstream can’t happen on a flat earth. Stop believing in debunked conspiracy theories with zero evidence to back up your claims. There is zero evidence of a flat earth. All experiments flerfers did failed miserably.

Reply to  LC Haro
2 years ago

all circumnavigation of the earth is easily explainable on the flat earth model.” This is incorrect. If you calculate distance between places on the flat earth model and compare them to the round earth they are not the same. Then when you travel the time it takes to get to said place matches with the round earth and not the flat earth.

Jeff black
Jeff black
Reply to  John Smith
2 years ago

Yeah but what happens setting off due South? Where would you end up then please explain good sir or sim or ger

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Jeff black
2 years ago

If you go south you get to Antarctica. In fact, you try it yourself and get a job there. Then run to your flat-headed friends and destroy their universe by telling them Antarctica is a place, not a wall.

Reply to  Gabriel
3 years ago

So you are a street preacher that does not believe in the book of Genesis?
Earth Created Before the Sun: Genesis 1:1-19
Universe is Complete, NOT ever expanding: Genesis 2:1

or that

Earth is a Disk/Circle, not a ball: Isaiah 40:22, Proverbs 8:27, Job 38:13-14

or that

Earth is fixed and immovable: 1 Chronicles 16:30, Psalm 33:9, Psalm 93:1, Psalm 96:10, Psalm 104:5, Psalm 119:89-90, Isaiah 14:7, Isaiah 45:18, Zechariah 1:11, Hebrews 11:10, 2 Peter 3:5

there are many more examples in the Bible.

Reply to  Mkek
2 years ago

The Book Of Enoch.

MIke Shellenberger Jr
MIke Shellenberger Jr
Reply to  Mkek
2 years ago

Wrong Bible proves earth is round and space is real and endless universe. Antarctica is 5.84 million sq miles 5th largest continent on EARTH. NO IMAGINARY ICE WALL EXISTS. Hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, Jetstream, plate tectonics can’t happen on a flat earth. Stop believing in debunked conspiracy theories with zero evidence to back up your claims.

Reply to  Roger D Deese
3 years ago


John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Roger D Deese
3 years ago

In order of your questions/points:

1) What are you talking about? The atmosphere and thus, the air is rotating with the earth. This is why the helicopter can hover and not “fly” off in the direction of the earth’s spin. There is also something called “conservation of momentum”. Research it, you may find this fascinating.

2) It’s not. Level does not mean the same as flat. Check the actual definition of level as used in physics; you’ll be surprised as to it’s real meaning.

3) Anything that is half a mile or more long has to account for the curve of the earth: i.e. bridges and yes, even train tracks.

4) No they didn’t. Whoever wrote those “documents” doesn’t work for the dept. of defence. No pilot believes the earth to be flat, either, as navigation only works on a globe.

And your last point: it is YOU that needs to research more and stop listening to idiots on YouTube, such as Eric Dubay, Nathan Oakley, Nathan Thompson and other flat earth nutters. They all spew the same non-sensical rubbish which bears no resemblance to logic or reality.

LC Haro
LC Haro
Reply to  John Smith
3 years ago

there are, indeed, pilots who do not believe the earth is a globe, but employers don’t like them to talk about it. There are weaponry experts in the military who do not account for curvature at all. yes, including long-distance missiles. Some of their systems are based on rather primitive predecessor systems and work just fine. again, it is not acceptable in the military to discuss the flat earth model. So people don’t do it. Not openly.

Challenge your assumptions.

Jeff black
Jeff black
Reply to  John Smith
2 years ago

I’m calling BS on number 3. Simply on the fact that I’ve talked to many surveyors and when I would ask them do the take in consideration for the curvature of the earth not one said yes. As a reference it was surveyors in Florida that were working on the new bullet train going out to Port Cape Canaveral.

Reply to  Roger D Deese
3 years ago

ok, so there are 7.674 billion people on earth, roughly 8.7 billion species (types not individual animals) and tons of vegetation. you’re going to need a huge planet to accomidate all of that. that’s why you can’t see the curve of the earth while you stand on the ground, the earth is just so huge.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  fire_lord_hollander_13
2 years ago

There are 7,953,950,000 people on earth actually

Reply to  Roger D Deese
2 years ago

I just recently noticed that In The Book Of Enoch he sees Earth under a dome when he rides through the sky with the messengers.
I am just saying ‍♀️

MIke Shellenberger Jr
MIke Shellenberger Jr
Reply to  Marie
2 years ago

Book of Enoch is not God’s word. Only the Bible is God’s word.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  MIke Shellenberger Jr
2 years ago

Bible was written by people

Reply to  Roger D Deese
2 years ago

Here is the thing. People have done the research which is why the earth is round. Modern day science can and does easily explain everything we experience when it comes to a round earth. If you examine the flat earth theories they can’t be explained scientifically everything just falls apart. Flat earthers do not scrutinize evidence of a flat earth like they do a round one. I can’t wait for man kind to have orbital space flight for the masses. Then all you flat earthers can see it for your own eyes and finally stop the crazy. Of course the flat earthers that don’t see it won’t believe the flat earthers that do. They will just say they have been brain washed or some other crazy thing. Or if they see it for their own eyes they will say the government is using a technology to trick their eyes of what they see through a window. Like a TV screen. So even if we do have public orbital flights or a colony on the moon some flat earthers still won’t believe it. It will just be another government conspiracy to control the population.

Bart Florczyk
Bart Florczyk
Reply to  Roger D Deese
2 years ago

Put water in a wine glass. Somehow it conforms to ball shape of a wine glass. Isn’t that something? I though it was always level.

Prime Lemur
Prime Lemur
Reply to  Roger D Deese
1 year ago

Oh … and there’s no “free energy”. Harnessing & manipulating energy has been central to human development. People have been poking it & prodding it for centuries to understand all its forms. We’re surrounded by vast amounts of energy, and there are forms we don’t fully understand. Our transition to renewable energy, whatever form that finally takes & wherever that may eventually lead, is the closest we’ll get to “free energy” in the foreseeable future. In _economic_ terms, the commoditised resources we’ve ben relying on for energy production aren’t the most expensive part of the chain of processes & technologies that provide use with usable power. The cost of processing, refining, transport or transmission, conversion &/or conditioning are what makes energy expensive. And once every century or so, the whole lot is up-ended as we evolve our energy sources & consumption. There’s literally nowhere to hide “free energy”, no matter who it might disadvantage. Its easier now than at any time to place something in the public domain in a way that cannot be interdicted. 50 years ago, you might’ve at least been able to mount the argument. But not today.

Reply to  Ethan
2 years ago

So the atmosphere “spins” with the so called body of earth right? That would have to be in one direction right? I think that would explain throwing something high up and coming down in app the same area OK but that certainly gets a little screwy explaining now why an airplane gets from LA to Washington DC the same time going the same speed in EACH direction. I would believe that would be some serious tailwinds fighting the rotation of the Earth coming back LOL… think about it … I will wait!

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Mick
3 years ago

What your talking about is wind resistance, not the acceleration… if you accelerate from o to 40 mph you will feel it, but not while holding a steady 40 mph. Pick the smoothest road possible, shut the windows and drive at a steady 40 mph. you will not feel acceleration (or wind resistance).. you may feel road irregularities but the Earth is not on a road and it doesn’t encounter wind resistance. only vacuum… well, not really a vacuum but rather empty space; where no air, gases, or matter have ever been (except for occasional fast traveling dust & meteor particles).

BTW calling space a vacuum is wrong, a vacuum is the dragging force of moving air through a hose or duct, or the vacuum created in closed chamber, but space is not a created vacuum or held in an enclosure, but the original and complete absence of atmospheric air or other gases or matter. Both the Big Bang or the Bible start saying or implying there was nothing at the beginning… so, what is so strange to flat earth people they can’t accept the facts?

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Joe Black
2 years ago

Vacuum: A region of space devoid of matter. It isn’t a force. There’s no such thing as a vacuum force. Just pressure pushing things into the vacuum gives the illusion of suction. Space is a vacuum. The reason it doesn’t suck up the atmosphere is that gravity is a force that holds down the atmosphere.

Reply to  Joshua Noriega
2 years ago

Maybe I generalized a bit back there… what I meant is vacuum as a “force” is the relative/partial vacuum created by flowing air through a vacuum cleaner’s hose. The idea got stuck in my mind from a response I gave to a FE guy that argued that the vacuum/emptiness of space can’t exist because it would take an enormous and powerful vacuum cleaner to create it.  

So, in that sense, a relative/partial vacuum is something man creates in an enclosure with the use of a vacuum pump, but Space is not something anyone created, it’s the void which is absent of matter or energy in any form. At least that’s what it was before the Big Bang, and still is beyond the borders of the Universe, and drawing from your conclusion that space is a vacuum, the void beyond the Universe may be what is sucking it and creating its Expansion. 

Sounds crazy, I know… but? Give it some thought!

John jacob
John jacob
Reply to  Aidan
3 years ago

Are you being serious. Yiu can’t feel speed, so cant feel motion? This is not an accurate post to state something like this. Can’t from speed…wow

Reply to  John jacob
3 years ago

I’m not on either side as of right now but if we were born while the Earth was already done accelerating, then we wouldn’t feel anything because it’s speed is already stable.

Reply to  Sergio
3 years ago

But if you lived in Florida for your first 30yrs of life spinning at about 800 mph and then move to Alaska for a few months you wouldn’t feel the 450mph decrease in speed? I still can’t figure out how a plane can take off on an west to east runway in Alaska and land on a north south runaway in Florida. How does it compensate in that speed change?

Reply to  Jason
2 years ago

That is because you lack an education and if you educate yourself and read the explanation you refuse to believe it because everything that proves you wrong you believe to be manipulated by the government.

For example. You go into space. You are floating in a space suit looking at the earth and you see a sphere. You would probably claim that the helmet is a Virtual Reality helmet and what you are seeing isn’t actually what is in front of you. Even if you examined the helmet you would assume that they are playing a “trick” on you. Manipulating what you see somehow. Why? Because you believe the earth is flat. Most flat earthers are so broken in their thinking that no amount of evidence will ever convince them. One day humans will be colonizing other planets or at least the moon and flat earthers will still exist.

Reply to  Sergio
2 years ago

With the elliptical orbit of earth as it moves around the sun, the earth speeds up as it is closer to the sun. Look it up or “Do your own research”. Wouldn’t you feel that acceleration as we got closer to the sun and feel the deceleration as we moved farther away

Reply to  Shinra
1 year ago

Yes, and some plants like cannabis require this phenomenon to stimulate the breeding cycle in that plant. As the planet goes towards the sun, after the northern hemisphere experiences its summer solstice, the frequency of light between the light source that is the sun and the earth experiences a blue shift under the photoelectric effect. A blue shift correlates with an increase in energy stimulating the breeding cycle in plants (and can vary depending on the plant and its energy needs). Indoor growers even have to induce this phenomenon artificially by changing their light source from a yellow light bulb to a more intense blue light.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  John jacob
3 years ago

Conservation of momentum. It’s a thing. Travel in a car at 60mph, apart from slight bumps and undulations in the road surface, going around bends, etc., you do not feel much of anything, are not pinned to your seat and can move freely. You certainly don’t “feel” that your body is moving at all so you don’t feel the speed. You only feel the acceleration or the slowing down because of inertia. Objects at rest tend to want to stay at rest unless acted upon, the same as objects in motion tend to want to stay in motion unless acted upon. Basic high school level physics.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  John Smith
3 years ago

3rd-grade level physics actually.

Reply to  John Smith
2 years ago

thats cos u r protected by the car get on a motorbike at 60mph and tell me u cant feel speed? most jets fly about 700mph if they flying into 1000mph spin they wud end up flying backwards?

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  John jacob
2 years ago

But you can’t. You can only feel changes in speed.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Aidan
3 years ago

Known as G Force (gravitational acceleration).. and Earth is not accelerating, or spinning so fast as to expel anyone off the surface… the centrifugal force created by a rotation of once every 24 hours is negligible… about 0.00341 G.

Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

It’s not about the full rotation, but the speed at which it rotates…1000mph is not negligible….

For example, a merry-go-round thats 63 ft in circumference would go 2.7 ft/hr to make a full rotation every 24hrs. Very slow. Now get on a merry-go-round that’s 6300 ft in circumference, 100x the size of the previous. Now your going 270ft/hr. And you think you wont be able to feel the difference in speed between the two?? Wow is all I got to say to all yall

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Tray
3 years ago

The centrifugal force of the earth is only enough to make you 5.5 ounces lighter at the equator than at the poles, so I’m gonna say, that no, you wouldn’t feel the difference in speed.

James Savard
Reply to  Tray
2 years ago

Well, I don’t know what the “wow” is about. Joe is right.

As you’re moving along, you wouldn’t be able to feel any difference in speed. I think we all know that. Same as being in a car or in a plane. At 270ft/hr – you might be able to see some slight movement if you’re looking at the ground carefully beside the merry-go-round that you didn’t really notice at 2.7ft/hr.

Not likely to feel any wind resistance at 270 ft/hr either. You may feel the tiniest of nudges when the merry-go-round started moving from a dead stop. And you may detect an equally tiny nudge forward when the merry-go-round stopped at the end of the ride. Nothing in between. This is pretty basic stuff.

Doesn’t matter how fast you’re going, you don’t feel speed as you’re moving. You feel acceleration. You feel deceleration. And you feel resistance of objects that come into contact with you (bugs or birds) or air that aren’t travelling as fast or in the same direction as you are.

Whether it’s 2.7ft/hr, 270ft/hr, 270,000 miles per hour, it’s all the same when you’re already moving. You can only feel the starting and the stopping. And the birds (see video).

So let’s say that merry-go-round was as big as the earth, and you’re travelling at 1,000 mph, same as the earth. Motion while you’re riding wouldn’t be any different. Would feel exactly the same. But there would be tons of air resistance at 1,000 mph from this very large fictional place where the earth-sized merry-go-round is located. It would be very difficult to stay on this merry-go-round, but because of the air resistance, not speed or centrifugal force. Remember, the air around the merry-go-round is not moving, but you are moving at 1,000 mph. It would be the same as sticking your head out the window of a car going 1,000 mph. Or riding a motorcycle at 1,000 mph. Probably wouldn’t be very pleasant – or safe, especially if there are birds.

No detectable pulling to the outside either due to centrifugal force. But I’ll get into that later.

On a merry-go-round this size, the rider would feel like they were travelling in a straight line. The curve of the merry-go-round would not be visible because of sheer size and perspective. You would have to move many miles above and away from the merry-go-round to start to even begin to see its round shape.

Same as the horizons when you view the ocean. Looks flat – however, the curve is actually there. But from your perspective it is so slight it is not detectable.

Accelerating to 1,000 mph from being stopped, I think you would probably feel that, depending on how quick you accelerated. If you accelerated in less than a second, I’m sure it would be a terrible experience

If that merry-go-ground came to a dead stop instantly, it would most definitely be fatal and you would be thrown hundreds of feet or more. Same as being thrown from a car that has hit a rock and come to a sudden stop.

So if some outside force caused the earth to come to a dead stop as it rotates? Yes, we’d all most likely be dead, thrown and crushed.

But no, you cannot feel your own speed if your surroundings and air around you are all moving at the same rate along with you. 1,000 mph, 10,000 mph, 1,000,000 mph. It does’t matter. Same as cars, planes, rockets and merry-go-rounds.

But you’re probably still wondering about centrifugal force. The little or big merry-go-round wasn’t rotating enough to generate any that would be detectable. But that giant merry-go-round going 1,000 mph, why wouldn’t we be thrown off sideways as we’re rotating around?

Regular merry-go-rounds or carousels don’t move quick enough vs. their diameter to exert a lot of centrifugal force. Otherwise kids would be falling off constantly. It would be a bad scene. They typically run at 5.5 rpm, a perceived safe level of rotation.

This is because centrifugal force is calculated with RPM (angular velocity) and the radius of the object you’re working with. It has nothing to do with speed (tangential velocity), just as Joe said.

Ever taken a ride on a Gravitron at carnival?

Now the Gravitron is all about centrifugal force – and has angled walls to push the riders back and experience some “G’s”. It rotates at about a maximum of 24rpm, and is roughly the same size as a carousel (maybe a bit smaller at around 30 feet).  If you ever have the chance to take a ride on one, you’ll get to experience 3 g’s or three times the force of gravity. It’s a strange sensation.

Even stranger, though, is being pushed up helplessly against this wall, barely able to lift my arms or move my head – and all the while, the operator whose seat is in the middle of the circle, and is rotating in this machine every bit as fast I am on the outer edge, is calmly sipping his coffee and carrying on his business. He can’t feel the speed.

His relaxing ride is interrupted, however, when I beg him to help me find the wallet has been sucked by means of centrifugal force out of my pocket, through an opening in the wall of the ride. But that’s another story.

If you want to figure out how to find g’s on your own, here’s a cool little calculator:

To give you the numbers, the Gravitron runs at a maximum of 24rpm, and is about 30 feet in diameter. You’ll note that the calculator doesn’t care about speed (tangential velocity) – only size (radius) and rate of rotation (angular velocity). You’ll need to convert the feet to mm and the diameter I gave you to radius.

Now, let’s talk about the earth again. I agree, rotating at 1,000 mph sounds really fast, but it isn’t. Not when you’re talking about a roundish object that is 24,901 miles in circumference at the middle. Same goes for the fictional giant earth-sized merry-go-round.

Now, if you were one of the nearly 600 lucky people over the last 60 odd years who’ve had the privilege of observing the earth from space, you probably would have noticed the spin of the earth is not easily detectable. This is because the earth has a low rpm (0.00069 rpm) and a large radius (3,958.8 miles), and thus, relatively low centrifugal force. If you haven’t been to space, you should try to contact one of these people, I’m sure they would be happy to tell you all about what they experienced and observed.

Most of the movement they would actually be able to see would be from the movement of their own vehicle, usually moving much faster than 1,000 mph.

When a round object is spinning, most of the centrifugal force is exerted on the outer edge, furthest from the axis, (the equator), and none is exerted at its axis (the poles). Same goes for the earth. A person standing on the equator is experiencing all of the centrifugal force the earth has to offer. That same person standing at the north pole is experiencing none at all. Did they feel anything different? Not likely. The difference is actually about 1% of body weight.

Here’s a nice little article about this:

So how fast would the earth have to spin for us to overcome earth’s gravity and anything not fastened to the ground would start moving towards space? It would be anything more than 1g of centrifugal force at the equator, I suppose.

So there’s a way of calculating this …

RPM = sqrt(G-Force / (1.799424 x Radius))

And we are looking for a G-Force of 1 to supposedly offset gravity.

Rumour has it among the many smart scientists specializing in Geodesy (the science of accurately measuring and understanding the Earth’s geometric shape, orientation in space, and gravity field), including even Greek scholar Eratosthenes back in 240 BC, that the circumference of the earth is about 25,000 miles – (24,091 miles to be exact).

And, according to all those 7th graders out there who have learned the the rule of Pi, the radius of the earth is: 3,958.8 miles.

So …

RPM = sqrt(1 / (1.799424 x 3958.8))
= 0.011848175128475 RPM

So that’s 24,901 miles of circumference x 0.01184 rpm (spins per minute). So, according to my questionable math skills, more than 17,702 miles per hour would be the required rotation speed to offset the force of gravity and things would start to float (and only if you were standing at the equator) as opposed to the 1,000 miles per hour that you suggested was fast.

And again, even at that crazy break-neck speed of 17,702 mph, we still wouldn’t feel the difference in speed between the two. Nope, not at all. We would just start to feel a little light in our shoes.

And that cranky carnival worker from the Gravitron? He’d be sitting at the north pole on a stool, sipping his coffee, watching it all go down, saying “Good luck, y’all!”.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Tray
2 years ago

If you were exposed to an independent/isolated atmosphere that didn’t move with the Earth, you wouldn’t be able to stand on the ground… but the atmosphere moves with the Earth. It’s like riding in the smoothest riding car, on the smoothest hi-way, at a steady speed you were born to have lived and will die, it’s like we don’t know immovability, having never felt it and the brain compensates by balancing our center of gravity to cancel any possible movement it should (if it should) be detecting.

On a 6300 ft circumference merry-go-round, the rotation would be at 4.37 feet or 52.5 inches a minute or 0.87 inch a second… do you think we should feel that?

Reply to  Tray
2 years ago

Just because you lack for a true understanding of how it all works doesn’t make it not true. Why don’t flat earthers do the research? And when they read something they don’t understand research that?

Reply to  Tray
2 years ago

Has no one ever considered a simple example of how if you dip a tennis ball in water and then throw it. The water spreads out of the ball instead of keeping it in. And I know you can argue. Because of gravity. But then you gotta ask the question does gravity work the same way regardless of what it’s pulling. Cause it seems to me that the laws of gravity don’t apply the same to different types of things. Something that makes more sense is density and the magnetic field of the plane-t is what causes the idea of gravity, and keeping density in mind example filling a glass with honey,water and oil will separate them from each other and the one with more density is pulled further down. And to go even further, say u drop a pebble rock being more dense than honey it will fall all the way down , drop an olive, and it sits above the water, drop a bottle cap and it sits above the oil.. if gravity as we were taught in school was playing a role as far as we know. How does it explain any of this? Or does gravity discriminate, causing unfair practices.

Reply to  Omni
1 year ago

Im not sure what the plane-T is but magnetism typically travels orthogonal to an electric current suggesting that magnetism and electricity are a unified force typically called electromagnetism. The honey may at first seem to settle below the water but electrostatic forces will cause the honey to slowly dissolve in the water because honey is mostly carbohydrates which are polar and soluble in polar water. As long as there is available polar charge from the molecules that make up the water body then polar charges from the carbohydrates will dissolve, on a mole to mole basis. The oil however contains an abundance of hydrocarbon non-polar molecular groups that cannot interact with polar water due to incompatible charge and the layers will separate. Electromagnetic forces have been shown to be marginally stronger than the force of gravity, the other difference is electromagnetism only acts over very short distances perhaps due to wave behavior of low mass particles that make up electromagnetic systems. However gravity acts over very long distances such Pluto being bound to the sun in an orbit despite being more than 3 billion miles from the sun. Now pressure can be thought of as the force experienced over an increment of area like the surface of a fluid body. If one fluid is more dense than the other and sinks then the molecules that make up that fluid are likely closer to one another per increment of area then the less dense body of liquid. Gravity acts on each individual molecule of the body of fluid similarly so a stronger gravitational force places stronger pressure on the body of fluid. The less dense fluid above also experiences a pressure increase with greater gravity but it is proportional preventing the density to become greater than the bottom layer. And finally as noted by Newton the moon does not fall to the earth despite the moon being more dense than the earth, this is due to a separate force from electromagnetism, which is called gravity.

Reply to  Tray
2 years ago

6300 feet in 24 hours
262.5 ft an hour,
4.38 feet or 52.5 inches per minute,
0.73 inch per second…

Wouldn’t throw a mouse off the merry-go-round.

Last edited 2 years ago by JoeBlack
Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

But what about centrifugal force and gravity… isn’t gravity generated by the core of the earth? So it’s safe to say that it’s relatively equal all over the planet, correct? But what about centrifugal force? Would a 200lbs man spinning at the equator around 1,038 mph feel like he’s a 400lbs man spinning in Alaska at 400-500 mph? Obviously not. But why is it that centrifugal force, Newton’s 3rd LAW isn’t at play but the THEORY of general relativity is?

Reply to  Aidan
3 years ago

Yeah, but if you travel in the opposite direction that the Earth is spinning you should definitely feel some resistance. For example: You walking south to the back of a train to relieve yourself or get a snack from the food car while the train is moving north; you feel a strong force kind’ve pushing you back, that’s why you might find yourself grabbing on to seats to get back there. Even when you walk the same direction the train is moving (north) you feel a bit of a push in the direction you’re moving because the train is moving faster than you are and its force is pushing against you. You should feel that with the Earth as well.

Reply to  Sergio
3 years ago

I travel on trains a lot (long distance, 4+hours) and I stumble going in both directions and so do other people. We are traveling the same speed as the train while we are on the moving train. If we walk up and down the train we are both traveling the speed of the train and our own speed while walking.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  FED
3 years ago

Travelling through space is not the same as travelling on a road or through the atmosphere, there are no road bumps, irregularities, potholes, or turbulence, wind resistance, nothing to shake the ride, oppose resistance or even cause noise, or slow down the speed which btw is 67,000 miles per hour, not 6,000.. and it could be much faster but without any kind of resistance, turbulence or bumpy travel, we would not feel the speed. The Earth is also like a huge vehicle and that’s another factor for comfortable travel. If buses have a much smoother ride than cars, a cruise ship rides the sea much smoother than a small boat, etc. So imagine the Earth as a huge vehicle that travels through nothingness, why should wee feel the ride?

It’s clear flat-earthers try to explain reality with flat earth “notions” but logic doesn’t work that way, You can’t mix reality with fantasy like you can’t mix water with electricity… it doesn’t work well.

If Heaven is above the dome? is God (and angels) swimming the waters of the firmament?. Make up your mind!.. you’ve probably read the arguments against water occupying the firmament so now you’re trying to remove it and replace it with Heaven.

Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

Maybe theyre not flying theyre floating

Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

Thank you, but sadly people only believe what they want. No matter how much common sense you show them they will believe the fantasy because they want to. That is why people believe in the bible even though there is so much that doesn’t make sense or does not mean what they claim it means.

LC Haro
LC Haro
Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

Occam’s razor. Globe enthusiasts go to extremely complicated measures to explain the things that seem very nonsensical… We feel like we are on a solid immovable surface. We’ve been lied to about being on a globe or an oblique steroid or a pear by people who show us space stations that appear to be in studios with harnesses and green screens, and in GeForce plans with the video edited to accommodate the time that they are able to be in zero gravity. we are showing videos of people in space suits outside of space stations and yet we know that these guys in water and there are bubbles coming out from their suits in the supposed space footage. What the heck do you expect people to believe anymore? NASA is no longer even remotely reliable. 50 million dollars a day. That’s 50 million reasons not to tell the truth. Every freaking day.

What if the obvious is what is true?

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  LC Haro
2 years ago

What I know about flat-earthers is that being misfit couch potatoes that spend their lives in front of a screen, they’be become so addicted to Hollywood Productions, they can’t make-out the difference between fiction and reality, so their fallacious mentality has fiction and reality mixed up.

Honest, I have interacted with so many flat-earthers and all seem to have the same types of personalities, they seem to have lived like hermits, have never seen a starry sky on a clear night, so they have missed the spectacle of the Milky Way you can only see from out in the country or better from a desert… You see it once, and you know that space and the Universe are all very real, are much, much more and infinitely bigger than what you have been led to believe, and that much cannot possibly be/fit within the enclosed environment of a flat earth with a dome, and could never disappear altogether during the day… and it should at least appear like a dust cloud.

Florian F
Florian F
Reply to  FED
3 years ago

And you shouldn’t feel anything as long as you don’t stick your arm out of the atmosphere.

Reply to  FED
3 years ago

You do realize how big the earth is. For the earth’s size 5000 mph feels like would be like nothing

Reply to  FED
3 years ago

yes, but for the earth to be flat we would have to go EVEN FASTER about 20000 miles an hour, and even then your flat earth idea if true the earth would have imploded billions of years ago.

Reply to  harrison
3 years ago

Well, I’m not sure you can implode a 2D disc, but I do agree that the earth would need to spin much faster to still be able to simulate what you see on a globe.

Paul Silsby
Paul Silsby
Reply to  FED
3 years ago

There is no way of sensing speed unless it is relative to something. So when in space and every other star and planet are moving with you what are you measuring against.

Reply to  Paul Silsby
3 years ago

Better question is, what are you thrusting against when in space to make propulsion necessary?

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Tray
3 years ago

Rockets use jet propulsion (aka pushing out matter in the form of flames and then pushing out more matter which pushes against the matter that has already been pushed out.

Reply to  Tray
2 years ago

In space, the rocket exhaust is thrusting against the rocket itself

You only need a little imagination to understand rockets… within the atmosphere they don’t push against the atmosphere, the exhaust pushes against the rocket itself. You can understand the principle with a party balloon, inflate it and release it… the escaping air exerts pressure/propulsion against the balloon itself.

A solid fuel rocket: The type you stick into the ground, you light it and the burning propellant creates an expansion force, that finds the exhaust and as it escapes, it pushes against the rocket itself. 

Rockets basically need fuel, an oxidizer, an injector burner, an igniter, a combustion chamber and an exhaust opening. Both fuel and oxidizer are mixed and injected into the combustion chamber where the igniter provides the spark or flame, and as the fuel mixture burns and expands in the combustion chamber, it finds the exhaust, and exerts the propulsion force against the rocket engine itself. And it doesn’t need an atmosphere, rockets can be launched from submarines, launch platforms, from the ISS or even from an orbit, to be launched to a higher orbit or in reverse to slow down and start the reentry.

Reply to  FED
3 years ago

If you a a bee are riding in a car y’all both don’t feel the force go going fast pushing you back. Now if our planet mad impact with a big asteroid well…. all that motion and energy will then go somewhere and be felt… but we are also so damn small it’s like we’re the size of an atom in comparison…. to small to feel a difference

Reply to  FED
3 years ago

I truly believe that we live on a flat plane. Plane, planet- same. Why doesn’t a pilot have to keep dipping the nose of the plane down to keep from flying out into space? It’s set on autopilot, straight ahead, NO CURVES!!! Flat plane ahead! Show me anywhere else other than your mind water sticking on a spinning ball??? Anywhere??? No, huh?

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Joe
3 years ago

Learn about “reference frames”, please.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Joe
3 years ago

The plane couldn’t keep flying in a straight line unless the pilot was constantly increasing the speed of the plane to generate more lift to compensate for the thinning atmosphere, and that just doesn’t happen. Once a plane reaches cruising altitude, it stays at that height because it doesn’t have enough speed to hold the plane up at higher altitudes due to the thin air. And the fact that the earth is spinning isn’t relevant. The centrifugal force generated by the earth at the equator only makes the oceans lighter by 5.5 ounces for every 100 pounds. This is insignificant compared to gravity (the thing that pulls the water toward the center of the earth in the first place.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  FED
3 years ago

Your speeds are totally way off, dude. Stop confusing linear momentum with angular.

MIke Shellenberger Jr
MIke Shellenberger Jr
Reply to  FED
2 years ago

Earth is 25,000 miles in circumference roundish obilate sphere weighing 13 septillion tons. Earth rotates at 1,037 MPH can’t feel it since earth is huge, so 1,000 MPH is slow.

Reply to  FED
2 years ago

Have you ever watched a baby develop? You can actually see them adjusting to these forces.

Bart Florczyk
Bart Florczyk
Reply to  FED
2 years ago

Seriously? You have no clue how relativity works then. Take a basketball and spin it once every 24 hours. Real fast huh? Same applies to the earth.

Oscar Angel
Oscar Angel
Reply to  FED
2 years ago

It is important to ask questions and find the root of things before making assumptions. See, you experience inertia often when you drive. You’re in a car and you know you’re going fast. But you feel nothing. You can grab a coin and flip it, as the coin flies, it is not being held by you, it flies untethered and falls back on your palm. How? Because even though it seems the coin was stationary on your hand, it was moving at the speed of the car, as were you. So to answer your question – if everything is moving a direction, then nothing feels like it’s moving at all. Interesting concept and a little hard to grasp.

David Gregory
David Gregory
Reply to  bogart
4 years ago

A moon in the day is completely possible the sun is millions of miles away shines off the moon duh

Reply to  David Gregory
3 years ago

Ok I live in the uk, when I have the sun and moon visible at the same time lax where is Australia’s moon or sun. It’s not just a certainties of year either as it happens all year round

Reply to  Leon
1 year ago

I would recommend a program like stellarium for the comparisons.

Reply to  bogart
4 years ago

Crazy, maybe the planet was named before we knew the Earth was round.

Reply to  Haron
2 years ago

Planet in ancient Greek means wanderer, and it was given to Mars as the first planet to be discovered in the night sky… they noticed it was not still like other stars, but kept moving through the year so, they knew it was something else, and they gave it the appropriate named of wanderer… later when more planets were discovered, and they knew wanderer could not apply to a single planet, they gave them different names. They later understood this was also a wanderer object and named it planet Earth.

Reply to  JoeBlack
2 years ago

Ancient Greek: Planitis (English: Wanderer)
Ancient Greek: Planitis <to> Latin: Planetae 
Latin: Planetae <to> Spanish: Planeta 
Latin: Planetae <to> English: Planet

The word planet has nothing to do with flat or round shape.

Shane Michaels
Reply to  bogart
3 years ago

Your attempting to complicate the matter before you can even explain how Day/Night work, How Seasons work, How the stars in the night sky work. Rockets don’t need air, you’re confusing Jet Engines with Rockets. I’m not even sure how some of your assertions “Don’t Work”. Why would Venus only be in our “day time sky”?
If you can zoom in on the Sun after it sets, then how is it ever night time? Particularly when flying at 40,000ft up? Your “latin” is also not even close. Not sure which site or video you’ve obtained this “information” from, but absolutely none of it is even remotely true. The spherical model explains Night/Day, Seasons, Stars in our sky, Upside down moon south of the equator, Not only can FE explain none of these, there isn’t even a FE map, let alone a working model. I don’t even need any science, math, or Government Space Agencies to prove the Earth is not flat. Go ahead, have a look.

Reply to  Shane Michaels
3 years ago

Actually, there is an FE map, but it’s kinda weird. I also don’t understand how one could even see Venus in ANY time of day, considering I only ever manage to see stars when I look up at the sky at night. I don’t know where he even got that from…

MIke Shellenberger Jr
MIke Shellenberger Jr
Reply to  Natsujin
2 years ago

Funny thing that fe map is based off the globe

Reply to  bogart
3 years ago

The full moon rises as the sun sets, it is never visible in the daytime.

Reply to  John
3 years ago

That is incorrect, the full moon is visible many times throughout the year while the sun is up.

Reply to  Isaac
1 year ago

No the moon will only appear to be full as the sun is setting. Objects that are between the sun and the earth like mercury and venus and the moon at certain times of the month during its orbit around the earth. To see the full surface of a planet or the moon the object has to be farther from the sun than the earth is. For instance Jupiter and Saturn are never viewed in a crescent form until you go beyond the orbit of Jupiter and Saturn. To experimentally confirm this, hold a ball in your palm in front of a light source. Hold your arm steady and make a complete circle and observe the phase changes on the ball as you make the turn. The shadows will be comparable to what is observed in a moon cycle. If the sun is still above the horizon and the “full moon” is out it is not technically full as it has begun its waning cycle and if looked at close enough the slight shadow will become apparent. People have often used the phase of the moon and the observed time it rises and is at the meridian to tell time at night. In fact, if the sundial was invented in the southern hemisphere where the shadow on the sundial appears to move in the counter-clock wise direction, our clocks these days would likely also go in the counter clock wise direction. However in the northern hemisphere the sundial shadow travels in the clock-wise direction due to the most direct sun rays traveling along the equators direction as the earth spins. Furthermore, traveleing north or south from the equator allows the shadow on the sundial to grow longer consistent with a curved surface in relation to a light source rather than a flat surface. This concept was used by the ancient greeks when they measured the shadows of equally sized obelisks in cities to the north and south of each other over a sizeable distance. Greeks such as Eratosthenes then used trigonometry to measure the circumference of the earth based on these measurements using the arc measurement technique. Later, satellite computers that lack the human perspective confirmed these calculations and supported them with observations of a spherical earth.

Reply to  John
3 years ago

nope, i saw many times moon in daytime )

Liberty Lou
Reply to  John
1 year ago

Linguist/Philosopher among other humanistic things here, not a scientist…. Just thought I’d intercede with my 20c worth….. The sun doesn’t actually “set”. The earth just turns its back on it as we move into morning when we face it again… To say, “when the world turns” is more correct in fact, however, to say the sun sets is more grammatically convenient. BTW, I’m a Globalist…. Not sure which would be doing what if the world was flat. Oh yes, one needs to be luguistically apt with analogies and metaphors when reading the Bible. In simple, non contradictory terms, the Bible is historically physiologically and philosophically correct so far…. Where can I get my hands on the missing 15 books ?

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  bogart
3 years ago

Water is rarely “perfectly flat” on the sea, it’s normally wavy and curved both up and down. Slowly pour a few drops of water on a flat and smooth surface, next see the curved shape the water drops have adopted. Water is harder to find with a flat surface than with a curved and distorted surface, that’s caused by sea currents, wind, the Moon’s and even the Sun’s gravitational attraction, so why would our planet’s own gravity not bend it?. Water is not a stiff object… it’s the sum of gazillions of H2O molecules that are constantly rejecting away from the rest and only when nothing disturbs it, it can form a film that holds the jumping molecules down, and be smooth and flat. So, water is much easier and more likely to be all wavy and curved than perfectly flat, and different forces (wind, currents, gravity from all sides (from Moon, Sun and from this planet) shape it and curve it. Planet is English, plan latin, planeta spanish, etc.all those named as influenced by Latin, and the Romans knew from the Greeks that the Earth was round so your theorical idea that the Earth was named planet after plan (plain or planicie) is based on your own imagination and not on scientific therms or historical and written agreement.

And planet is not a name, it’s a general name given to rounded (not flat) celestial bodies that are sized from around 4879 Km to 140,000 km in diameter, in this solar system alone.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

EDIT; Extended comment that said: “see the curved shape the water drops have adopted.” Continued: Looking water up close, small amounts and drops resting on flat smooth surfaces, bead-up from the top side while the bottom side is flat against the smooth surface, (glass, ceramic tiles, leaves, waxed car paint, etc.) water drops and small amounts of of it bead-up as if stoped by gravity from forming into round drops of water… but when it drops from leaky faucets, while in the air, drops adopt a rounded shape because during that short time, gravity can’t shape it flat.

Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

Also, you forgot to mention why Earth is called a globe. It’s called globular because it is a glob. I great big glob of water, and sand, and stone. I actually don’t know why it’s called globular, bit I still think that fits.

Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

You’ve obviously never been to the ocean on a calm day. Yea, there are curves all over that also curvature of a water droplet equals no body of water is flat…great scientific reasoning there…lol

Reply to  Tray
2 years ago

Same reasoning as “water finds its own level” right?, but that depends on the amount of water!. The round shape of water drops is its real shape when gravity is not exerting an influence on its shape, and that condition can be found when water is dripping, dripping and bouncing of a still water surface, or when in space, astronauts can make water drops of large sizes, and also in planes when astronauts practice during plane dives. So, the real shape of water, when gravity is not an influence, is spherical.

Reply to  Tray
2 years ago

An effect called “surface tension” is what makes water round and gravity flattens it. Droplets of water tend to be pulled into a spherical shape by the cohesive forces of the surface layer

Water & soap bubbles are round (spherical) because there is an attractive force called surface tension that pulls molecules of water into the tightest possible groupings. And the tightest possible grouping that water molecules can achieve is into a sphere. Of all possible shapes water could assume, a sphere has the smallest amount of outside area.

As soon as you release a bubble from your bubble pipe, surface tension makes the thin film of soapy water assume the smallest surface area that it can. It becomes a sphere. If you hadn’t deliberately trapped some air within it, the soapy water would continue to shrink down to a solid spherical droplet, as rain drops do, as hale does but wind and changing air temps on the way down disrupt the process, but hale never assumes a flat shape during free fall, no matter the size, it will be vaguely rounded, as its rounding process is interrupted by wind and changing air temperatures.   

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  bogart
3 years ago

A rocket is not “nothing”… and the rocket blast pushes against the rocket itself. Your understanding is that rockets work in the atmosphere because they push against the atmospheric air… but Wrong!! Physicist Isaac Newton explained it clearly.
Full Moon during daytime is perfectly POSSIBLE in real global Earth. It wouldn’t be possible from every place on flat earth, that’s what flat-earthers should focus on and find the way to explain it.

On flat earth, Sun and Moon travel at different speeds, the Sun goes around once a day while the Moon goes around once each 28 days, meaning the sun passes the Moon by once each day, and at the farthest point from each other it should be full moon for a few hours once a day be it day or night. For the rest of world especially for those nearest to the Moon, it would be either of the four principal lunar phases: new moon, first quarter, full moon (for farthest point on Earth), and last quarter (also known as third or final quarter). But when the Moon is Full once a month, all people on Earth can see it Full from any point on the planet, and as well can see the four Lunar phases during the month, not every day as they would occur from different points on the planet every day.

Venus is closer to the Sun at 108 million kilometers from it, while Earth is 150 million kilometers from the Sun or 42 million kilometers farther than Venus. The Venus year is 225 days, Earth’s is 365 days. This means that Venus is 38% slower than Earth going around the Sun, so there is plenty of time during the year to see Venus at Dusk or Dawn when the Sun is behind the horizon, and Venus is viewable for a longer or shorter time before and after Sunset and Daybreak, depending on the point Venus is in its Orbit around the sun. At the farthest point from Earth (or on the other side of the Sun), the available time to see Venus should be shorter, and longer when its closer to Earth.. and this means Venus is visible as soon as the Sun has set behind the horizon far enough for the atmosphere to darken enough that the Sun’s light reflects from the side of Venus and makes it visible for us.

As the Venus goes past the horizon and is setting behind it, it can only be recovered with a telescope/binoculars while some of its reflected light is still visible with a telescope though not to plain eyesight… but after it has set far enough behind the horizon, nothing, not even the most powerful telescope can bring it back.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

Edit; Aditional comment on parts illuminated by sunlight…
You can input the time and date of the year in this interactive day and night map, and see what parts of the Earth get illuminated by sunlight on any day of the year… compare the result with a flat earth map when the Sun is on the same spot, and see how the flat earth model fails flat.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

Correction: “This means that Venus is 38% slower than Earth going around the Sun”
I meant to say Venus is 38% faster orbiting the Sun than Earth. It also travels around the Sun faster than Earth (Venus 225 days at 125,664 kph vs Earth 365 days at 107,590 kph).

But this doesn’t make a difference as we can see Venus year round in the dark and darkened sky before sunrise and after sunset… this in itself is Evidence that the Earth is Spherical because on the flat earth model there would be no reason why Venus (or Mercury) should not be visible all night long. During the day Venus as well as the rest of the planets and stars disappears in the glare of the intense solar light… but at night on the flat earth, there would be no reason for the inner planets (Mercury and Venus) to disappear from our view… it only happens because they are on the other side of the Earth where it is daytime. Flat-earthers would apply this idea to their flat earth but in their fake reality the stars and planets are always 8000 or more Km above the flat earth and never near on or under the ground… and close caption videos and photos of stars circling both the north and south Poles show stars diving into the horizon… normal speed images and videos show stars filling the sky from straight up down to the horizon, and that would not be possible on the flat earth because at the altitude of 8000 kilometers, the dome would stop the stars from getting close to the south pole (or edge) because it would go down as it neared the edge of the flat earth, and it (the dome) would reach an altitude of 8000 kms at approximately 5000 kms from the edge… that would leave a dark void of 8000 Kms around the horizon, from the ground to the stars.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

Addition to: “A rocket is not “nothing”… and the rocket blast pushes against the rocket itself. ”
That is part of the way rockets work be it within the atmosphere or out in space, but it’s not just simple (one-to-one or same impulse as rocket weight) impulse as flat-earthers obviously think!!. In that case they would be right, but the impulse has to be greater than the weight of the rocket to make it move and depending on how great the impulse is, is how fast it can travel either in the atmosphere or in space. We can often read how great the impulse is for a specific rocket and that should give us a clue but these people prefer to ignore specific details that contradict their irrational logic.

Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

“The Venus year is 225 days, Earth’s is 365 days. This means that Venus is 38% slower than Earth going around the Sun”

That is incorrect. It is 38% FASTER than Earth, because it takes less days to go around the sun. Not only is it closer to the sun, meaning it takes less time to circle around it even if it were to go the same speed as Earth, but it’s also moving faster than Earth, which makes the years even faster than what they would be if Venus and Earth traveled at the same speed of 67,000 mph.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Natsujin
2 years ago

I admit I was wrong in that estimation… but so were you… the information is readily available on Google search… they travel an average speed of
Venus 35.0 km/s
Earth 29.8 km/s
the difference in speed is only about 16.7% and Venus has to travel faster to escape the Sun’s gravity, which is stronger the closer to it a planet’s orbits it.

Reply to  bogart
3 years ago

You merely using confirmation bias willy nilly stating planet means plane.
Planet means wanderer.

Lastly, the shape of the earth is a hindrance to certain technologies which has to engineer around the obstacles of a curved earth.

Chriss Hester
Chriss Hester
Reply to  bogart
3 years ago

Okay I’m not a scientist but there are vessels that have flown outside of our atmosphere ie satellites that show a round planet from different angles are you telling me that they do not exist nor did not properly record the shape of planets?

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  bogart
3 years ago

Planet means wanderer in Latin not “is flat”

Reply to  bogart
3 years ago

if u throw something in space it will go on forever unless it gets pulled by a celestial body{stars ,planets}

Old Musician
Old Musician
Reply to  bogart
3 years ago

You may never have studied physics or maths, but I can assure you that Newton’s 3rd law works just as well in a vacuum. If you sit on a rotating stool, extend your arms and then quickly move them to the side, your body will rotate in the opposite direction. For the air to be responsible for this, it would have to have very high viscosity or even be solid. You can hold a long narrow rod with virtually no air resistance and get the same effect. Your other error is about the moon’s visibility. Usually when you see a ‘full’ moon during the day, it is slightly less than a full moon. Occasionally, it is possible to see the full moon briefly close to the horizon during sunset or sunrise. If you bothered to draw a diagram for Venus’ orbit, and remember that an observer can see a half of the night sky, which changes throughout the night, it’s really simple to show how we CAN see Venus CLOS TO THE SUN’S position around sunset and sunrise, but NOT when its relative position to the sun is small. Water ISN’T flat. Every molecule is attracted by gravity by the same amount. Even the water in your bath is ever so slightly curved. You just aren’t able to see the curve because of the scale. Your last ‘argument’ about the word planet is silly. The ancient Greeks used the term ‘asters planetae’ for the planets because it meant ‘wandering stars’.
I would recommend buying a good science text book, rather than believing what uneducated internet users tell you. ALL of the science is consistent with the earth being a spherical (roughly) planet, and NOTHING has ever been presented to contradict this. Additionally, whether you want to accept it or not, many people from numerous countries have visited space and some are aboard the ISS right now. The number is increasing all the time and will continue to do so with space tourism. Do you really believe that the USA and the USSR were secretly colluding to pretend to be engaged in a space race at a time when they were sworn enemies?

joy clayton
joy clayton
Reply to  bogart
3 years ago

Good points. Seems flat to me.

Reply to  bogart
2 years ago

I can answer most of these questions.
1) rockets move via the utilisation of Newton’s third law.
2) I don’t really know all that much about astronomy, so someone else will have to answer that.
3) water property is actually that it’s shape changes to obey gravity or any other forces acting on it. So though it look flat it is in fact very, very slightly curved.
4) the word planet actually comes from the Ancient Greek word ‘planatace’ (don’t know if I spelt that correctly), which means wanderer. And it was actually first applied by the Ancient Greeks to the other planates in the solar system as they looked like moving (wandering) stars.
Hope this helps! I know you’re questions were rhetorical but at least you’ll be able to make a better theory next time.

round earther that doesnt have time for this
round earther that doesnt have time for this
Reply to  bogart
2 years ago

Actually, it is possible for there to be a full moon in daytime in the globe theory. The earth orbits around the sun. Its at an angle, the top facing away from the sun at an angle of about 23.5 degrees. The earth is kept in its orbit by the sun’s gravity. The moon is on a completely separate oribit, around the earth, kept in its path by the earth’s gravity. The earth’s tilt is responsible for the seasons becase the different parts of the earth are at different distances from the sun (source of heat and light). When you are farther away from the heat and light, its colder and darker. Venus also has its own orbit. When you are at a different place on the earth, what you can see in the sky is different. The curve of the earth…. mkay i gotta go.. byeeeee Plan is a latin root, and it does mean flat, the latin language is about 200 years older than the globe theory and the word planet is of greek origin, not latin. “Planet” comes from the Greek word “Planetia” (ἀστέρες πλανῆται) which means “wandering star”. Clearly, the Greeks weren’t referring to the flat earth theory.

Reply to  bogart
2 years ago

The word planet does not come from Latin. It comes from Ancient Greek. The root of the word is “Plani” which describes an object that is in constant move. It does not mean flat.

Reply to  bogart
2 years ago

And nobody’s ever noticed how many astronomical and terrestrial measurements come out to 666 in some form like the curvature of the earth 8in per mile convert 8 inches in to feet .666 in the Arctic and Antarctic circles we’re told Falls at 66.5628 degrees rounding that up which should be done and never is gives you 66.6 if they’re going to knock off the rest of the numbers but they don’t round it off at all and just say 66.5 and there’s a bunch a figures like that

Last edited 2 years ago by Kyle
Reply to  bogart
2 years ago

Venus can be seen as a morning star or evening star depending on if it’s on one side of the sun or the other in it’s orbit.
Ships do disappear over the horizon but sometimes that appears distorted because of refraction. The same thing that makes ships sometimes appear to hover above the water.
The word planet means wanderer.
The earth is a spheroid. Sorry

Reply to  bogart
2 years ago

Greek origin. Word was planan and it meant wanderer.

Justin Harvey
Justin Harvey
Reply to  bogart
2 years ago

Planet, means wonderer. I see a full moon during the day time all the time, when it is . Living in a Alaska, I see the sun ‘hug’ low upon the horizon, seeing a sunrise and sunset happen all within three hours. Summer, almost 24 hours of day light, never gets dark. If flat, how come I do not see the sun hovering over head in the far distance? Flat earth does not make sense.

Dr Rob Johnston
Dr Rob Johnston
Reply to  bogart
2 years ago

I absolutely AGREE that the Bible (OT AND NT!!!) says the Earth IS FLAT!
That’s just one of the many ways we know that the Bible is complete nonsense.
Sadly YOU are totally WRONG!
“Planet” is NOT from Latin, it is from Ancient GREEK — in which language “Planetos” means “wanderers”. NOTHING to do with “flat”!
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, seen from Earth, appear to move clockwise for a few months, then REVERSE direction and rotate anti-clockwise for a few months — hence “wanderers”!
This is a consequence of the different rates at which the planets circumnavigate the Sun.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dr Rob Johnston
Reply to  bogart
2 years ago

Would you like to see my picture of the moon in full daylight? I took it with my phone the other day… so, not impossible, saw it with my own eyes and then took a picture.

Reply to  bogart
1 year ago

planet comes from the greek word planetas which means wanderer based on the appearance of how the planets move over time dis-proportionally in the night sky compared to the stars, and I have watched venus set in the evening sky with a telescope and the image stays the same size as it passes beyond the horizon and becomes non-viewable

Reply to  bogart
1 year ago

Listen I’m in 7th grade and this the stupidest stuff I’ve ever heard the only reason you see water as flat is cause the earth is round and you see the water level cut off second do you see china if your in California cause I don’t
The flat earth theory wrong

Reply to  bogart
1 year ago

The word planet comes from the Greek for “wanderer” for that is what the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn appeared to do, wander from constellation to constellation instead of staying in one particular place, like the stars seems to do. Nothing to do with flatness, sorry.

Brian Village
Brian Village
Reply to  bogart
1 year ago

Dude are you serious? You actually believe flerf nonsense? Bro go back to the 2nd grade, for real.

Alan 12K 747
Alan 12K 747
Reply to  bogart
1 year ago

Rockets don’t push on things, it is action and reaction. The burning of the fuel and oxidiser causes its rapid expansion and thus its
exhaust backwards at high velocity, so the rocket moves forward.
Try standing on roller skates and throwing a medicine ball forwards , you will fall flat on your back!

Reply to  bogart
1 year ago

The moon is visible in daylight nearly every day, the exceptions being close to new moon, when the moon is too close to the sun to be visible, and CLOSE to full moon when it is only visible at night. What’s sad is that your statement only shows your ignorance

Last edited 1 year ago by John
Calvin Randall McKee
Calvin Randall McKee
Reply to  bogart
1 year ago

The word ‘planet’ comes from the Greek rather than Latin. The Greek word ‘Planetai’ means ‘a wanderer.’ This is because the ancients observed objects moving about the heavens and used this word as their description.

Jay Dog
Jay Dog
Reply to  Sarah Fecht
4 years ago

K, not very smart are we your telling me you belive that in the 60’s they went to the moon with technology that dosnt even match a pocket calculator and the cell phone in your pocket has a 1000 time the technology but they cant go back. How about just point a telescope (that they use to see Mars light years away, 6 trillion miles in 1 light year) towards the moon and zoom in on the rivets of the buggy that was left there or shut the hell up with all the lyes!

Sarah Fecht
Reply to  Jay Dog
4 years ago

It’s not that we CAN’T go back, it’s that it costs billions of dollars to do so and people just haven’t been interested. But, in fact, the government does have plans to go back:

There’s a scientific reason why you can’t see the Apollo remnants without a telescope: But I suppose you think the laws of physics are ALSO a conspiracy?

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Sarah Fecht
3 years ago

Right!.. everything is a conspiracy to a flat-earther.
It’s a conspiracy to flat earth followers and it’s a pretended conspiracy to those they follow.

Reply to  Sarah Fecht
3 years ago

yes the reason the US went to the moon was to spite Stalin and the soviet union we dont realy need to go anymore 2 days ago china sent a drill to the moon to get some of the rock and frozen water that we have resently proven is there we as a world wont gain anything from going to the moon anymore

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Jay Dog
3 years ago

You can’t even count and you dare to pretend knowing what you’re talking about.
1.- The Apolo space crafts were equiped with very limited computers that could handle very simple calculations. On the Apollo 13 return trip back to Earth, when they had everything shutdown to save power, the computer was not the exception, and Jim Lovell used pencil and paper to make the calculations to correct the trajectory to Earth after a wobble made the craft lose course.

2. The Apollo Moon technology was Analog technology that presently doesn’t serve a purpose on these days of Digital technology… that only in what concerns electronic circuits, computers, software, etc. and they don’t make the necessary technology far in advance… say for example that they made Lunar mission technology in the 80’s or 90’s, and didn’t have plans to go for another 30-40 years… by 2005-2010 that technology; rockets, Command and Lunar Modules would have been outdated and useless… and the hundreds of billion dollars spent would have been wasted.
They are now saying they plan to go in this decade so, they must be building the Command and Lander Modules with leading edge technology. Using 60’s technology to go to the Moon, would be like using a 60’s car to take a trip arond the world… it would brake-down and no parts would be available anywhere in the World, except maybe in the USA, but in space, there’s no delivery service or available Space Module Repair Shops.

3. Mars is about 7 months away with present rocket technology, not lightyears away or trillions of miles, but only thent’s of millions from earth… 49 million miles (78.4 million kilometers) at it’s closest point to Earth, and 234.7 million miles (377.6 kilometers) when it’s on the far side from the Sun.
Mars is an average distance of 142 million miles (228 million kilometers), while Earth is 92,900,000 miles or (149,600,000 kilometers).

4. Browse to Google Images and type “mars seen by hubble”
You will not get a close-up or a crisp sharp image of Mars… all you’ll get are pictures of the full planet that get blurred when you try to amplify the image. The resolution is not good even at that distance of 78 million kilometers because the Hubble Telescope was made to be used on very distant objects (stars, galaxies, nebulas, etc.) so the lens had to be grinded to capture very distant objects and when it’s used close up, it becomes myopic. Telescopes are the same as eye glasses, Reading glasses which are made to read and see close up objects. can’t be used to see objects that lie beyond the 1-2 foot they are made for… and regular eye-glasses can’t be used for reading or seeing very close-up oobjects. The Hubble Telescope couldn’t even get a reasonably clear image of the Planet Pluto.. they had to send a probe to take the pictures they wanted. The reason is that small objects take up just a few pixels and you can’t get better rresolutions from a few pixels. The same for planets orbiting other stars, those planets can’t be seen or pictured with the Hubble Telescope, which was made to see and photograph large distant objects.

The only lies in the subject are those you flat-earthers tell yourselves, or are told… depending on which side you’re on… Either those that use the “theory” as a business, or those that are used as consumers in the flat earth business. (By consumers: buyers, spectators, followers, of videos, books, varied articles, conferences, conventions, income from Youtube for the amount of visits to their videos). And you’d have to be smart enough to know when you’re being used… and that you are is 100.000% certain… You people “believe” (as in faith) in flat earth, while we globalists “know” the Earth is Spherical (Know; as in knowing by experience and enough to understand what is or not a fact or possible) the Earth is spherical and anyone can see it. Everyone involved in discussions talks about the altitude at where you can see the curvature, but you can see it from a Jetliner or even from a pier or a ship.., all you have to do is look straight out into the sea, then turn your head 90 degrees to your left, and while keeping your eyes on the horizon, quickly turn your head 180 degrees to your right… what you see is an arched horizon that lies 4.7 kilometrs in front of you, 4.7 km to your left and 4.7 km to your right… and you see an arched (semi-rounded) horizon at such close distance!!.. besides, if the air is clear and the Sun at an angle where it’s glare doesn’t reflect in your direction and ruin the view, you can see the horizon is defined by a sharp line that separates water from atmosphere, at only 4.7 kilometers away…. flat earth should be visible far and straight ahead with no defined and arched horizon anywhere… flat is flat and roundness doesn’t form out from flat surfaces.

Reply to  Joe Black
1 year ago

You are speaking truth about Flat Earth being a business. It costs money to go to these flat Earth conventions and I bet there are vendors there selling books, maps, t-shirts, souvenirs and “so-called proof” of Earth being flat. Similarly, many flat Earth “experts” sell subscriptions to their podcasts that promise to “reveal the truth” if you just subscribe. Flat Earth promoters are making a lot of money off of mostly Christians who follow the Bible, a book that was written, translated and edited by various men to fit their own narrative over hundreds of years. Not everyone on Earth follows the Bible and who’s to say that other religions of the world aren’t the real truth. The only thing that is constant among worldwide countries and governments is science and science says that the world is an imperfectly shaped globe, not a flat disc. Finally, the government that flat Earthers believes lies to us changes constantly as new people are elected to office (from all political, ideological and religious viewpoints) and unelected government employees retire, quit, are hired or pass away. If multiple governments were conspiring to lie about the shape of the Earth, someone in government in some country at some point over hundreds of years would have blabbed about the lie by now.

Reply to  Jay Dog
3 years ago

your telling us to stop with our “LIES” when you are trying to spread misinformation the public let me guess you also think that the Qanon Theory is true as well and you don’t believe in Covid-19.
and yes the reason our phones are more powerful is measured in what we have access to now our phones were not built to send us to the moon
they were made for completely different reason and trying to defend an idea that was de-bunked 500 years ago is stupendus

Reply to  harrison
1 year ago

More like debunked in the 5th century BCE by the ancient greeks who actually used a lot of philosophy and trigonometry that Newton sought out to build the mathematical study of calculus.

Reply to  Sarah Fecht
4 years ago

Lynn, Lynn, Lynn…. It’s DONE! It’s only going to be natural for you globists to feel betrayed, deceived and used by a system that counted on your complacency and ignorance to sustain itself….. comfort yourself with the knowledge that you weren’t the ONLY one fooled! LOL! (PS: 2 things-WATER and CURVATURE…. 1) “curvature” is fish-eye camera lenses, concave “windows” on fake space station sets, PhotoShop and CGI. Done. 2) Water, from a cup to an OCEAN, is LEVEL-hence, the term “SEA LEVEL”! Gravity, which has never been proven to exist, would have to be so incredibly powerful to bend and HOLD oceans to a spinning “globe” earth that NOTHING COULD MOVE, and humans could not even STAND UP. It’s OVER! Now, it’s just a matter of revealing this truth, and the MASSIVE DECEPTION that has been hiding it, to
the PEOPLE. We have presented our proofs, based on experiments, and you globe earthers presented YOUR “proofs”, based on imagination and theory.There is nothing left to debate. IT’S OVER.

Reply to  bob
4 years ago

So I have a couple questions. If the earth is flat, then how do night and day work? The whole earth would have night and day at the same time. Also, where do you think the $150 billion for the ISS went if its “fake”? Where do all those rockets go? Why would the astronauts that went there say it was real if it wasn’t? What would be the point of covering up the flatness of the earth. If it was flat, why would NASA and space agencies around the globe (lol) tell us it wasn’t? Why do all 72 space agencies want to cover it up? is earth the only flat planet and all the other ones are round? Also, holding water in a cup isn’t defining sea level, and your random capitalization just makes the writing harder to understand (as if saying the earth is flat isn’t hard enough). I think you’re completely wrong, and there is really no proof that the earth is flat.

Bradley Rehbein
Bradley Rehbein
Reply to  Gavin
3 years ago

Again, the devil took Him up onto an exceeding high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them,

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Bradley Rehbein
3 years ago

“and the devil took him (Jesus) to to a high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world”.
That would not be possible… visibility from a high mountain (no matter the height) is limited because there is the haze, dust, moisture, etc. that only allows us seeing as far as a few tenths of kilometers…
So, the Bible speaks there only in a figurative sense, and not actually seeing “all the kingdoms of the world” as it would have been impossible even then. For the devil it would maybe be possible to display a fake image, but Jesus would know the vision was FAKE.

How far can we see if unobstructed?
BY HOW IT WORKS TEAM · 27/04/2012
“Dust, water vapour and pollution in the air will rarely let you see more than 20 kilometres (12 miles), even on a clear day. Often, the curvature of the Earth gets in the way first – eg at sea level, the horizon is only 4.8 kilometres (2.9 miles) away. On the top of Mt Everest, you could theoretically see for 339 kilometres (211 miles), but in practice cloud gets in the way. For a truly unobstructed view though, look up. On a clear night, you can see the Andromeda galaxy with the naked eye, which is 2.25 million light years away.”

Reply to  bob
3 years ago

Gravity isn’t proven. As of this day it is still a theory.

Reply to  Sergios
3 years ago

You really need to up your research, particularly when it comes to “scientific theories.”

Scientific Theory – a scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be REPEATEDLY TESTED AND VERIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD.

Reply to  Sergios
3 years ago

ah yes its not like we have had hundreds of independent reasurch groups prove that gravity is in fact real

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Sergios
3 years ago

The word “theory” does not mean what you think it means in a scientific realm.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Sergios
3 years ago

Gravity has been proven to exist, but how gravity WORKS is still up to debate. Even if the earth is forever accelerating upward as flat earthers believe, that would still be gravity, and the fact that you don’t fly off into space proves that gravity is real, but, if the earth is accelerating upward why do flat earthers have no explanation for why gravity is weaker the further you get from the earth? Or why you are 5.5 ounces lighter at the equator? If the earth is accelerating upward then there would still be gravity no matter what the altitude is.

mikael hannes
mikael hannes
Reply to  Joshua Noriega
3 years ago

flat earthers DO NOT believe earth is accelerating upward. you are confused by shill organizations created to obscure the truth.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  mikael hannes
2 years ago

If you don’t believe Earth is accelerating upwards then you believe in the mystical force of density. Sorry to burst your bubble but the air is denser at the bottom than higher up, so buoyancy would make things fall up if your theory is correct. Gravity is real. If you think it’s electromagnetism, well, diamagnetic, ferromagnetic, and paramagnetic materials would fall at different rates. You lose either way.

mikael hannes
mikael hannes
Reply to  Joshua Noriega
3 years ago

at the equator the earth is spinning much faster than at the northern, or southern latitudes, greatly differing the centrifugal forces felt by observers. yet no one has felt or measured this vast differences.

time will tell the truth of the non-spinning ball in the empty, dark, and lifeless void of space.

see the movie Space Balls for absurd and sarcastic attacks against heliocentricism and the gravity vs vacuum fake wars.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  mikael hannes
2 years ago

Well, if you’re so sure, weigh yourself in Antarctica (no treaty says you can’t) then at the equator you will weigh 0.003459712284508279 times less. That’s less than 4 thousandths of the force of gravity. Obviously, people don’t feel that. Try to think before making comments like that.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  mikael hannes
1 year ago

The Equator is 24,906 miles in circumference, while the Arctic Circle is 9,944 miles, but being part of the same sphere, two spots on either Equator or Arctic Circle, but the same Meridian, make a full rotation in the same 24 hours, the spot at the Equator goes around at 1,037.8 miles/hour, while the spot at the Arctic circle goes around at 414 miles/hour, because of the different circumference from Equator to Arctic Circle
Your perceived “greater differing centrifugal forces”, are different in the order of 2 thousandths of 1 G-force… so, why would the difference be even felt?. Centrifugal forces are created with great speed at short turning circles, but there’s a great difference between the turning circle of an F-16 fighter and the whole planet, even if the turning speed may be about the same.
Equatorial G Force =    0.003439 G
Arctic Circle G Force = 0.001373 G
Difference in G-Force = 0.002066 G or 2 thousandths 1 G

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  bob
3 years ago

Sea level and level mean two different things. Also, CGI didn’t exist in 1969 during the first moon landing.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  bob
3 years ago

In physics, the word level pertains to the curve of liquids (such as the ocean), by the way. That’s also not how gravity works; it’s pulling everything to the centre of mass (the earth). Thus, it’s pulling evenly at every point 360 degrees around. What truth? The earth isn’t flat? We already know that truth. What you’re saying is “truth” is absolute nonsense and has been for thousands of years.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  bob
3 years ago

May I remind you that the earth is simply ginormous? You obviously can’t see the curve of the earth because it takes 69.1 miles for the earth to curve by 1 degree. The guy that did that spirit level test on an airplane proved nothing because obviously, the plane couldn’t keep flying in a straight line unless the pilot was constantly increasing the speed of the plane to generate more lift to compensate for the thinning atmosphere, and that just doesn’t happen. Once a plane reaches cruising altitude, it stays at that height because it doesn’t have enough speed to hold the plane up at higher altitudes due to the thin air. And the fact that the earth is spinning isn’t relevant. The centrifugal force generated by the earth at the equator only makes the oceans lighter by 5.5 ounces for every 100 pounds. This is insignificant compared to gravity (the thing that pulls the water toward the center of the earth in the first place. You say that if the earth’s gravity is strong enough to hold down the oceans, nothing else would be able to move. However, this is not true. Isaac Newton’s second law of motion (Acceleration equals force divided by mass) proves that gravity acts on all objects of different weight equally as long as there is no air resistance, because the greater the mass of the object being acted on by gravity, the greater the force, which would make the object fall faster, but even though there is more force, there is also more mass to distribute that force among to get the acceleration. Which will always result in the same downward acceleration, therefore weight doesn’t matter. Read a book. Oh and sea level is only a term for elevation (100 meters above sea level?).

Roger D Deese
Roger D Deese
Reply to  Sarah Fecht
3 years ago

Not true. And gravity is a theory, never proven. The Bible talks about the sun ” making its rounds ” ” The Earth immovable” . Do you believe the Word of God? Or what we have been told to believe? The Bible also refers to ” the fimiment separating the waters above from the waters below. ( RESEARCH )

Sarah Fecht
Reply to  Roger D Deese
3 years ago

Nice try, but scientists use the word ‘theory’ different from how the rest of us do. Definition: a coherent group of propositions formulated to explain a group of facts or phenomena in the natural world and **repeatedly confirmed through experiment or observation**. (RESEARCH!)

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Roger D Deese
3 years ago

Gravity is proven every day at a personal level!… when you get up from bed each morning, turn on the shower, climb down the stairs, etc, etc. Without gravity nothing would stay put and you’d wake up floating over your bed, fly-off the stairs, water from the shower would fly-off against the opposite wall of the bathroom, etc.

Tectonic plates cause the earthquakes and volcanoes, and tectonic plates in turn are caused by magma (molten rock, metals, etc.) that stays hot because of the tremendous pressure gravity exerts on the Earth’s mass against the planet’s center… nothing of this could nor be possible on a flat earth.

If God and not Moses had written the Genesis, he would have either explained it all a little better or would have avoided it… at least would avoid the scienetific details, and that is what becomes apparent, so either way you see it, God apparently did not give Moses the full details on what he meant by “immovable” (to or by man). The Sun “making it’s rounds”, because it apparently does from man’s point of view, leaving scientific facts off as primitive man would have not understood. The flat earth sun doen’t make rounds… it makes circles). “Separating the waters above from the waters below”, means separating water in vaporous state from the liquid waters… before the atmosphere existed, heat from the magma and Sunlight, it evaporated water, and that water vapor remained over the liquid water, retained by gravity.

“At any moment, the atmosphere contains an astounding 37.5 million billion gallons of water, in the invisible vapor phase. This is enough water to cover the entire surface of the Earth (land and ocean) with one inch of rain.”
I would say that the amount of water in the atmosphere qualifies as “waters above”. The “Firmament” has always been considered as the sky, or space… but never a solid object… “But the dome is not solid” you would say!.. but what else could hold the waters above the dome?… “a Dome made of elecromagnetic energy” (would you say)… Well, water and electromagnetic energy don’t get along well… and guess which would lose?… the dome… and the Creation would have been a failure… but the fact is that if God is the Creator of everything we know to exist, he then must be the Creator of physics, chemistry, time, etc., and the nuclear and subnuclear forces such as Gravity, that hold the Creation together. Summarizing, a high intelligence such as God’s would think of creating the forces and norms of physics and chemistry that hold and keep everything in nature working… otherwise he wold have to be ever present working 24/7 to hold and keep everything working. God is the greatest scientist that ever was and flat-earth fools do nothing but offend him with their minuscule model of the Universe, lacking all logic, reasoning, functionality, etc. etc.

Reply to  Roger D Deese
3 years ago

yes the bible said a lot of things belive me my friends father is a paster
so how about yo do some real RESEARCH

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  harrison
3 years ago

As I already stated in this thread earlier, the Bible is NOT research. Talking to a pastor (that’s how it is spelled, by the way) is NOT research.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Roger D Deese
3 years ago

The Bible is not research, nor is it a scientific journal and is not meant to be taken literally. Also, a scientific theory such as the theory of gravity means something completely different to the colloquial use of the word “theory”.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  John Smith
3 years ago

Gravity is a law, not a theory. How it works is what we do not know.

Katie Cavencavenkatue@
Katie Cavencavenkatue@
Reply to  Sarah Fecht
3 years ago

Why did NASA stop building rockets for human space flight? It is possible that NASA never launched a rocket into space and that is a fact. You wonder how fascinating it is to see how technology from the 1960’s can’t be duplicated to come up with the “ lost formula” to launch a rocket into space Today. Well just as your reality supports the notion of how crazy someone is to believing rockets never went to space is just crazy it is to figure out how much everything makes sense when you open your eyes and see what is really going on!

Sarah Fecht
Reply to  Katie Cavencavenkatue@
3 years ago

Because space travel is wicked expensive?? Or, maybe the world is run by lizard people and space would be too cold for them

Reply to  Sarah Fecht
1 year ago

So the Apollo missions, where there was no sheilding, were able to make it to the moon, and then sent back in a tin can full of plastic and aluminum, sorry not buying it anymore.

Reply to  Sarah Fecht
1 year ago

you believe that? seriously 1969 when we didn’t even have cell phones but we could send nan land on the moon and record the event in real time. wow

Danny Stefanovski
Danny Stefanovski
Reply to  Sarah Fecht
1 year ago

Sarah in 1962 just after Admiral Byrd discovered the firmament (Van Allen Radiation Belts) which NASSA state they have not yet overcome this challenge and the Furthérest they have ever gone is 400 miles Lower Earth Orbit .
All the materials, metals , aluminium and heat shield glass used for the moon landing heat melting points would mean that the space casual and all its occupants would of disçintegrated in the thermosphere ,.
If Neil Armstrong was the 1st man to set foot on the moon …!!! Who was the camera man already there filming the capsula landing
,Ñeil Armstrong climbing down the stairs and the capsule flying of,
The sun and moon are a plasma which in daylight you can see blue sky behind them and the moon you can see stars through it being translucent, not solid ..

1962 Operation Fishbowl
Óperation Dominic
America and Russia detonate most potent nuclear warheads into the formant everyday non stop for 4 years straight .
Óutcome : Not even a scratch in it ,

1969 All the computers in NASSA RAM memory eqúated to 3 Casio çalculators ,







Reply to  Danny Stefanovski
1 year ago

Do you realize that the M&M experiment you’re referencing was over 200 years ago? You’re saying that televised space flight in 1962 is impossible to believe, but an experiment from the 1800’s is reliable proof?

Last edited 1 year ago by SandySouth
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
5 years ago

It is painfully obvious Lynn Kempen, you have not investigated the facts of reality, and have no intention of ever doing so. If I stand on top of Mount Vinson, the highest mountain in Antartica (at just under 5000 metres) on a clear night, I can look through my telescope and see billions of kilometres into space.

If I am standing on top of Mount Vinson, and look at the horizon through that same telescope!. That is Something Flat Earth believers seem unable to comprehend by the way, if the Earth was flat, there would be no horizon, if the Earth was a globe there would be a horizon. Is there a horizon or isn’t there???.

But back to my story, if I look at the horizon through my telescope from the top of mount Vinson in Antarctica on a clear day, I can only see 252 kilometres when I know that my telescope is capable of seeing billions of kilometres. is a Flat Earth only 252 kilometres across??? why can’t I see across countries, the north pole, and see Antartica and the wall behind it??? Or is the world a globe! and therefore I can not see further than 252 kilometres because the Earth is dipping away in front of me!.

I would be interested in knowing how big the Flat Earth is supposed to be by the way!, I have never heard how big it is supposed to be from a Flat Earth believer.

[This comment has been edited by a moderator.]

Reply to  Greg
5 years ago

Greg you have made tow points here and I like to tell you why you are wrong, have you ever steped foot on mount Vinson? No is your answer but you were told so,. Other question is, you state your telescope can see billions of killometer yet your not sure of authenticity of this claim as if otherwise we will see the moon on great detail, so you need to go back to your sences and they will tell you much more than what you’ve been led to believe,!

Aaron Bunney
Aaron Bunney
Reply to  Nick
5 years ago

The earth is 100% round. Get some Playdough for example, and your hands represent gravity. When u grab the Playdough and squeeze it into a ball and apply pressure what happens? It stays in a circular shape. But if the earth was flat and gravity was still a thing, well now the hydraulic press represents gravity and will keep squashing the earth flatter and flatter and make it longer and longer until it becomes nothing. Prove me wrong on that!

[This comment has been edited for civility]

Reply to  Aaron Bunney
4 years ago

But wouldn’t the gravity from the middle of the earth plus the gravity of it’s orbit plus the gravity of it’s rotation crush the little ball? Or egg it out?

Reply to  Jesus’
4 years ago

No. Orbits don’t have gravity, they are a product of the interaction of the gravity of the orbiting body and the body at the center of the orbit. And, if anything, rotation would counter gravity slightly. The actual gravity of the earth isn’t all that strong, either, compared to many bodies in space. Just in out own solar system, for example, the sun itself and the planets Jupiter and Neptune have noticeably stronger surface gravity than does earth, and Uranus has a slightly stronger surface gravity. And they are nothing compared to white dwarf stars, neutron stars and (especially) black holes.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Jesus’
3 years ago

Gravity doesn’t exist the way you understand it… all matter has gravity according to it’s mass… but where is the mass of an orbit? or of rotation? your understanding doesn’t even make sense.

The Earth has gravity from the core to the surface but the core is being compressed by the mass around it… it concentrates against the core not in the core… as you implied.

The Earth’s rotation does have an effect on it’s shape, that is what causes the ecuatorial bulge or differente in Ecuatorial circumference versus the Polar circumference of 67 km (42 miles).

Earth’s Radius, diameter and circumference

“The radius of Earth at the equator is 3,963 miles (6,378 kilometers), according to NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. However, Earth is not quite a sphere. The planet’s rotation causes it to bulge at the equator. Earth’s polar radius is 3,950 miles (6,356 km) — a difference of 13 miles (22 km).
Using those measurements, the equatorial circumference of Earth is about 24,901 miles (40,075 km). However, from pole-to-pole — the meridional circumference — Earth is only 24,860 miles (40,008 km) around. This shape, caused by the flattening at the poles, is called an oblate spheroid”.

Reply to  Aaron Bunney
4 years ago

Didn’t someone call the earth “pear shaped”? or was it “oblate spheroid”? which one is it?

Rick Black
Rick Black
Reply to  Aaron Bunney
3 years ago

Gravity does not exist what has been labeled gravity is relative density… It’s over, globers! Give it up! There is 100 times more evidence for a flat stationary Earth with a firmament dome over then any evidence you can legitimately present for a round Rock hurtling through infinite black space and thousands and thousands of miles an hour your arguments are beginning to sound desperate and pathetic truth like water always wins! Watch!

Reply to  Rick Black
3 years ago

Things only exist if we believe they do. Fear does not exist, light does not exist, and the Earth does not exist. The only reason Earth may exist is because we believe we can place our feet on it. Whether it is round or flat is a matter of personal debate after acknowledging it even exists at all.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Rick Black
3 years ago

And without gravity, density wouldn’t register measurable weight. If density or “upwards movement of the flat earth” => patch on the previously debunked idea that the flat earth remained perfectly still… that would only apply to falling objects and not to objects already on the surface, because once an object got to the surface, it wouldn’t register measurable weight. But if a rock resting on the surface and traveling along with the Earth in the same direction through space so it wouldn’t have weight according to flat earthers, but gravity keeps attracting the rock towards the center or the planet. Another fact that can be taken as evidence of the existence of Gravity is that rocks that on the Moon weighed six pounds, on Earth they weigh only one pound. If Density were the only factor to “explain” Gravity, it would work at the same rate on any planet size, and a six pound rock would be six pounds on Earth, the Moon, or on any other planet.

Quote: “There is 100 times more evidence for a flat stationary Earth with a firmament dome”
Show us the evidence, pictures, scientific data, all or any of your delusional “100 times more evidence”… but the fact is you have nothing whatsoever in favor of the flat earth model… all you have “for it” is in your heads, but nothing real, observable, measurable, or provable. So “watch” inwards because here outside there is plenty of evidence the Earth is spherical.

On your flat earth, without space or stars where all mater was created, nothing would exist, because all elements from which all mater is formed, were created in the stars… and from the combination of different elements, molecules are formed which in turn form everything we know and see around us. But flat earth “theorists” decided to remove the main source for elements from their theory and ruined it before they released it.

Reply to  Rick Black
3 years ago

We hear the exact same B.S. countless times a day, yet nothing to back it up. Please stop waisting our time!!

Mag Jakul ka!
Mag Jakul ka!
Reply to  Rick Black
3 years ago

@Rick Black Yet you can’t even explain what occur volcanoes and the aurora lights.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Rick Black
3 years ago

a) you’re wrong.
b) “relative density” has nothing to do with it and is also not a thing. Gravity, however, IS a thing.
c) firmament does not mean, or imply a “dome”, please stop combining the two terms.
d) “hurtling” implies chaos which it is most definitely not chaotic.
e) “thousands and thousands of miles an hour” is linear motion (as in the distance it travels in an hour) and has nothing to do with the angular motion of the solar system. Please learn the difference.
and f) you’re wrong.

Jackson Star
Jackson Star
Reply to  Nick
5 years ago

It’s somewhat gratifying that you have spelled the word “senses” wrong. On the other hand, many scientific experiments that you can do with household materials prove that human senses are inaccurate at best.

Reply to  Nick
4 years ago

Replace Mt.Vinson with any mountain, you’ll get similar results.
It’s irrelevant whether or not Greg has actually been there, he chose it because there wouldn’t be any light pollution in Antarctica!

Reply to  Nick
4 years ago

You know what, if you could spell basic words, I may have entertained the idea that maybe you are onto something but no, you cant. Here’s how you solve your little flat Earth problem with a simple test that anybody with a cell phone and a stick can do. All you do is plant a stick in the ground in one location, have a friend 1000 miles away or more plant a stick in the ground standing up the same way. Wait until exactly 12 p.m. when the sun is directly overhead, and call your friend. Your stick will not be casting any Shadow because it is 12 p.m. local time and the sun is directly overhead, but your friends stick will definitely be casting a shadow because the sun is hitting his stick at a different angle. There is only one conclusion for that result. The Earth is a sphere. That’s the reason why we need time zones. If you can’t do this test it’s because you either don’t want to, because you don’t want to believe that the Earth really is round, or, you just don’t have any friends. now go grab a stick and make yourself feel stupid for ever believing in that nonsense.

Reply to  Brian
4 years ago

perfectly explained by a local light body that is relative close to the earth traveling in a constant path daily. totally impossible on a spinning ball 93,000 miles away from the sun.

Reply to  Doc
4 years ago

Typo…should have read 93000000…but it does not matter because it is not as far away as they claim it is. It is local. In our world atmosphere.

Reply to  Doc
4 years ago

Doc, Why is that true if, according to flat-earth theory, the North Pole is at the “center” of the earth’s plane (see map at the top of the article), yet, for six months a year (centering on the winter solstice), the sun is not visible there at all, and also not visible for less continuous time all the way to the Arctic Circle, where it isn’t visible for one whole day (ie: the winter solstice itself). How is the reverse true during northern hemisphere summer? How does this work when the rest of the earth gets at least *some* sun every day of the year?

For that matter, explain the difference in seasons generally on earth, where, for example, there is winter in the northern hemisphere at the same time it is summer in the southern hemisphere. The 23.5 degree offset of the axis of the (spinning!) earth relative to the plane of its orbit around the sun explains it perfectly. And a detailed mapping of longer days in the northern summer corresponding to simultaneously shorter ones in the south perfectly aligns with the concept. Look, for example at a Mercator projection of the earth and its day and night sides shown at many sites that concern time. Call people in the areas represented as “night” or “day” within the same hour and simply ask them to go to a window and tell you what they see.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Doc
3 years ago

Wrong. There are so many things wrong with a “local” sun just magically “floating” above earth’s surface moving in a circular motion.

a) explain seasons and don’t say it moves between the two tropics closer to the centre of the “disc” for the southern and further out for the northern. This will not work as it would spin faster closer to the centre.

b) explain sun set/rise other than perspective, atmospheric lensing or whatever other junk we’ve already heard

c) explain how the sun stays “suspended” above the earth and doesn’t fall down

d) why doesn’t the angular size of the sun change through out the day? If it was circling over head, it would move in more of a straight line across the sky, rather than in the customary arc we all observe

So, to rebut your comment of “impossible on a spinning ball 93,000,000 miles away”, wrong. It works perfectly fine. Oh, and by the way, this is also known as “reality”, something 99.99% of the world acknowledges. Out of that 99.99%, only about 1% really care about the shape of the earth as to most of us, it’s kind of irrelevant.

Last edited 3 years ago by John Smith
Reply to  Brian
4 years ago

This would happen on a flat earth as well. research both side of the argument before you try to prove someone wrong.

Reply to  Brian
4 years ago

Brian, if you look up flat earth they explain how the seasons and sun works .. So this experiment will not prove the earth is flat. Think of a flat object , the sun starts at one side and goes to the other side, making day and night.

Reply to  Brian
4 years ago

You will get the same result with a flat earth with a closer sun.. Get 2 objects and place them on a table what ever distance apart you would like. Hold a lighter above one of those objects and the angle of the light will be different on the other object.. You are assuming the sun is far away and light comes in parallel as for not being able to see far you are looking through atmosphere plus light bends it’s called refraction so no points in this whole article or comments prove anything

Reply to  Turtle
4 years ago

Turtle, Your argument falls apart, for example, in the northern hemisphere during winter, where the sun doesn’t shine at the pole for the 6 months centering on the winter solstice (December 21, usually), and isn’t visible in lessening amounts out to the Arctic Circle, where it doesn’t rise at all for just one day (December 21 itself). The reverse situation in summer, where the sun never sets for 6 months, etc., as above, is also impossible in a flat-earth scenario.

Also, the sun’s distance is well known simply using parallax. Heck, you don’t even need to measure the sun’s parallax directly – it would be extremely difficult on earth’s surface due to the sky being overwhelmed by the sun during the day, obscuring the background stars. Just get a parallax on Mercury or Venus, which, since they show phases in simple telescopic observation that *clearly* indicate the orbit the sun, can clearly indicate that the sun is at least noticeably farther away from earth when these two planets show thin crescents. Those distances from Earth – using parallax – for Mercury and Venus are about 50 million and 20 million miles, respectively, when they are directly between the Earth and the sun. By definition, the sun is farther away, as it is shining “behind” them.

John Klumpp
Reply to  Turtle
3 years ago

So, show me the mathematics which ‘proves’ your distance to your ‘close sun’? Scottish mathematician James Gregory determined, in the year 1663, that astronomical viewing of the transit of the planet Venus across the sun’s full width would enable calculating the mean distance separating the Earth from its sun.
Capt James Cook was entrusted to observe the 1769 ‘transit’ from Tahiti (in the Pacific Ocean), and from the solar parallax values obtained from this work it was determined that “the mean distance from the Earth to the Sun (is) 93,726,900 English miles.”

Mary Baldwin
Mary Baldwin
Reply to  Turtle
3 years ago

I would like to know if you actually performed the experiment or not? If not, why not? Does your flat earth theory provide pictures of the edge? Can you tell us where it is? I would like to visit this site. Is the earth being held up by four enormous elephants standing on the carapace of a giant turtle?

Sean Flynn
Sean Flynn
Reply to  Mary Baldwin
3 years ago

No Mary, it’s turtles all the way down

Reply to  Brian
4 years ago

Then why does the trees not be in different locations if it rotates by the land? And the reason the sun casts a shadow on the 1000 miles away stick is because the sun isn’t a million miles away it’s right under the firmament the sun and moon rotates around,if not then wouldn’t a big ball of fire a million million miles away cast a shadow on everything? Would the rays of light look different?

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Jesus’
3 years ago

Jesus’ It’s all the opposite… one thousand miles separating two poles is nothing compared to 150 million kilometers, and 936,225 times more than the 1000 miles (1609 kilometers) of the experiment. LIght comming from that great distance would cast the same shadow from two poles separated by 1000 miles, only IF the earth was flat. A down to scale comparison would be for example, like standing two pins (representing the two poles/stakes) on a flat surface and separated by 1 milimeter (to represent the 1000 miles), and shining a spotlight at them from 93.2 meters up!.. if the surface where the pins stand is flat, there would not be a difference in their shadows… both shadows would fall straight down to the base of the pins… but in the Eratosthenes’ experiment, one pole was straight under the Sun* and the other was 1000 miles north. And at such meaningless distance as compared to the distance to where the light originates, there would not be a difference in the shadows if the Earth was flat, and the difference in the angle of the shadows proved the Earth’s curvature.
*At the Tropic of Cancer, which is the northernmost point the Sun gets to in summer.

The Sun is not a ball of fire!… it’s a ball of nuclear fussion and the resulting “fire” is actually plasma… which is much hotter and brighter than fire.
Quote: “Deep red fire is about 600-800° Celsius (1112-1800° Fahrenheit), orange-yellow is around 1100° Celsius (2012° Fahrenheit), and a white flame is hotter still, ranging from 1300-1500 Celsius (2400-2700° Fahrenheit). A blue flame is the hottest one of all, ranging from 1400-1650° Celsius (2600-3000° Fahrenheit).”
The Sun looks white from Earth so if what we see was “fire” it’s temperature would range from 1300 to 1500 Celsius (or 2400 to 2700° Fahrenheit)… But the Sun’s Corona (the part of the Sun we can see from Earth) is 2,000,000 degrees F… that’s at least 740 times hotter than the hottest fire possible… and similarly brighter. As the sunlight crosses the 150 million kilometers of empty space to reach Earth, there is nothing in it’s way to bring the brightness down (no air, dust, moisture, etc.) but distance… But the atmosphere is made of air, dust, moisture, pollution, and it dims, as well as disperse the sunlight, and it can still cast a clear shadow of things at ground level because of it’s brightness which is strong enough to fry your retina and leave you permanently blind (if you stare at it for a short time).

To imagine how bright the Sun must be close up, watch a video from a nuclear explosion… the brightness turns night into day, the filter or dark glasses used to protect the eyesight of spectators can turn day into night… and that’s for a single atomic blast, imagine the light from 2 billion Tsar bomba (50 megaton) nuclear fusion blasts per second.
The Sun emits the equivalent of 4 × 1026 J of energy each second, by comparison, some 2 billion times more energy than the Tsar Bomba gave off… and the energy of nuclear fusion gives off an intense light, so, the brightness in comparison is about the same 2 billion times more.

Grey matter
Grey matter
Reply to  Brian
4 years ago

This also works on a geocentric model. If the sun were smaller and closer. Have you forgotten double think?

Reply to  Brian
4 years ago

The experiment also works on a flat earth. Point invalid

Reply to  Greg
5 years ago

You’ve never been to Antartica. Point Invalid

Reply to  Jeff
4 years ago

You’ve never seen a huge wall in Antarctica. Point invalid.

Reply to  Luciana
4 years ago

Excellent response there Luciana. These flat earth nuts are obsessed with pointing out things like “you’ve never been there” and so on… these flat earthers just plainly disregard scientific facts. Note the word, facts. They always fall back on the bible as proof. But like Ricky gervais once pointed out. If all religious beliefs and text etc just disappeared, stay with me here, it might come back given time but it wouldn’t be the exact same. But if the same happened to scientific studies, it’s gonna come back with the same results. Just think about that and tell me I’m wrong.. I implore you

Reply to  Adam
4 years ago

They are just doing it as a goof to get reasonable people up on arms. I believe the kids call it “trolling”.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  James
3 years ago

Goofing around is not what I would call it… they, the principal promoters of the idea, make it a business… they get income from websites, video views paid by Youtube, book sales and other merchandise sold in their websites, plus conventions, conferences, etc. they make a good living out of lying… then there’s the followers, those that find the subject a way to make their own source of income, and those that fall in the category of fooled, deceived, mislead,… those that love fooling themselves, there’s the mentally challenged that can’t help it… and lastly there are those whose paranoid and distrusting mentality makes them believe more in fantasy than on reality… there are also the religious fanatics that don’t rely so much on the Bible as on their own interpretation of it. They claim the Bible says the world is flat, but the Bible is online in all its editions, and anyone can check with a simple search, and I, so far haven’t found it to say the earth is flat… and where flat earth people claim the Bible (book, chapter, versicle) says its flat, it doesn’t… nor does it say its round, but why would it? Why would God contradict himself? people were supposed to remain ignorant, not know everything there was to know… that’s what got Adam and Eve in trouble in the first place.

Reply to  Adam
4 years ago

On your first day in kindergarten, your teacher took you by the hand and LED you over to an interesting looking blue ball that spun on a stand! She encouraged you to spin it a few times… Then proceeded to inform you that this is where you lived! Why did she do this? Because when she was a little girl, HER teacher did the same to her! Look… We could have this pissing contest into infinity and get nowhere until someone finally acknowledges the tens of thousands of hours of documented evidence, experimentation and scientifically recorded proof that is constantly being presented, but ignored, denigrated and mocked! It is going to take one person of incredible character and believability to come forth and acknowledge the absolute truth of flat Earth… Until this happens, this pissing contest will continue unabated.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Rick
3 years ago

Rick said: “tens of thousands of hours of documented evidence, experimentation and scientifically recorded proof that is constantly being presented, but ignored, denigrated and mocked!”

Show us some of those documents of evidence and recorded proof… which btw can’t be scientific evidence or proved by scientific means because science can’t and doesn’t flex to please both sides of the debate.
All I have seen as “evidence” are videos of tricked experiments and experiments that only proved them wrong but which they took for evidence in their favor. Tricks such as pointing a laser down-wards to make up for the curvature and hit a target at the same height from the ground, other times when a laser hit feet higher that the height of the laser emiter, or claiming that the height difference was inconclusive and that the laser had to hit much higher as it would be if the Earth was much smaller. .. probably trying to make believe the Earth is actually much larger as what the flat earth map seems to suggest… which is actually more than double the size.

If we take the distance from the Ice Wall to Ice Wall crossing through the north pole, the distance would have to match the known distance of the circumference of the planet starting at the south pole, crossing the north pole and ending again at the same point on the south pole it started from… that would have to be 40,008 kilometers. And so, the flat earth would have to measure 20,004 kilometers in radius or 40,008 km in diameter, and that would make the total area of the flat earth around 1,256,640,000 Km2 (a billion, two hundred fifty six million, six hundred and forty thousand square kilometers… but Earth is in reality, around half a billion square Km2. 510.1 million km² to be exact.

If flat earth was a reality, airliner flights would have to cruise at 2.46 times the speed or take 2.46 times longer in getting to their destination… and also, consume 2.46 times the fuel and specially carry more than twice the fuel or land to refuel more than twice as often…. they would also have to plan flights heading in very different directions as they actually do, to get where they do. There is absoutely nothing that can’t be debunked about flat earth, but flat earthers simply ignore the facts and persist on their fantasy, lies, delusion, etc. depending on the fellow in question.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

The flat Earth evidence isn’t tricked. Rather, it is based upon faulty information that portrays the earth as many times smaller than it truly is. It is a commonly spread bit of misinformation that if the earth has a drop of 8 inches per mile and a horizon that is 4.1 kilometers away, however, if either of these statements were true then the earth would have a circumference of only 917.1439 miles. However, as any sensible person knows, this is not true. The horizon is actually about 69.2 miles away, and the earth has a drop of only 0.01445725071 degrees per mile. You can get a calculator and do the math yourself. the circumference of the earth (24,901 miles) divided by 360 is 69.16944444444445 miles for every 1 degree of curvature, meaning that the horizon is really about 69.2 miles away (not the 3 miles that most people, round Earthers and flat Earthers alike) believe. And if you divide 1 degree by 69.16944444444445 you get 0.01445725071 degrees of curvature for every one mile, aka much less than an 8-inch drop. This is really where all of the flat earthers go wrong with their experiments. They go off of the “official numbers” as evidence, but the “official numbers” don’t match up with the above calculations, and therefore the only logical conclusion is that the “official numbers” must be incorrect, making all flat earth experiments invalid.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Rick
3 years ago

Why did she do this? How do you know if they were a “she”, by the way? Teachers can also be male, too. Short answer: because it’s reality.

Last edited 3 years ago by John Smith
Reply to  Rick
1 year ago

No, if you were not informed by so called teachers as to why a scientifically accepted idea is accepted and just blatantly told you the world is like this accept it and tell others this, then you should be upset with them for wasting your time.

Reply to  Luciana
3 years ago

Try and go to the edge and you will be stopped by the miliatary. Read about Admiral Bird, who led an expedition to antarctica, also look into the origins of the Smithsonian institution, what was its mandate originally?
The devil has his people, the kings and princes of this word, are teaching you about a spherical earth moving around the sun to goad you into believing we are just an insignificant spec in a vast space, to dilute your belief in God. The opposite is true and simply provable actually. God says we a the firstfruits of His creation, there are no aliens like in star trek. We are the of His focus, we are all that is significant.
Even if you don’t believe in God, “THE FOOL SAYS IN HIS HEART THERE IS NO GOD” simple logic of that which is observable teaches us the earth is flat.
Read about this stuff before you dismiss it, you have been deceived, but good news the Bible says that in the last days the wisdom of mankind will be revealed for the foolishness it is,. Hallelujah Jesus, (who is one and the same as “In the beginning GOD” and the Holy Spirit) is coming, we will rejoice when not only the sphere earth is found to be lies, so will evolution, gravity, and lots of other so called scientific facts.
What you deceived folk need to ask is why it is you all blindly believe what you are told by the rulers of this world…

Reply to  John
3 years ago

Give us one sliver of proof that the military is guarding the edge? All talk, no evidence.

Reply to  Seth
3 years ago

how would the military even be Guarding The Edge will probably fall off themselves

Reply to  man
1 year ago

like the first battle scene in 300

Randall E Erwin
Randall E Erwin
Reply to  John
3 years ago

Well I believe in God and I also think the earth is round just like every other planet, etc that we clearly see. But whether the earth is flat or round has no bearing on my belief in God. Why would it? If you truly believe in God then you believe regardless of where he placed you or what shape he placed you on. What does it matter if earth is round or flat? You’re on it, breathe, live, love one another. When you pass away from this life then your question will be answered.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  John
3 years ago

What the heck are you babbling about? People go to Antarctica all the time. Where’s your evidence? Oh, that’s right, you have none. The Bible isn’t evidence, by the way, so don’t even try using that one.

Reply to  Jeff
4 years ago

You’ve never measured the distance of the sun either….. point invalid

Reply to  Greg
4 years ago

how can you have a “horizon” on a globe.
how can sea “level” be calculated on a globe.

Reply to  Noah
4 years ago

How can you have a “government conspiracy” when the government has literally NOTHING to gain from “lying” to you

Reply to  Tyler
4 years ago

uhh…follow the money???

Reply to  Tyler
4 years ago

because nasa is not a billion dollar company, yeah our government would have no reason to lie to us that they made this all up to try to bankrupt Russia in the cold war, then after that all the leaders of the world got together, and now we cant visit the one place where the truth could be discovered without permission and explanation of your actions. I dare anyone to try and get a permit to travel to Antarctica to prove the earth is flat or round and see if you get permission or snuffed out like anyone else who has tried to expose the corruption of the US or World government.

John Michael
John Michael
Reply to  randy
4 years ago

This is another crazy notion of flat earthers that you can’t travel to Antartica. People do it all the time – there are cruises there and Antartica has been crossed many times – I recall going to Dr Fuchs expedition in 1957 of the crossing of Antartica by Snowcats – no mention of any ice wall or by the people who’ve crossed it since – and they haven’t disappeared either. Honestly flat earthers dismiss any evidence that contradicts their bizarre theories that never hold up to any scrutiny.

James Young
James Young
Reply to  John Michael
4 years ago

Of course there’s an ice wall. Where do you think they filmed Game of Thrones?

Reply to  James Young
3 years ago

Good one, yo!

Reply to  John Michael
3 years ago

John Michael, what most people don’t know is that after Captain Oates said his famous “I’m just going outside, I may be some time” last words on the ill-fated Antarctic expedition, he then stepped out of their tent and fell straight off the edge. Historical fact, that is.


Reply to  randy
4 years ago

NASA is the largest multi multi multi billion-dollar money laundering operation in human history. Now please go away, and come back when you actually know something!

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Rick
3 years ago

You’re supposed to sit on your rear, not talk out of it. Please provide evidence to back up your assertion of money laundering, or go away.

Reply to  Rick
1 year ago

Rick, the absolute largest part of the United States budget by far is the military. Not NASA. That is easily discoverable truth. I would agree with you on your point that US military spending is a multi multi multi billion dollar money laundering operation. This is why so many are clamoring to become military contractors. And they’re not spending the money on guarding the ice wall either.

Reply to  randy
3 years ago

Government conspiracy has nothing to do with the Earth being flat or round,or why (better yet, HOW) did NASA become a thing?

Oh, God, watch out, the Government puts spy cameras in your cheese to measure your unknowable intellect! Oh no, they also put alien microbes in your water to turn you into an Abomination from Fallout 3! Oh, and to make things worse, they put squirrels in your bathtub because they wanna see your NUTS! Oh, nobody is safe and nobody is alone, and the world is flat!

See how ridiculous you sound?

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  randy
3 years ago

The US government can’t even hide a presidential “extra marital” event that occurred between Clinton and Lewinsky. And people think they can hide the shape of the earth from the masses? Give me a break!

Last edited 3 years ago by John Smith
Reply to  Tyler
4 years ago

NOTHING? thats so shallow, try again.

Reply to  Tyler
4 years ago

They don’t have anything to gain from it in hell,but they like to decieve people,they want to keep people from God’s truth,that’s why they lie,they’re working with and for satan,they turned God’s truth into a lie,NASA says they went to Mars,but yet not one plane has been able to get pass the firmament,or rockets

Reply to  Tyler
4 years ago

Are you serious? The Government lies all the time. POLITICIANS PROVE THAT FACT ON A DAILY BASIS .

Reply to  Tyler
3 years ago

Says who? You? Trust the Bible.. Only God knows all and He has given us a book like no other, it has the facts, and when we look for evidence from a Biblical perspective, we will and do find evidence of all of it

Florian F
Florian F
Reply to  John
3 years ago

Have you seen God? No? Point invalid!

Reply to  Florian F
3 years ago

No, God exists, it’s just that people like “John” like to twist the truth and make it seem like God wants us to believe that Earth is flat, when it never even says that in the Bible, AT ALL. He’s using his own twisted interpretations to make smarter people like you and me look like we follow the Devil, like either God or Satan give a flying feck what we think the universe is made of. You and I look for the facts, he just looks for reasons to complain.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Natsujin
3 years ago

When referring to “God”, the planet’s shape is irrelevant.

Mag Jakul ka!
Mag Jakul ka!
Reply to  John
3 years ago

@John Do you see your god? Cuz I don’t. Facts.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  John
3 years ago

I trust the Bible about as far as I can throw it.

Reply to  John
2 years ago

John Please don’t rely on a book for finding out a planets shape.

Reply to  Noah
4 years ago

A horizon would be the result of the curve. When something goes beyond the horizon, it is no longer visible as it is behind the curve. However, you can see it again by a higher elevation. It is evident that the horizon moves back as you gain height, the higher your elevation, the more you can see and the further the horizon would seem because you of a rise in height to distance like on a right angles triangle where, if you consider the line of sight to be the hypotenuse, then the distance to the horizon would be the base and elevation would be the height. If you increase the elevation, the distance to the visible horizon would increase.
As to sea level; sea level is, by definition, the visible distance across a large body of water and is comparable to a landmass. It has nothing to do with it being flat. Level does not mean flat when talking about sea level.

Reply to  Apple
4 years ago

If the sun doesn’t move an the earth rotates around it then there wouldn’t be a horizon for the sun to “go down” or to “set” it woul just remain there

Stacie Becht
Stacie Becht
Reply to  Jesus’
4 years ago

Will some flat earth believer explain how when we have a quarter moon or a three quarter moon you can see the curve of the shadow of the earth on it? And once you explain that how come on a half moon the earths shadow is a straight line? Then explain if how a sun and a moon are both above the moon how do we have solar eclipses? Your GPS tech is designed for a round earth. But I suppose your answer to that is a world government. Take a plane flight look out the window at the horizon, it’s curved. That is with your own eyes not a picture or a video. Look through a telescope at all the bodies in our solar system. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God made the earth flat and every other body round. Look through a telescope at any planet they are all round or spheres. God didn’t write the Bible…man did. Man excluded books from the Bible not god. If you believe in god then you must and for some reason you believe the earth is flat the you have fallen to the deceit of Satan! Better come to Jesus cause you need savin’!

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Stacie Becht
3 years ago

That’s not the curve of earth casting a shadow on the moon. That’s a lunar eclipse which is completely different. The moon’s shadow is caused by the position of it relative to the sun. The side furthest away will be in shadow, and that shadow curved because the moon is spherical. This is how shadows work on a sphere.

Reply to  Stacie Becht
2 years ago

It really is in the Ethiopian Bible.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Jesus’
3 years ago

You are supposed to take both Sun and Earth as round for the horizon to exist, not think of the sun as round and the flat earth going around it. That’s what all flatearthers do, mix aspects of both; Global Earth (reality) and flat earth (delusion) and as expected, it doesn’t work that way… stick to round Sun and round Earth and all works perfectly… or stick to the puny sun going* in circles over the flat earth, and nothing works out…

* Going endlessly through the atmosphere without an engine, fuel, or a source of impulse except maybe an initial push that would have been given to it 6000+ years ago but as everything getting launched in the atmosphere with a push, throw or temporary impulse, everything without exception loses impulse quickly due to air resistance… the Earth remains in arbit around the Sun because it travels through space and space is nothing, emptiness, the absense of atmospheric gas and opposes no resistance whatsoever to hold the Earth back.. so, there is nothing to make it lose speed, but the sun would have lost impulse in the first seconds or minutes and with a greater impulse, rocket engine for example, it would have needed wings and guiding system to keep flying while the fuel didn’t run out… but without that, it would have plunged down at rocket speed. IQ’s are running way low in flat earth.

Reply to  Jesus’
3 years ago

Where does an airplane go when you watch it disappear into the horizon? Does that mean it hit the earth? or is it still at the same height it passed over you?

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Jesus’
3 years ago

And there we have it, yet another flat earther that can’t think in three dimensions… what else is new?

Reply to  Apple
4 years ago

Can anyone explain the frozen lake horizon fail They put a camera on the ice at 12”s then set up different colored lights at different distance the furthest was 8 miles the drop should have been 29 feet but there was zero drop They then moved the scope/camera at 6”s no change Just asking?

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Rick
3 years ago

You said they used “colored lights at different distances” but didn’t mention at what height above the frozen ice, but to be seen from 8 miles, the horizon being at 1.225mile from 12″ above a flat surface, and the drop being 30.6 feet (at 6″ it would be 0.866 mile and 33.9 feet drop)… two possible mistake had to be; the size of the pole where the last light was held to and possible irregularities in the frozen ice… lifted surface due to water currents moving ice plates against eachother and lifting it. Either camera or last light or both were probably sat/lifted on a higher surface. One thing’s for sure there was either a trick or a mistake… A link to the video, website, etc. would help to observe where they went wrong and evaluate if it was a legitimate test or a common flat earth trick.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

That actually isn’t why no drop was observed. There was no trick or mistake. The person who really made a mistake was the person who calculated that there should be an 8-inch drop for every mile squared. That would only hold true if the earth was much smaller. The actual curvature of the earth is 0.01445725071 degrees of curvature for every mile because the circumference of the earth (24,901 miles) divided by 360 is 69.16944444444445 miles for every 1 degree of curvature, meaning that the horizon is really about 70 miles away (not the 3 miles that most people round Earthers and flat Earthers alike) believe. And if you divide 1 degree by 69.16944444444445 you get 0.01445725071 degrees of curvature for every one mile, aka much less than an 8-inch drop.

Last edited 3 years ago by Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Noah
4 years ago

Sea level is calculated based on the radius of the earth to the top of the sea around the equator. i.e. the measurement from the center of the earth to the top of the water will be the exact same distance no matter where you measure to in the ocean around the equator. It would be the same around the entire globe however the diameter is slightly larger at the poles than the equator.

Two of biggest issues I have with flat earth conspiracy is that it isn’t a scientific theory because a theory changes based on evidence presented. So if you beleive in flat earth ask yourself, what would it take for me to be convinced I was wrong? If you actually went out and did some tests, like FE’ers did in Behind The Curve and got results that were consistent with a spheroid earth… exactly as they did… and react as one individual did in the documentary and say to yourself “well that’s a problem…” That is not a scientific theoretical mindframe. What would be is: “I’m going to base my beliefs not on what I want to beleive, but on the evidence presented…”

An extremely, extremely simple way to disprove the existing flat earth model is this: every flat earther I’ve spoken to agrees the sun is a sphere, not a disk. Correct?
Going on the agreement that the sun is a spheroid, irregardless of size, position or distance to the earth, in the current model a spheroid sun would light up the entire surface of a flat plane no matter where it is positioned directly overhead of at least some part of the flat earth plane.
This is confusing to FE’ers because, in the existing FE model, the sun emits light in the same manner a desk lamp would (with the shades) NOT as a bulb would with a 360° light emission in every direction.
Think. If the sun is a ball which we agree, even if you’re at the southern tip of south America and the sun is about 180° away from you over above Australia, if the earth is FLAT and the sun is a BALL in the sky, you would see it, perhaps very low in the horizon but you would see it no matter where you are compared to the light ball in the sky because the light is projected in a 360 degree area.
Go to flat earth society and look at the sun rotating around the flat earth. It is projected downward in a desk lamp, or flash light fashion. Only way that is possible is if the sun is not in fact a spheroid.
Based on JUST my last arguement, you either beleive the earth is flat AND the sun is flat(or encased in a lamp shade I guess) or both have to be spheroid. You can not have one or the other, based on the current FE model. So what do you beleive?

Reply to  Noah
4 years ago

Noah, Stand at the ocean with binoculars or a spotter scope and watch a tall sail or cargo ship head out the sea. The bottom “disappears” before the masts or superstructure does. There’s the concept of “horizon on a globe” manifested in an easy-to-do, real-life experiment.

As to your question on sea level: one word: Gravity! Indeed, gravity is what formed the sphere in the first place, where all points on the sphere’s surface are (effectively) equidistant from the center, being pulled toward that center as far as the squishiness of the matter will allow.

Reply to  Noah
3 years ago

Your concept is misguided when stating Sea Level as you are taking the word level to mean flat or at some particular relevance to how it lays in a glass vs a large body of water. Sea level means exactly that 0 or Zero for number illiterate 1 foot above sea level means 1 foot above surface of the water not how it lays before you. Level can mean “Where it starts or begins, also a point to which something is at. If you have a dome above us I assume it must be set upon the surface of your flat plane, that being said if 3000 miles high your meaning the center of the dome which would be its highest point gradually decreasing as it gets closer to the pancake you claim is earth’s surface so if you and people have went to ANTARICA which you claim circles the edge of said pancake if you walk outward opposite the direction from center where you claim the Artic is located you will eventually bump into this dome you claim and whole heartedly believe exists. There is no way you can dispute this as these are your theories and explanations. Wouldn’t it be very simple for you to prove us Round Earthers wrong by leaning up against your Firmament dome

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Noah
3 years ago

The question should be the opposite because there would not be a horizon on a flat surface. The horizon is where a shallow object disappears behind the horizon and at some five feet from the edge of the water, that is some 4.41 kilometers… a board floating on the water would disappear at around 5 km, but the same object and many things more should remain visible at much longer distances if the earth was flat.

On a beach, on bright, sunny days with clear sky, and the Sun in the right angle a well defined line appears on the horizon, that divides the water from the sky and clouds….. and that line is only at 4.41 kilometers away… that is an unmistakeable evidence of the Earth’s curvature…. there are many photos available on Google Images that show exactly what I say… that would not be possible on a flat earth with a flat sea…

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Joe Black
3 years ago

Wrong. If the horizon were only 4.41 kilometers away, that would mean that the earth only has a circumference of about 917.1439 miles. In reality, The horizon is about 69.2 miles away, and the earth has a circumference of 24,901 miles.

Reply to  Noah
2 years ago

That’s clearly been stated by someone else, it would just get confusing saying something other then horizon or level.

Reply to  Greg
4 years ago

I’m laughing, Greg- that you (and Aaron) and some others here) miss the most elementary of flat earth explanations of the atmosphere preventing seeing past a certain distance (depending on those particular conditions) on a given day, Some days are tens of miles better than others to see no matter WHAT the shape of the world. Be honest, you “know what you know”, not because you’ve looked into it, only because of what you’ve already been taught. Just like the rest of us once were. We all started where you are, Greg. We didn’t just wake up one day thinking “How can we be made fun of today? OH- I know- we’ll claim the earth is flat”. This epiphany exists now in millions of well-studied on the subject people who are waaay past your “I climbed a mountain” experience. At least watch this …(if it hasn’t been removed by the time you read this). Also explain WHY they’re removing videos about the subject if we’re wrong. If we are wrong, no harm no foul, right!? If we’re right though… that is information they’ve fought to squelch and kept control of until there was an internet and a means to share the reality. Hey- we’ve been lied to concerning this subject, just like so many other things that have come to light. We don’t need to know ALL of the reasons why, but I can give you 3 just for the asking. But you won’t be able to “unknow” it. It WILL change you.

Marco Kelly
Marco Kelly
Reply to  Jotham
4 years ago

Does the dome over the earth not then exist behind the sun and moon?
Does the dome of the earth not then exist along the edges of the earth?
If the atmosphere is preventing me from seeing the sun during the night even though it would be in the line of vision, why then can I see the stars on the dome behind it?

Reply to  Marco Kelly
4 years ago

Question if the earth is flat and ?15,000? Mile wide. Wouldn’t the ferment be required to be 1/2 the distance plus the ?15000? Miles.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Rick
3 years ago

Where’d you get 15,000 miles from? The diameter is 7,917.5 miles, it’s radius is 3,958.8 miles and it’s circumference (C = 2 pi r) is 24,901 miles.

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Rick
3 years ago

The flat earth would have to measure the same as the globe earth, so the flat earth Diameter would have to equal the circumference of the globe earth, which is 24,901 miles.

Reply to  Jotham
4 years ago

Jotham I want to know the 3 reasons that I won’t be able to unknow.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Jotham
3 years ago

Because it’s spreading misinformation. Other flat earth accounts are being terminated because of some the hateful, vile stuff they say about other people.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Jotham
3 years ago

The amount of atmosphere you need to block out the sun to pitch-black levels is like being deep inside the Jovian planet. We do not find ourselves in such an environment, with such high pressures.

The atmosphere alone can NOT explain the day-night cycle. Sorry to burst your flat. And yes I did look into it, and I do know what I know about the earth being round because, for one, flat earth makes absolutely no sense no matter how you look at it because all the explanations about how flat earth would work are very very stupid. The person who really made a mistake was the person who calculated that there should be an 8-inch drop for every mile squared. That would only hold true if the earth was much smaller and had a circumference of only 917.1439 miles. The actual curvature of the earth is 0.01445725071 degrees of curvature for every mile because the actual circumference of the earth (24,901 miles) divided by 360 is 69.16944444444445 miles for every 1 degree of curvature, meaning that the horizon is really about 69.2 miles away (not the 3 miles that most people, round Earthers and flat Earthers alike) believe. And if you divide 1 degree by 69.16944444444445 you get 0.01445725071 degrees of curvature for every one mile, aka much less than an 8-inch drop. This is really where all of the flat earthers go wrong with their experiments. They go off of the “official numbers” as evidence, but the “official numbers” don’t match up with the above calculations, and therefore the only logical conclusion is that the “official numbers” must be incorrect, making all flat earth experiments invalid. The flat Earther society’s only mistake was believing these incorrect “official numbers”. Well that, and thinking the earth is flat in the first place.

Reply to  Greg
4 years ago

You’re assuming that the stars are billions of miles away. Our eyes cannot see out that far so to perspective. It’s why you can see an airplane up close, but when it’s thousands of feet up in the air it looks tiny and even high altitude planes blink out of existence altogether. We’re able to see the stars because they’re not really giant balls of gas billions of miles away. They’re in the firmament thousands of miles away.
As for gravity, there’s no need for it. The Earth is flat what goes up must come down, with the exception of the sun and moon. Planes never fight it pulling them to earth, submarines never deal with it pulling them to the bottom. I believe that since the Earth acts as a giant ring magnet, the sun and moon are superconductors quantum levitating over us in a circular pattern. The only reason everyone believes the Earth is round is that they duped us when there was no technology and got it taught to children who grew up believing it then it turned into generational information passed down over centuries. August Picard went up in the 40s prior to the establishment of NASA, higher than any other human had ever gone at that time and said it was flat.

Stacie Becht
Stacie Becht
Reply to  Greg
4 years ago

#1 reason for the saying “What goes up must come down!” …GRAVITY

Reply to  Stacie Becht
4 years ago

Yep. Can’t have the phrase without gravity.

Reply to  Stacie Becht
4 years ago

Also Planes and subs both fight gravity. Actually get some info before making wild claims about the Earth.

Reply to  Greg
4 years ago

I would like to know how you got this telescope up 5000 meters in Antarctica but you are just on here discussing this as Greg, some random guy from some random place on this planet, not a scientist, not a researcher, just some dude they let climb a mountain in Antarctica. Yeah I totally believe what you have to say here Greg.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  randy
3 years ago

People go to Antarctica all the time, dude. Stop asserting you can’t go there as you don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe you don’t want to go there, I probably won’t as it’s too cold, but other people do.

Reply to  Greg
4 years ago

Maybe you can’t see that far because of other things in the way like other hills or mountains,or maybe it’s just so big and stretched out that your little binoculars can’t zoom as far as the Earth is stretched

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Jesus’
3 years ago

Maybe you have no idea what you’re talking about?

South Kerr
Reply to  Greg
4 years ago

Can you see Flags or any thing left on the Moon by Astronots? Do you believe Men Walked on the Moon. I simply believe the Earth is a Sphere but I no for a percent fact No man Can Walk on the Moon. That is impossible.

John Klumpp
Reply to  South Kerr
3 years ago

The clearest photos of the site were taken from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2011, showing various pieces of equipment the astronauts set up to send data back to earth in the future.
Its no wonder you have these doubts, if your education is so deficient that you spell the word ‘know’ as ‘no’.

Reply to  Greg
4 years ago

So prove it to us by standing on top of Mt Vison, the highest mountain in Antarctica, oh thats right, you will get shot or at the very least, be taken away at gunpoint, i wonder why that is? aha, PENGUINS

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  arugala
3 years ago

People go there all the time.

Bradley Rehbein
Bradley Rehbein
Reply to  Greg
3 years ago

I don’t think you can stand on top My Vinson can you? Last I check people are not allowed to go there

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Bradley Rehbein
3 years ago

No idea where you got that information (and don’t say the treaty, because I know you didn’t read it, as that’s not what it’s for…), but you’re wrong.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
5 years ago

STOP shredding the BIBLE! You misinterpret the Scriptures to create a false doctrine that is used to support false science. Nowhere does the Bible say the Earth is flat and definitely is not a globe. You do the same thing every cult does: create a false scenario by divorcing the Scriptures from what they really mean.

Reply to  Dean
4 years ago

The Bible has quite of few things in it saying or leaning towards the earth being flat . Just google bible and earth being flat then look up the versus in your own bible ..

Reply to  Dean
4 years ago

The Bible does indicate it’s flat,and doesn’t move,an that the sun moves,what’s that line God “stretched” across the earth? God said he stretched out the heavens too,as it is in heaven so it is on earth

Reply to  Jesus’
3 years ago

What you get from scripture is based on YOUR INTERPRETATION. For some reason, flat earth Christians are afraid to admit that. You know full well that not everyone interprets the bible in the same way. Yet you people want to insist that YOUR INTERPRETATION is the right one. You’re free to believe that. But the bottom line is, NO ONE CAN ULTIMATELY PROVE THEIR INTERPRETATION IS THE CORRECT ONE.

Dylan C
Dylan C
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
4 years ago

I would really like to know how you explain one thing. you can twist any fact to “kinda” sound like it’s proving the opposite. So how can you explain airplains being able to fly from places like Hawaii to Australia? Or around the world period? No pilot has literally ever said “for some reason it should take 3 hours but it took 14 and for some reason ice was on one side the whole time” ????

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
4 years ago

I’ll believe the earth is flat when you can prove that we are not living in a simulation. Both topics are ridiculous and truly are not worth the time or brain power investigating or even contemplating. If you flatheads would just put the time and energy that you spend disputing that “the earth is flat” into doing something conducive to society, this world could be a better place….. just saying.

Reply to  SupremeArchitect
4 years ago

Is food a simulation? Do you eat food believing it’s a simulation? Do you taste food? Do you have a sense of smell? Can you smell different things? If you eat a plant does it have a certain flavor? If you touch a car does it feel like a car? Or does it feel like water? Is water liquid or solid? Do you believe you are a simulation? After you take a shower do you feel fresher? Can you feel the warmth of the sun and the cold of winter? Can you feel snow flakes and rain? Yeah….you really are brainwashed…thank NASA and TV for that,if you think it’s a simulation then why are you on here debating about something you think is a simulation

Reply to  Jesus’
4 years ago

A car is not actually a car. You just believe it is because the world governments conspired to put terminology in your head. You were told, therefore it is all a lie.

Reply to  Rick
3 years ago

Then by that logic, you aren’t real either. You’re just a simulated artificial intelligence made to look human to fool yourself into fooling yourself into pretending to fool yourself into realizing that your fooled yourself into thinking that your fooled yourself into fooling yourself into thinking you were real. You are a lie, and are not real, nor is anything real, and reality is all just a lie.

Notice how ridiculous that sounds?

Reply to  SupremeArchitect
4 years ago

your actions prove otherwise, if it’s “not worth your time” what are you doing here?

Jeff black
Jeff black
Reply to  SupremeArchitect
2 years ago

FR you really think it would be a better place? Or would it be a place where we all think the same way with no sense of individuality. Oh even better how about a hive mind mentality… Oh damn

Carina Gous
Carina Gous
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
4 years ago

I agree …the writer has not done enough research and it’s clear that his intention is to prove the globe. Check the flight routes on the flat earth and see the logic. If you Google Chakras on the Flat earth you get a beautiful geometry. Recently NASA revealed their ney space flag….with that exact geometry. The UN flag has the flat earth map as well as some buildings on the floor tiles. It’s hidden in plainsight. It takes many hours of searching and putting the puzle together.

Stacie Becht
Stacie Becht
Reply to  Carina Gous
4 years ago

Time zones don’t work in flat earth theory. It must be a conspiracy set by the government. Plate tectonics doesn’t work in flat earth thoery either. Clocks aren’t spheres they are flat so the earth is flat…that is how one starts believing in flat earth.

Reply to  Carina Gous
4 years ago

Question if the earth is rotating at 100,000 miles an hour at the poles can you feel it and what effect does it have on gravity

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Rick
3 years ago

100,000 miles an hour? It’s only 1024 miles an hour at the equator. And the earth rotates once on it’s axis every 24 hours. That’s 0.000694 RPM.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Carina Gous
3 years ago

He’s not trying to “prove” anything. The UN flag is not a flat map and is only drawn that way so all the continents fit in a circle. Wonder why that is? Oh, because in reality, they’re stretched out over a spherical object. There is no “puzzle”.

Reply to  Carina Gous
1 year ago
Take your pick and watch the airplane travel across the globe.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
4 years ago

Why are you using your god to justify flat earth? Where did he say the earth was flat in in your bible? In fact the Bible used the word round multiple times. Many times it referred to round meaning ball round.

Richard lucas
Richard lucas
Reply to  Mel
4 years ago

The Godless their is no reason to respond.
You live on a triangle. Happy?

Reply to  Richard lucas
1 year ago

Well if this godhead happened to be born in ancient greece not only would they believe in a spherical earth but also in Zeus as their deity. They just happen to be born after christianity got popular and got pulled into it. Atleast the greek priests would have explained viable mathematical and physical evidence to support their spherical earth model, something required in the scientific method.

John michael
John michael
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
4 years ago

You are using the formula to describe the arc of a parobola. The earth is not a parobola

David Gregory
David Gregory
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
4 years ago

It is easily seen when the base of a ship disappear in the distance

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
4 years ago

Well, if you live in the U.S., call someone in Australia at 10 PM (night) your time. Ask them if the sun is up. They will surely say “Yes!” Now, unless the phone companies are somehow in on the hoax as well, explain how, during a *live phone call*, both of you see different things. Either the sun should be up for both of you, or it should be set for both of you, since you are both in the same plane.

Also, your very example is easily disproven by simple observation. Go to the ocean with a good pair of binoculars or a spotter scope. Watch a tall ship under sail or a large cargo ship heading away from you. Its bottom will appear to “disappear” before the rest of it does, because that part has already passed under the very curvature you are talking about. I live at the coast myself, and have seen this personally may times.

A similar effect of curvature is involved in the height of the sun at the same exact time but different latitudes. Go to Nairobi, Kenya on March 20. At noon, make a phone call to someone in Moscow directly north of you, and ask him how high above the horizon the sun is. He will respond that it is about 35 degrees above the horizon. Explain why, at that exact same moment, it is directly overhead for you. And, while you’re at it, call someone at your noon in New Zealand and ask him how high the sun is there. He will tell you it’s quite dark there. How is that possible, when the very map shown above in this article has Nairobi, Moscow and New Zealand very nearly in a straight line, again, on a single flat plane?

Please also explain how satellites clearly orbiting above the earth are visible by reflected sunlight even a few hours after sunset sometimes, yet they often wink out of visibility because the earth’s shadow is suddenly entered into. These satellites circle overhead under extremely exact and predictable orbits (eg: the GPS satellites), and those orbits are *only* that exact due to orbital mechanics around a sphere. How is that?

Look, I am a religious Christian myself, but extreme fundamentalist quoting of Scripture without context does damage to the text and exposes it to ridicule. Psalm 75 might indeed talk about the earth being held up at its pillars, implying, I suppose, that it is “flat,” but that is metaphorical and was sufficient for its original hearers, who may indeed have not worked out the spherical nature of the earth yet. It’s a similar metaphorical use as is found in the Book of Revelation, where we read that the Beast will have seven heads and ten horns. Surely *that* is symbolic or metaphorical, since no one would follow such a repulsive creature. Can you see how the Bible is not necessarily a science textbook nor is it necessarily literally depicting the appearance of the Beast, and how there is something instructive in that? It all comes down to authority to interpret Scripture, and I’ll leave it to you to discover who has it, and how it has been exercised all the way back to the Apostolic Era.

God bless!

Reply to  magisterium
3 years ago

Unfortunately the “phone Australia” technique doesn’t work because Australia doesn’t exist; it was invented by the British as a means of justifying sending all their convicted criminals to the edge of the world, where they fell off.

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Andy
3 years ago

LOL that’s actually funny.

Reply to  magisterium
1 year ago

satellite tracking website and also tracks the apparent position of the sun in the sky

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
4 years ago

Ok, so this thread seems a little heated, and although Im just a little 15 year old boy, I though I would share my proof/belief about the roundness of the Earth. So, first off, the Earth is round, and many people say its not, but here’s why it is.
1: Ice Wall? Really? There have been multiple people that have traveled across it either fro research or world records. There are satellite pictures of what it looks like, and we have loads of evidence saying there’s no ice wall.
2: Speaking of satellites, lets talk about space agencies! Yay! So NASA is at the top of the game for space and stuff. They have designed everything from spaceships and satellites, to memory foam and adjustable smoke detectors. Lots of people think that there are only a few space agencies, and they all are covering up the fact that the earth is flat, but a question I have is why would they? Theres no point in saying that its not flat, they wouldn’t get more money or success for it, they state the facts, and its round. Also, fun fact, there are 72 space agencies, so all 72 would be covering up the same thing? That doesnt make sense.
3: What about the other planets? Is earth the only one, just magically flattened but all the others are round?
4: The horizon. If the earth really was flat, on a clear day, you could go to one side, and see all the way to the other, but you cant, because its round, and obviously, you cant see all the way over.
5: Gravity. Scientifically, it wouldn’t be possible for the earth to be flat. The gravity would pull it back into a ball
6: Day and night. The back side of the Earth is in the shadow, and its dark, which we call night, but the side facing the sun is light up, and thats day, if the earth spin on its y axis, it would remain flat to the sun, so the supposed ice wall would only shadow a little bit, and there would be no night. If the earth were to spin on the x axis, the whole earth would have night and day at the same times.
So, I was bored and I gave some reasons, just my opinion (scientifically based factual opinion) but this is a really interesting subject to me, so thanks to all for giving me a place to share it.

Jeff black
Jeff black
Reply to  Gavin
2 years ago

So let’s say hypothetically we did find out the earth was flat okay.
Just hear me out alright…..

Do you realize how many people would be like WTH, and first people would say why were we lied to. Then imagine ( great word NASA loves to use) the chain of events that would follow. Honestly think about what would happen if humanity found out that the earth isn’t what were lead to believe.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
4 years ago

Stop wrongfully quoting religion to back your hypothesis

John Smith
John Smith
Reply to  Asswipe69
3 years ago

I wouldn’t even call it a hypothesis. I’d call it a bunch of nonsense that’s already been debunked thousands of times over the last few hundreds of years.

Nathan Sokolowski
Nathan Sokolowski
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
4 years ago

ok, answer this sure you at least believe that there are powerful telescopes that have very very far seeing capabilities, correct? so if the earth does not have any curvature to it, then why hasn’t anyone from your community proven this by going to a high mountain in north america and shown everyone realtime pics of Austrialia? and please dont try the weather excuse. there is and has been technology out there to get around that. i’ll be waiting for your humorous reply.

Shane Michaels
Reply to  Nathan Sokolowski
3 years ago

…and if not this then how about an aerial shot. 45,000ft up really ought to be able to see quite far if the Earth was flat. At the very least it’d be pretty easy to see the distant sunlight, it’s pretty bright. (and capable of giving people 2nd degree burns) Oh and while i’m here, Have you spoken to the head of your church about this? (I’m not a gambling man but I’d bet quite a lot on that you have indeed not spoken of this anywhere outside of the internet)

Jeff black
Jeff black
Reply to  Nathan Sokolowski
2 years ago


Mary Baldwin
Mary Baldwin
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
3 years ago

Dear Lynn,

I notice you are good at quoting scripture. So, in that vein, what would you view as acceptable evidence? Would Eratoshenes’ experiment in the 2nd Century B.C. be enough? Eratoshenes is credited as the first individual to measure the tilt of the earth as well as the circumference. He was able to accomplish this feat by using geometry and trigonometry. Perhaps the experiments of Posidonius who used the star Canopus to calculate the Earth’s Circumference? Would those two calculations be acceptable as proof?
What about the Great Pyramid which encodes that information in it’s dimensions?
How does the flat earth theory explain gravity or the fact that the sails of a ship can still be seen at a far distance but not the entire ship?

“Man’s mind once stretched by a new idea never regains it’s original dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes –

Shane Michaels
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
3 years ago

Lynn, it is even far more painfully obvious that you’ve been listening to people eager to make a living off of you and others like you, without having to work. How do I know this? Well, let’s start off with your “Religious argument”. There isn’t a single Church, Synagogue, Temple or Mosque that supports Flat Earth, even though they clearly have the most to gain by proving it. Second,for every Bible verse you could find to support FE, I can easily find another that doesn’t.
Genesis 1:16-18
“God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night; He made the stars also. God placed them in the *expanse of the heavens* to give light on the earth, and to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness; and God saw that it was good”
You’ve also been listening to the wrong people, people who have monetized YouTube accounts and Websites with advertisers who pay per visit. That isn’t now, nor has it ever been the Earth’s Curve Calculator. Did you ever try to use it? Anyone who knows math can tell you that you need Trigonometry to calc the Earths Curvature. Let’s test your calc first.
What is the farthest apart two points can be on Earth? 12,500 miles apart, because if they are any farther, they will be closer from the other direction. What is the maximum drop a target can have? About 7950 miles, the diameter of the entire Earth, How does the formula stack up?
The square of 12,500 is 156,250,000 and 156,250,000 times 8 inches is 1,250,000,000 inches, or 236,742 miles. About the distance to the moon! (But the people selling you FE were rather hoping you’d never check!)
The simplest proof of the Earth’s curvature is the fact that none of the stars in the night sky north of the Equator can be seen at all, by anyone south of the equator(and vice versa). It’s completely impossible to explain this using the “FE Model”. Finally that brings us to the real kicker that no FE site or video will ever tell you. Not only is there absolutely no working model, there isn’t even a map! There has never been a FE map, ever. They show you the Azimuthal Equidistant Projection, but, once again, hoping no one will check…It was invented around 1130(ish) A.D. by an Iranian scientist/scholar who never believed the Earth was flat.
Lynn? I have no YouTube videos for you to watch, no website for you to visit (so I can get paid) and no book to sell you. I absolutely do not ask that you think like me, but I do ask you to think!

Dre Cole
Dre Cole
Reply to  Shane Michaels
3 years ago

Lmao. If you were GOD, why in the hell would you put the Sun 93,000,000 miles away, and the moon much, much closer. I don’t believe in much of the Bible, but, if you were a true Christian, the Bible is definitely pro Flat Earth. It’s literally hundreds of scriptures aimed towards the flat Earth. I mean, the main one is God made Earth Stationary and immovable. The one verse is a L for the Globe

Joe Black
Joe Black
Reply to  Dre Cole
3 years ago

LOL… If you were God why would you had wanted Adam burned to a crisp and blown away within the first second of life?… 

At 100 times the distance of the Moon… Adam would have not lasted more than a minute…
At 10 times closer, Adam would have lasted no more than a second after being Created….
And had he put the Sun at the distance of the Moon, deep inside the Sun’s Corona (or atmosphere), Adam would have turned to dust in the first tenth of a second, having been exposed to about 1.5 million kelvin or around 2.7 million Fahrenheit. So, the Sun is at 93.2 million miles away for a very good reason.

You have probably not read or heard, that the Sun is powered by nuclear fusion and that means extreme heat, blinding light and dangerous radiation, the Sun is 865,569 miles in Diameter, so it’s huge, and it’s emissions of light, radiation and heat are so intense, life can only exist within a safe distance from it.

The Moon is just like a large asteroid that doesn’t emit heat, light or radiation of its own, it just reflects the light from the Sun but most of the heat, radiation and light intensity has been lost by the time sun rays have crossed the 93.2 million miles before it gets to our vicinity of space.

Randall E Erwin
Randall E Erwin
Reply to  Dre Cole
3 years ago

If earth were flat there would be no polar ice period.

Reply to  Dre Cole
3 years ago

because if you were god you wouldn’t want everything under the sun to burst into flames. if you don’t belive in the bible then why do you belive that it’s “definitely pro Flat Earth”?? lol

Reply to  Dre Cole
2 years ago

The Bible also says some random dude (who I believe existed and was a good dude who did good things) brought a dead man back to life. Yeah sure!

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
3 years ago

The earth does NOT drop more in the second mile than it does in the first. That behaviour would not create a circle, but a parabola. It drops at the same rate, mile after mile. It doesn’t get steeper. After 3 miles, the drop falls away from our line of sight and gives us the horizon. If the earth were flat, that drop would not occur and we would be able to see for many more miles across a body of water. The horizon would not even exist!!

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
3 years ago

In the Netflix documentary flat Earthers actually prove with their own experiments the earth is round.

Bob Bob
Bob Bob
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
3 years ago

Lynn please give me a proper source which supports you. Please do not use pithy sayings.

Christopher Watt
Christopher Watt
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
3 years ago

Go to the desert at sun rise. Put a stick in the sand and watch the shadow of the sun at the Earth orbits the sun. Then measure the circumference. This was done in ancient Greece. No debate. The Earth round.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
3 years ago

the earth would implode if it was flat we would have to go ten million miles over the speed that earth goes around the sun the tropics would be the center of stress carrying trillions of lbs it is IMPOSIBAL as we have so much info
that says that the earth is not FLAT a few years back elon musk sent a car to space and we could see the curvature of the earth it seams like i streach to just
make the earth look round so go back to the flat earth redit

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
3 years ago

100% agreement Lynn. Thank you. ANYONE who has NOTHING to hide, hides nothing. SOMEONE who has something to HIDE hides it in plain sight and convinces EVERYONE it does not exist. Why is no one allowed at will to travel and explore the South pole????? Anyone have an answer? You can go to China, India, Greenland, South America anytime you want, at will. WHY NOT THERE????? Ohh wait I forgot, there is precious life that they dont want damaged there, but to hell with the cows and sheep and bald eagles and deer here that we destroy at will. Ya you must be right there is a book that says the planet is round so it must be true. I think I read a book that says vampires are real, oh and werewolves too.

Sarah Fecht
Reply to  Dianna
3 years ago
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
3 years ago

From my work regarding the radio horizon I can safely say you incorrect with the 8 inches per mile squared. It’s an incorrect calculation when talking about the curvature of the earth. It does not measure the curvature of the line of sight, or tell you how much an object should be hidden by the horizon.

The 8 inches per mile squared measures the drop from an imaginary line extended out from the viewers position. I suggest you research the true meaning of this 8 inches per mile squared drop.

Lastly, telecommunications is engineered around the obstacles of the globe earth. Earth’s curve hinders radio wave propagation and the telecommunications technology has to engineer around this hindrance.

Conclusion: earth is 100% a globe!

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
3 years ago

Please explain why you are arguing this NON-essential? You quote Scripture and yet how is this rightly representing the LORD? Believing GOD’s earth is one shape or another has nothing to do with salvation. Isn’t it time to preach the Gospel? This flat earth foolishness has become a divisive cult. Repent now and return to Jesus.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
3 years ago

Per the round earth model’s dimensions, the earth does not have a drop of 8 inches for every mile squared. The person who calculated those numbers just messed up when they tried to calculate using the Pythagorean theorem. In reality, the earth only curves by 0.02777777777777777 degrees per mile. You would know that if you calculated the numbers yourself instead of listening to someone who couldn’t figure out basic math.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Joshua Noriega
3 years ago

Sorry, I meant 0.01445725071 degrees per mile.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
3 years ago

Let’s move from the Old Testament and into the New, eh? 15 “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. 16 You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?

Proverbs 6:16-19

New International Version

16 There are six things the Lord hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:
17         haughty eyes,
        a lying tongue,
        hands that shed innocent blood,
18         a heart that devises wicked schemes,
        feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19         a false witness who pours out lies
        and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

So while you’re busy quoting scripture to make yourself look supreme, the rest of us Christians are face palming because you embarass yourself and God. It’s best if you spend more time on your knees in prayer than ushering nonsense to a community who assume you might actually recognize God’s truth and stop flamboyantly casting it around like an advertisement for your own insanity.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
3 years ago

These people are under a spell. The globe is too comfortable an idea for them to stop believing in it. They bought the lies. Cognitive dissonance.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
2 years ago

Absolutely!!! Great Point!!

Ernest Manigo Jr
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
2 years ago

I have questions:
1) on the “dome” where the stars are “decorated” for us earthlings, the stars that twinkle are stars, and the “stars” that do not twinkle are the ones non-flat earthers call “planets”. if the flat earth creator made both, then why? if the none twinkling “planets” are round then why?
2) If I was a millionaire/billionaire etc, do you believe anyone could stop me from doing an “Elon Musk” and build my own plane and fly around the earth over Antartica with a camera to see if the earth is flat? fly with 50 passengers? i can even do it in secret until I’m actually in the air…
3) what are the chances that if we return with the proof the world is round and flat-earthers think we were never flat earthers to begin with? or, if we succeed and prove the earth is flat and although everyone saw it was flat but one person lies and say it is round because that person is a part of “hide god” plan?
4) Do we have free will?

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
2 years ago

Lynn, there is a REALLY simple experiment that flat earthers can do that doesnt involve anyone else, lots of schoolkids can do it, and it is CHEAPER than attending a flat earth coinference.

You can send a camera up attached to a weather ballon – take your own photos – and look at the ROUND GLOBE EARTH for yourself.

If you want the more detailed solution – study science.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
2 years ago

how do you explain then, when the Bible says the earth is a sphere and hanging on nothing (gravity) ?

Stylianos T Venetoulis
Stylianos T Venetoulis
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
2 years ago

Seems to me they investigated Flat Earth quite well. Sounds to me you don’t understand elementary science. Using the Bible to prove astrophysics is like using a piece of meat to listen to my iPod. It makes no sense. Go out to the beach and watch a boat disappear over the horizon. It’s NOT HEAT making the boat disappear, it’s the curvature.
Some people clearly have trust issues, Daddy issues, etc…

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
2 years ago

Hello Lynn,

I believe Proverbs can apply to your Van Allen Belt question as well. There is plenty of information out there to educate yourself on anything you want.

The Bedford Level experiment is a series of observations carried out along a 6-mile (9.7 km) length of the Old Bedford River on the Bedford Level of the Cambridgeshire Fens in the United Kingdom, during the 19th and early 20th centuries, to measure the curvature of the Earth.
In 1870, after factoring in the effects of refraction, Alfred Russel Wallace found a curvature consistent with a spherical Earth.

There was more than enough shielding to send people through the Van Allen Radiation Belts in the 1960s. The outer hull of the command module was stainless steel which could absorb 400 times more radiation than necessary. The metal inside provided more protection. The pressure suits provided a little more due to metal lining inside.
The easiest way to explain this is that the Apollo missions didn’t pass through the VABs.

There are 2 belts. The inner is very close to Earth, and then there is an outer belt. The two are separated by a 500 mile gap called the “slot region”. By traveling into the slot region they completely bypassed belt 1. They spent about 30 minutes in the very weak outer rim of belt 2. The solar cycle that year was highly inactive so the normal amount of radiation in the belts was not present.
The amount of radiation each person received was equal to about one CT scan.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
2 years ago

Well said I believe the earth is flat incased in firmament which in the Bible God created on the 2nd day. The Bible (God’s word ) was created over 1000s + years ago by some of Jesus’s deciples an yet some won’t believe in the Bible or God but more likely to believe in a 16th century person who made up the word Gravity over a apple lol . There’s alot of hidden agendas deceit going on in the flat earth today like example why did all goverments sign a treaty to make sure no one can go beyond the ice wall? as it’s heavily guarded. What are we not aloud to see beyond there? Or why can’t they improve today the technology of the Apollo spacecraft used to fly to the moon, oh thats right they lost the technology, a multi billion corporation lost it lol . If where spinning 1000 miles per hour an spiraling through space 100,000 miles, how come when i look up to the stars its hardly moving at all and is always some stars every night, yet scientist or googlist will come up with some explanation to debunk what our eyes see.Im not a Christian but believe in God his words more than mans words my opinion an the world’s flat.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
1 year ago

Your understanding of what they meant by don’t have the technology was a poor example of miscommunication like humans have never done that. That statement is so broad maybe the person assuming what that meant should have asked or done research to clarify. FE community ever try that? scientist don’t have time to play catch up with people who can’t do there own work. Scientist are already picking up for everyone’s slack as is.
The comment was taken out of context because they assumed you would get it. We lost the infrastructure to go to the moon. The world cannot afford to have government paying the bill to start over again. Every part of a rocket is custom made in machine shops all over the world. But look back in time there were a lot more, people didn’t expect to get paid above and beyond like they do today. It’s called entitlement to everything no one wants to do anything anymore. Clearly we have the world at out finger tips there shouldn’t be FE anymore just shows no matter where we go in the future there will still be a sting few to pick up the pieces.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
1 year ago

I take it then that photos of Earth from space – taken by American, Russian/Soviet, European, Japanese and Chinese spacecraft since close to the start of the Space Age in 1957- that show the world is very close to spherical do not convince you? You can find such images in, say, the National Geographic way back in the 1960s. God made the Earth to be spherical like all the other planets – whether you like it or not.

jeffrey moore
jeffrey moore
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
1 year ago

You can test for yourself. Call a friend who lives in the same time zone but 100 miles east or west from you. Both plant a yard stick in the ground at the same depth, measure the shadow at exactly noon. The shadows will be differnt lenghts. Thus proving the curvature of the earth. But I know you’re not going to risk disproving your point of view so you won’t do this.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
1 year ago

Anti-religous scientist “discovered” flat earth…. I find it hard to agree with you while you’re trying to use religious scripture to prove your point.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kim
Reply to  Lynn Kempen
1 year ago

You are right. Heliosorcery is a lie.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
1 year ago

Actually if you leave Cape Hatteras headed NE about 5:45pm in July, as the sun sets offshore, you can physically see a curvature of the ocean into the horizon. Also many famous pirates have written about using the sun and the earth’s curvature to sneak up on victims and British navy vessels.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
1 year ago

Also where did you get your numbers for the drop over each mile? Because no where credible has anything like that about such topic.

Reply to  Lynn Kempen
11 months ago

Do some in depth researching……
Look up how do plate tectonics work.
How does a flat earth cope with volcanism, & major seismic events.
I am no academic, but anyone with a working knowledge of the Sciences, could not adhere to flat earth views.
The known laws of physics cannot function on a flat disk.
Gravity, Seasons, our magnetic field.

6 years ago

If a theory begins with ‘It’s a conspiracy’ you can probably guess there isn’t going to be much in the way of scientific data. According to the Flat Earth community astronauts who have seen the planet from space are actors and all the photos of our blue marble are fake.
Thank you for posting this article. Great information!

Reply to  Jordan
5 years ago

The blue marble is fake since when does a globe have a box around it? Turn the contrast up in Photoshop it is copy and pasted

Reply to  Paup
5 years ago

1st the earth is not a globe…It is a bumpy spheroid.
2nd. If you think scientist and educators (many, many of whom are in fact religious) are lying to you to disprove God or anything else for that matter, you are 50 shades of illogical.

There is no box around the earth…Messing around with photoshop can produce some pretty strange things with any image…It is not a forensic tool.

Reply to  Paup
3 years ago

For one, you photoshopping it doesn’t mean all pictures of the “blue marble” are photoshopped, that just means you did it to your own copy of the picture. Secondly, WHICH PHOTOSHOP? There are HUNDREDS of photoshopping programs that do it all very differently from one another.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Paup
3 years ago

You may be right about the blue marble being fake but since CGI didn’t exist in 1968 during the first moon landing, all of the pictures and videos from that time are 100% real. An example of such a picture is “Earthrise NASA” taken by William Anders from the moon in 1968.

Reply to  Jordan
5 years ago

How many Astronauts have you spoken too? None. And show me a real photo that is not digitally altered. Right, You can’t find one can you? Because you believe what anyone tells you. People who wholeheartedly believe in a round Earth just regurgitate what the greek pagans have said and have no actual proof. How do you believe in man made science but not the Bible? How do you believe in Aristotle but not King James? It’s ALL theory until you have PROOF and not what just the Greeks say. If a black original man from ancient Africa said it, it would of been pure quackery but since pale Greeks said it then it must be true.

Reply to  Jeff
4 years ago

‘Theory’, in science, is not a hunch, guess, ad hoc explanation, or a hypothesis.
Everything you have said, you haven’t and CAN’T support with any testable evidence.
You repeatedly utilize fallacious reasoning, misrepresentation and equivocation in your comments. They are indicative of your lack of scientific knowledge and your unwillingness to learn any.

Please supply a comprehensive list of viable refutations of the article’s points or go to a library.

Reply to  Jeff
4 years ago

Probably because man made science is proven and the Bible is almost definitely “quackery,” as you put it. I mean, raining blood. Idk if that’s Bible or New Testament or whatever. Idc. The point is the stories, while they provide good insight on life, are ludicrous. Also, yes. I have spoken to an astronaut. I’ve shook hands with her. So…

Reply to  Jeff
4 years ago

I met Ken Reightler in 5th grade. He seemed pretty sure (100% positive) that the Earth is indeed round. I went to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (with a NASA scientist who is my friends dad) and saw the James Webb telescope (which was freaking awesome), and talked to about 2 dozen different astronauts, scientists, and various other people, who also know the Earth is round. All 72 space agencies around the globe say the Earth is round, but yet people still say its flat. There is no ice wall, people have traveled across Antarctica multiple times, and by the laws of physics, the Earth would squish back into a ball if it was flat. Theres so much proof that its round. If you got put in a rocket, launched into space, and looked at the globe, what would the excuse be? The window is a screen, mind control? Its so obvious, and honestly, it feels like you people are trolling.

John Klumpp
Reply to  Jeff
3 years ago

The FIRST photograph showing the curve of the Earth from space was taken in 1946. The US employed a captured German V2 rocket for this, so please tell me how the US could ‘digital alter’ these B & W photos in that year.
Photoshop was developed in 1987 ( a full 41 years later than that event ) by the American brothers Thomas and John Knoll, who sold the distribution license to Adobe Systems Incorporated in 1988.

Mag Jakul ka!
Mag Jakul ka!
Reply to  Jeff
3 years ago

@Jeff Show us the photo of a flat earth from above beyond the atmosphere. I bet you can’t cuz ur afraid of getting proven wrong. Bwahahahahahaha
Or you might cry fisheye lens after receiving the result. Bwahahahahahaha

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Jeff
3 years ago

True, I haven’t spoken to any astronauts, but actually, I can think of a picture of the globe that I am 100% certain wasn’t created digitally off the top of my head. I warn you, this may hurt your feeble mind to try to comprehend, but is the truth. Ask anyone over the age of 54 that hasn’t gone senile yet. The first moon landing happened during the year 1968. Digital photoshopping was invented in the year 1987. CGI was invented in 1973 what does all this mean? Well, the picture “Earthrise NASA” was taken by William Anders from the moon in 1968 during the first moon landing. Since the picture was taken before digital photoshopping or CGI was invented, the picture has to be 100 percent real, therefore proving undeniably, without a doubt, that the earth is round. Round earth isn’t “just a theory” now is it?

Jeff black
Jeff black
Reply to  Joshua Noriega
2 years ago

I don’t believe you know how long they have been able to make things look real in movies without using CGI before CGI.

Reply to  Jeff
2 years ago

Watch Myth Busters. They did an episode on the moon landing. Keep an open mind (like you would tell me to do if the opposite was true) and watch it.

How big is this ice wall? How many miles long? From what I understand its guarded by people 24 hours per day 7 days a week. How many people have worked at this ice wall. 10,000? 100,000? Over a million? How long has it been guarded? The number or people who have worked at this mythical ice wall must be crazy amount. There is no way you can get me to believe that over the centuries that none of the millions of people who have worked there have spoken out. There is no real evidence of such a thing. Why because the earth isn’t flat. Sometimes the obvious answer is the right one especially when backed by science.

Man made science…so 2+2 is not 4. Apparently its a man made concept and not real. Just because you have not taken the time to understand science it doesn’t make it fake. Believe it or not science and religion can go hand in hand.

The bible a book written over millions of times in thousands of languages by man is not man made? Don’t get me wrong I believe in god but man has manipulated the good book so many times I do wonder about its accuracy.

6 years ago

A simple experiment that any true fat Earther can try. set a laser at 3 meters above the ground, drive in a strait line in any direction along a flat plane in any direction you like for 13 Km. place a segmented graph that is 3 meters tall and see if that laser still shines at the 3 meter mark.

Reply to  Wil
4 years ago

This would have to be done over a body of water to prove anything.

Reply to  Copernicus
4 years ago

It’s been done over 8 miles of frozen ice the filmed and put on YouTube

Mary Baldwin
Mary Baldwin
Reply to  Wil
3 years ago

I thought your lazer pointer experiment very interesting. I wonder if any flat earthers will try it? I am guessing they won’t because it would disprove their reluctance to learn something.

6 years ago

Ummm.. Lynn…? We have live feed video of Earth from the International Space Station, which is NO HOAX: There are many photographs of Earth taken from space…. the photos show beyond any shadow of a doubt that our home planet is R-O-U-N-D, as in “spherical,” actually: And NONE of these facts is an affront or “assault” on God, who made it all and He made it ROUND. Goodness. Why not join the 21st Century? You’re seriously behind the times.

Reply to  Xheesie
5 years ago

Perfect response. The Catholic Church tried to arrest Galileo for showing the “learned men” of the 17th century that the Earth is round and then had to renounce what they were wrong centuries, later after his death. The Catholic church only wanted the common people to believe the Earth was the center of the universe because, as the human race, the universe shoulde revolve around US the children of God….egotistical, uneducated b.s. that in itself was the original flat earth conspiracy. God created the world and therefore created the science and fragile ecosystem we all live in. If people are going to put this much belief in something, they should do A LOT more research. (And have even more common sense).

Michael Smith
Michael Smith
Reply to  Teresa
5 years ago

The Catholic Church never doubted the world was round and any basic study of history will tell you so. The debate, and the part you are correct about, was whether the Earth was the center of the Universe or not. In Catholic teaching it was, with all the celestial objects rotating around the Earth, including the Sun. Galileo proposed the Sun was the center. No one in the Catholic church thought the Earth was flat or taught that.

Reply to  Xheesie
4 years ago

I looked to find PHOTOS from space, and found that ALL are composites, CGI and images… NASA even shares that info in it’s archives when you look into detail on each image presented. Nasa employs the best graphic artists in the world, and also has the largest working movie studio…
NASA like most military operations, is built on lies and deceptions!
Just because people are easily deceived and indoctrinated into believing in space, and space travel does not make it real!

Stacie Becht
Stacie Becht
Reply to  eyeswideopen
4 years ago

Look at any planet through a telescope with your own eyes, it’s a sphere. Satan is playing tricks on you with these fancy one eyed spectacles!

Reply to  eyeswideopen
4 years ago

Question how old is NASA is it as old as Area 51 I asked these questions because I don’t know Could NASA be a diversion to ufo’s space scares

Mary Baldwin
Mary Baldwin
Reply to  eyeswideopen
3 years ago


Did you try the experiment from a previous post or not? Please tell us your results?

Reply to  eyeswideopen
3 years ago

What about the photos that were taken before cgi, and photoshop was invented. 72 space agencies all involved in the same conspiracy is Ludacris!

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  eyeswideopen
3 years ago

I can think of a picture of the globe that I am 100% certain wasn’t created digitally off the top of my head. I warn you, this may hurt your feeble mind to try to comprehend, but is the truth. Ask anyone over the age of 54 that hasn’t gone senile yet. The first moon landing happened during the year 1968. Digital photoshopping was invented in the year 1987. CGI was invented in 1973 what does all this mean? Well, the picture “Earthrise NASA” was taken by William Anders from the moon in 1968 during the first moon landing. Since the picture was taken before digital photoshopping or CGI was invented, the picture has to be 100 percent real, therefore proving undeniably, without a doubt, that the earth is round. Round earth isn’t “just a theory” now is it?

Beau S.
Beau S.
6 years ago

I’m not disproving the geocentric or the heliocentric theory, I am merely pointing out several flaws in your understanding of either. First NASA does not and cannot fly above “low Earth” orbit. This is by their own admission. They cannot pass through the Van Allen belts, also by their own admission. Every “blue marble” picture of Earth IS a composite, they are Photoshoped images, once again, by their own admission. Why? Because they CANNOT fly above “low Earth” orbit. Bill Bye said very plainly, “The Earth is a ” closed system “, we cannot leave the Earth. There is nowhere for us to go.”
Second. In the flat Earth or geocentric model, there is no gravity, at least not in the sense scientists explain gravity. It is simplified to mere weight and buoyancy. “An object has weight, therefore, it falls.” There is no unseen force to cause this.
Third. Water is always is a flat plain It is always level. Water cannot bend. If the round ball Earth has such vast oceans those oceans MUST be bending or curving to form said ball and water will not do that. People who tell you that a live feed from a balloon at an altitude of nearly 100000 feet is NOT high enough to see any detectable curvature, are the same ones who tell you that the curvature can be seen by watching ships on the ocean disappear over the horizon. Any common telephoto lense brings the vanished ship right back into view again.
Seek the truth with an open mind and no preconceived notions. Put every claim and every theory to the test. Believe no one. Judge and test yourself. Not just one side or the other but all sides and all theories.

Reply to  Beau S.
5 years ago

Your not doing ANY scientific reasearch. The science of a round Earth has been studied by the most educated and scientificly researched scientists since Ancient Greece, the Ancient Sumarians, by people like Aristotle, Galileo, and Isaac Newton. Are you saying that you are more informed and educated than THOSE men?… Have you spent your whole life studying physics, magnetic feilds, philosophy, and astronomy? I doubt it. Telling people to look through a telescope out into an ocean proves you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and have absolutely no scientific evidence backing your theories.

Reply to  Beau S.
5 years ago

Oh my god!

By the way, poor some water into a clear glass, look at it from side on…. Then tell me water cannot bend.

Mike Shellenberger
Mike Shellenberger
Reply to  Beau S.
5 years ago

Wrong we have been to moon 12 times Earth is round and space station is 240miles up in vacuum of space and live video um why r they floating around the oh yeah zero gravity and we will go back to moon and then Mars I can prove it lets get on plane and go to imaginary ice wall and u will see no wall or call a rich billionaire and we go to space this would shut u alll up still u flatheads can’t prove its flat and u will never change it in to fact and erase history

Reply to  Mike Shellenberger
4 years ago

Im not arguing for or against flat earth im just saying that they are not floating because of zero gravity. There is still gravity and the reason they appear to be floating in the space station is because both the astronaut and the space station are both falling back to earth at the same rate of speed. the reason they dont just crash back into earth is because of sideways motion i believe which makes them always miss the earth which is called being in orbit, i think i have that correct.

Stacie Becht
Stacie Becht
Reply to  Mike Shellenberger
4 years ago

Agreed! I cannot believe the earth is flat. The flat earthers could not show such evidence. I guess flat earthers are all poor cause not one of them can show me a picture of flat earth. I see pics of spherical earth everywhere but none of flat earth.

Reply to  Stacie Becht
3 years ago

While the Earth is indeed a spherical object, I can tell you that you are wrong about there being any flat earth pics. They’re all doctored, but they exist.

Reply to  Beau S.
4 years ago

Weight is mass × gravitational acceleration.
Buoyancy is an upward force.
Density is not a force.

Reply to  Beau S.
3 years ago


Here is the full quote from Bill Nye. He was talking about trash. Bill Nye does not believe in space colonies.

“Now, one thing I really want your generation to embrace is that the Earth is a closed system. We cannot leave the Earth. There’s no place to go. There’s no place to throw your trash. And I wouldn’t be surprised if maybe not you but your kids develop ways to mine our landfills.”

Were you seeking the truth when you purposely misquoted the man?

Jeff black
Jeff black
Reply to  Mary
2 years ago


Reply to  Mary
1 year ago

Well it took me about 2 seconds to google and find the full speech. If you did not weasel this up your self then someone took you for a long ride.

Reply to  Beau S.
3 years ago

Do you even know were the Van Allen belt is? Of course we can’t go there and it has nothing to do with the earth being flat or round!

Reply to  Beau S.
2 years ago

Look Gravity does exist! You see we use science as a way of proving things. Math for example 2+2 = 4 is a simple form of science we all understand. just because YOU and other flat earthers don’t understand the science doesn’t make it less legitimate.

Water does bend. Ever fill a glass of water? Do you see how it bends inside the glass. All liquid bends. WTF are you talking about?

Take a telescope. Find a very large ship one with a red bottom half of a hull. As the ship moves further away many miles the ship will still be visible but the red hull will disappear below the horizon. Eventually the ship will disappear if it goes far enough. I’m sure someone with more time on their hands and more knowledge can tell you how far a ship has to go before disappearing over the horizon completely.

I even watched a You Tube video from some normal dude with a camera and a laptop. He took pictures of structures across a large lake. Then climbed a hill behind him and took more pictures of the same structures. You could clearly see more of the buildings from the higher vantage point because of the curvature of the earth. I tried to find the video again to link but couldn’t.

Having said that have you taken an equal amount of time to watch videos on people proving wrong flat earthers?

This is a good one that doesn’t use any fancy mythical science but actual data from flying and how long it actually takes and how long it would take if the earth is flat using the accepted flat earth model.

6 years ago

Dear Lynn we do have the tech to send human through the van allen belts and it will be proven again when space tourism happens in the next decade, I personally dont think they had the capability to go through belts in the 60’s., but that another story… also google lake pontchartrain transmission lines, USA, that is one example and fact of the alleged curve, ok so you say that they have been done on photoshop, then youtube it, plenty of people video recording it on there

Reply to  le
3 years ago

That won’t work, Lynn will immediately say “CGI” and give you more hell.

6 years ago

I’m pretty sure if Earth was flat people would fly planes over the edge to prove it, or show the edge with pictures.

Reply to  Lewis
5 years ago


Reply to  Lewis
5 years ago

There is no edge its all ice there Antarctic

Reply to  Lewis
5 years ago

The bible has 240 verses about the flat earth from Genesis through Revelation. You can find the website about flat earth. Read Job 37:18. That is impossible NASA, they cannot pass the molten glass.

Mike Shellenberger
Mike Shellenberger
Reply to  Tim
5 years ago

Bible does not have anything saying Earth is flat u must be high

Reply to  Mike Shellenberger
2 years ago

The Ethiopian Bible.

howard massicotte
howard massicotte
Reply to  Lewis
4 years ago

0% measurable curvature, 0% detectable motion, the globe is a lie the earth is flat

Reply to  howard massicotte
3 years ago

Have your performed the experiment listed in another post? If not, why not? Would love to know your results. What would constitute “proof” in your eyes? Would any “proof” be acceptable?

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  howard massicotte
3 years ago

What you flat earthers don’t understand is how enormous the earth really is. Whoever originally spread the lie that there should be an 8-inch drop for every mile (probably a flat earther) was wrong. If you would do your own calculations, you would see that there is actually a 0.01445725071-degree curve for every mile. This is obviously not an 8-inch drop and therefore all flat earth experiments have been based on the faulty assumption that there should be an 8-inch drop. All of your flat earth experiments have no credibility. Flat earthers, you tell people to do their own research and challenge authority, but you are the biggest black sheep of all. If you really want to do your own research, then make your own calculations. Do not blindly follow the “official numbers” because they are more popular. Do not follow what others tell you is true. Seek out the truth for yourself. How do you feel about your own words being used against you in a way that makes sense! Muahahahahahahaha! Oh, and one more thing. The motion of the earth is detectable. Do you know that really cool invention that was created by a flat earther to measure the rotation of the earth? Yep, that same invention was the one that picked up a 15-degree rotational shift from the earth.

Last edited 3 years ago by Joshua Noriega
6 years ago

responding to Lewis’ comment…………i dont know anybody with a plane with that kind of range, maybe the U.S. government……i heat they are very forthcoming

responding to Lewis’comment………..I dont know anybody with a plane with that kind of range. The U.S. government perhaps, maybe they shoulda checked that out on their trip back from the moon………

Reply to  Guy
5 years ago

ANYONE can fly a plane AROUND the world. The first one to do it was Wiley Post and the first woman was Geraldine Mock. And guess where they ended up? Ill give you a clue….NOT at the edge of some ice wall.

Mike Rapp
Mike Rapp
6 years ago

“Every “blue marble” picture of Earth IS a composite, they are Photoshoped images, once again, by their own admission.”

This is a wholly false statement. All photos of earth are not composites. At no point has NASA ever said all photos from space are composites.

Furthermore, to create a composite you need a series of actual photographs. Therefore composites are, by definition, actual photos. NASA uses composites because the only other way of capturing a full view of earth would require an extreme wide angle lens, which would distort the photo.

You can use Photoshop to un-warp a wide angle photo but doing so removes granular digital data that effects sharpness. Therefore it is “better” to take a series of photos and use Photoshop to stitch them together digitally. This is done every day by photo editors like me.

Finally, I am an expert level graphic artist, include Photoshop. Virtually every photo we see in the advertising world has been edited in Photoshop. That fact doesn’t mean the photo isn’t “real” or “accurate.” Sunlight and lenses artifically color and distort images by default, and designers use Photoshop and Lightroom to shift them back to what we commonly consider to be accurate.

What’s amazing to me is that the vast majority of photos from space are not edited other than shifting color balance to adjust for sunlight radiation. They are in fact the most real photos of nature we have as a society.

Edd Scroggins
Edd Scroggins
Reply to  Mike Rapp
5 years ago

Mike Rapp,
You are correct lol as you already know but there IS a couple of unphoto shopped beautiful photographes Astronauts took from the surface of the moon I’ve seen them at least one of them and that was the only way the entire Earth could be photographed as a whole.. look up astronauts Earth pics. from the moon at least one of them shows the entire beautiful Earth in all it’s glory, I’m sorry i didn’t bring the site of the pics. with me but it is very easy to find.

Reply to  Mike Rapp
5 years ago

photoshoped… lol… I seen ROUND earth pictures in 70’s and that was WAY before photoshop existed… even computers to “edit” pics weren’t around til 80’s…. there’s pics of earth by NASA in 1947… how were those edited? by UFOs?

Blake Grimes
Blake Grimes
Reply to  Mike Rapp
4 years ago

Composite photographs DO NOT require actual photographs. You think criminal composite sketches are drawn based off a Polaroid picture or something? Wrong. If they had an actual, real photograph then composite CGIs would be irrelevant. It’s like watching the JFK assassination with animated people instead of the actual film. Technology is based on the actual event or a computerized animation of the actual event. Which is more realistic and true? You can’t just say inaccurate data like that. Actually think about this with your own thoughts. Question everything you’re told. Satan is the God of this world for now and he is the father of lies.

Marco Kelly
Marco Kelly
Reply to  Blake Grimes
4 years ago

Right. You don’t believe NASA, cause you think it’s all about money, but you believe in the bible which is absolutely all about money and power.
Makes sense!
Do you understand the proper definition of the word composite?

Reply to  Marco Kelly
4 years ago

saying that the Bible is about money and power, come on.
you must have had the wrong book

GodGave MeABrain
GodGave MeABrain
Reply to  Blake Grimes
1 year ago

you are basing your assumptions on how the earth is made up from the “Good Book ‘ did you stop to think about how many times it has been edited ? one of the biggest rewritings of it was in the 1400’s they had no concept of a lot of basic scientific knowledge we have today and the fact you are using this tech where we are discussing this issue would be considered SATANIC .. so are you not Satan ? as you are not using your God given brain to consider through this for yourself . Bless you my friend may God forgive you .

Mike Rapp
Mike Rapp
6 years ago

“Bill Bye said very plainly, “The Earth is a ” closed system “, we cannot leave the Earth. There is nowhere for us to go.”

Bill Bye, whomever he is, is an idiot. Just because he said this doesn’t make it true.

“Second. In the flat Earth or geocentric model, there is no gravity, at least not in the sense scientists explain gravity.0

You have a completely unproven “model” which is not based in trial and error. Calling this concept a model makes it sound credible, which it is not by any reasonable standard of trial and error, ie the scietific method.

“Water is always is a flat plain It is always level. Water cannot bend.”

Water is made of molecules that move organIt relative to gravity. Liquid water isn’t flat. It does in fact bend.

“Any common telephoto lense brings the vanished ship right back into view again.”

False. Utterly false. sorry I am a photographer. You can’t just say something like this. Total BS

Reply to  Mike Rapp
3 years ago


Here is the entire quote from Bill Nye (The Science Guy) in case you were wondering. He is not advocating a flat earth, he was talking about garbage.

“Now, one thing I really want your generation to embrace is that the Earth is a closed system. We cannot leave the Earth. There’s no place to go. There’s no place to throw your trash. And I wouldn’t be surprised if maybe not you but your kids develop ways to mine our landfills.”

6 years ago

the earth is flat, okay?

Reply to  ddd
1 year ago

The earth is round, okay?

6 years ago

if earth was flat, were is the edge of it. Explain that.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

Look listen & learn we can’t leave earth of radiation from the sun , as simple as that ! Further you go away from earth more radiation . The only reason your alive is because earths magnitic shield , witch enturn. Shield us . where here to stay. Just be happy and try to get along & try to save earth get it !

Reply to  Tommy
4 years ago

And the earth’s magnetic shield can not exist on a flat earth, as is requires a spinning core of molten iron. So theory debunked. Qed

Robert Magee
Robert Magee
6 years ago

Just ask people who navigate the planet by sea or air. They have to know precise distances from point to point. In the flat earth map, the distances are hugely stretched as move out from the center.
Here are some actual distances that could only fit on a spherical globe:
9675 km Distance from Johannesburg to Oslo, Norway
11,034 km Distance from Johannesburg to Sydney
2,155 km Distance from Auckland to Sydney
2384 km Distance from Portland, OR to Kansas City

6 years ago

As someone above has already stated, water does bend – unless Niagara Falls, Angel Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, and other notable waterfalls and rapids are (1) Photoshopped or (2) optical elusions. Water bends when you pour it from a glass or use a hose. It bends at every joint and fixture in your plumbing. In fact, it is impossible in nature to see liquid water that’s NOT bending. It takes the shape of whatever contains it. Even the (smooth) water in lakes bends from the force of the wind lightly ruffling it. (I would also include ocean surf and the tides, but those are probably woven into the conspiracy theory about Earth, so no.)

So just because the “earth is flat” doesn’t mean its features all have to be pancake shaped. Heck, PEOPLE are mostly water, and I personally don’t think there’s a living, breathing Flat Stanley anywhere among us. Not now, not ever.

No, but seriouly.

Another thing – the Space Race began in 1957. As it unfolded, its events were well documented on film by real people, both pros and amateurs, with video- and still-image cameras. Not to mention these people were eye witnesses. Lay people at the Cape Canaveral launch viewing site and astronauts who were recruited for the various missions took pictures both from Earth and in orbit around Earth with Instamatic cameras and higher resolution NASA equipment.

Film, not digital files. Negatives, videos, and prints whose properties are not conducive to manipulation. Countless photos and videos representing a very spherical Earth, captured by Not-Flat Stanleys from the Cape, lunar spacecraft, and orbiting capsules. Certainly not hidden away til someone could invent digital cameras, scanners and editing programs.

With film it took skill just to make a double exposure worth viewing, much less manipulate complex elements in photographs. The vintage ones were/are authentic visual records of those orbital flights, moon missions, landings, and explorations. The same goes for verbal and written first-hand accounts.

It was another 30 years, actually, before Photoshop was developed in 1987. Sold to Adobe in ’88 and released in 1990. Corel Paint and other digital image editing software were soon in business, too. But no viable programs were developed before Photoshop. So post-production digital editing (in other words, Photoshop) had no part to play in the familiar images from space that we have known since the 1960s. The iconic pictures of our blue globe, preserved in our archives and museums; displayed in books; shown in film; stored on our mobile phones, our tablets, and computers–they predate Photoshop by decades.

You may claim that photos and videos of our globe are Photoshopped composites, and in the majority of cases I couldn’t dispute it because they’re digital. But those from the time before photo editing–those eerily calm images that made us gasp when they were published–just as there’s nothing to convince you the Flat Earth Theory is bogus, there’s nothing to convince me that it isn’t.

I’m not easily persuaded, especially when a theory has no supporting evidence, either correlated or causal. Y’all are going to have to do better than that to make me believe me the earth is flat.

Edd scroggins
Edd scroggins
Reply to  RBarr
5 years ago


6 years ago

What your missing is research.
Your not being fair to yourself or your family if you can’t openly except the fact that the flat earth people have a legit argument.
If you research the bible, the book of enock, mechanical gyroscopes, 8 inches curve per mile squared and use your common sense without influence from what you were told when you were 6 years old.

Nobody understands gravity but we try to study it. Why can’t it just be based on density of an object. Heavy objects are more dense.
A bowling ball is more dense/heavier than an air fill balloon but they both will sit on a counter.
Fill the balloon with helium and it rises because it is lighter than air it has less density, not because of gravity.
You can’t have it both ways.
Ask any airplane pilots you know if they have to compinsate for curviture. They dont! Why is that? Wow, maybe you should research this and just maybe if your not a close minded person you may find the earth is flat.
Water does not curve.
The water in florida is as flat as the water in hong kong china.
Place a matchstick on a basketball and open your mind to something other than a Hollywood movie.
Flat earthers are your friends and neighbors and only ask you to prove the earth isnt flat but please don’t let some so called pictures from space be the only evidence you have to contribute.
Just humor yourself for a second and ask yourself, what if the Apollo 11 pics are fake?
What would you do? Do you rely on a 500 year old calculation that the earth is a sphere.
Just because you read it in a book of science doesn’t make it so.
The human eye can only see so far, only to the vanishing point which some say is 6 or 7 miles.
On water or maybe the salt flats you go out untill nobody can see you but, then they pick up some optics and poof there you are, why? What happened to the curviture of 8 inches per mile squared? You realize that at about 4 miles the eart curves more that 4 feet so how can you see a complete car at 10 on a flat road or a boat on the water.
If you’ve read this far you are starting to realize there may be something to this.
Don’t be haters just experiment it for yourself and prove to yourself that the earth is flat or round, you do the 6 mile test, then you will be awakening.
Piece be with us all.

Edd Scroggins
Edd Scroggins
Reply to  Chuck
5 years ago

Sorry Chuck that won’t work we who believe in real science’s have come to these conclusions by a lifetime of corroborating evidence consistency and from many different sources i could debate them for the rest of my life to you and all the other flat earthers but i don’t think it would help you in the least you believe in a movement where as i believe in fact you seem to think that by asking numerous questions without one shred of proof for why you believe what you believe makes you sound like you know something we don’t and that you have the real truth of a flat earth but not once have i heard a flat earther clearly dismantle even one of the scientific research or equations i have followed my entire life. Sorry my friend but back up what you say with real science not just trying to knock mine show me some real proof of your beliefs backed up by science that i can understand and follow and i will listen to what you’ve got with an open mind but unless you can back up your statements with consistant equations i will have to keep to my own knowledge and keep on believing in spaceship earth… also no disrespect but piece in the way you ment it is PEACE

R Vann
R Vann
Reply to  Chuck
5 years ago

Says research the Bible, then says just because you read it in a science textbook doesnt mean it is true…do I really have to explain this comment?

Reply to  Chuck
5 years ago

just because you make up something doesnt mean its real… wow… “vanishing point” would that be because it curves down???
take 4 poles same height) and place them in a row 2 miles and look through a telescope from one end so you can see them all, IF earth was flat then all the poles should line up at the same height.. but why arent they????????????


Reply to  adam
5 years ago

Hills, valleys and mountains.

Reply to  adam
4 years ago

Better yet, go experience an actual “vanishing point”; go to the top of a high skyscraper with nearby skyscrapers, preferably in a city on the coast so you can see the ocean or sea. Take a photo towards the horizon, keeping an adjacent skyscraper in the frame. On the photo, draw straight lines along the level floors/windows/etc of the adjacent skyscraper until they converge …. above the horizon line. Just one of myriad easy experiments to prove non-flatness.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  adam
3 years ago

You are correct that the earth is round, but your reasoning for believing this is incorrect. If you did this experiment over only 2 miles, the earth would have only curved by 0.02891450142 degrees. The only way you would see a noticeable difference in the height of the poles is if the poles weren’t placed at the same height in the first place. It is a commonly spread bit of misinformation that if the earth has a drop of 8 inches per mile and a horizon that is 4.1 kilometers away, however, if either of these statements were true then the earth would have a circumference of only 917.1439 miles. However, as any sensible person knows, this is not true. The horizon is actually about 69.2 miles away, and the earth has a drop of only 0.01445725071 degrees per mile. You can get a calculator and do the math yourself. the circumference of the earth (24,901 miles) divided by 360 is 69.16944444444445 miles for every 1 degree of curvature, meaning that the horizon is really more than 69 miles away (not the 3 miles that most people, round Earthers, and flat Earthers alike) believe. And if you divide 1 degree by 69.16944444444445 you get 0.01445725071 degrees of curvature for every one mile, aka much less than an 8-inch drop. This is really where all of the flat earthers go wrong with their experiments. They go off of the “official numbers” as evidence, but the “official numbers” don’t match up with the above calculations, and therefore the only logical conclusion is that the “official numbers” must be incorrect, making all flat earth experiments invalid.

Reply to  Chuck
5 years ago

That’s called framing…taking a tennis ball..(its the earth) now hold your other hand(s) finger tip (plane) over the ball at any distance you want…rotate the ball…does the tip need to account for the curvature or does it still stay in its frame 🙂

Stacie Becht
Stacie Becht
Reply to  Doc
4 years ago

If the world was flat our eyes would be flat, but they aren’t flat they are round, so the earth is round. Yes finally proved the earth is round. Someone give me a high five.

Mads Lack
Mads Lack
Reply to  Chuck
5 years ago


The bible is not a scientific research tool. At best it is a collection of stories to give people help to live a good life and hope at the end.

Then you go into a “GishGallop” of blurting out so many things that you think proves your version of reality.

It’s all so uneccesary. My message is simple, and I will keep repeating it until it’s made.

Show me a flat earth model that shows days and nights, sunrises and sunsets; and the seasons of the year.

All the proof you would need in one go… can you do it?

Reply to  Mads Lack
4 years ago

Um, there is really one on the Flat Earth Society website

Reply to  Mads Lack
4 years ago

Well said. Is amusing watching something being debated which is not actually debatable (like Brexit is- what is better for a country’s future, for example); nothing is more certain in life that it is round. Maybe I should admit now that I’m part of the conspiracy! Yes I’ll admit it, all governments are lying to the flat earthers about all this and science is all made up….NOT! Jesus. It is all very childish.
What I really want to know though, is, in the decades and centuries to come, what will the flat earthers say when they are taken into space and can see that the earth is a globe for themselves. I think that, unfortunately, going by their track record, they will deny what they are seeing is real. Like showing someone fossils millions of years old who does not believe in evolution or paleontology because a story is interpreted as precluding then. Actual evidence has no meaning in their eyes as their false beliefs “trump” truth.
I could say that I believe the “Lord of the Rings” books are literal fact. Does it mean that all or any of the events described in them happened? According to some, this alone would make it so. NEWSFLASH- IT DON’T. I heard someone say that their best friend’s girlfriend’s uncle’s workmate’s boss’s cousin saw an alien once so now I believe in aliens, yada yada….. Then the quote I’ve just made ridiculing false beliefs would be taken out of context to imply that I believe the opposite of what I do, going by some of their methods.
I do find the psychology of it interesting, more than the subjectivity of the flat earther’s stated beliefs. Of course some don’t believe it for one second and want to create a reaction. They love it! Ultimately, it’s part of the human condition to believe irrational things, so if people get pleasure from believing things that have no basis in fact whatsoever, then let them get on with it. What I do think is sad though if children are brought up to believe the same. That just is not fair.
I feel privileged that I’ve been “indoctrinated” with science lessons and qualifications that give me a better understanding of how the world works.
But hey, if this means I’ve been “duped”, then, it could be worse – it’s better to be educated into believing things that are true, than the alternative…
There is literally a whole world of difference between education and invention. I guess all my encyclopedias (I have a lot) are written by authors (some before NASA existed) with a shared “globe earth” agenda, hey!!!!!
If you go on the flat earth society website, and look at their FAQs, one of the first is: “Are you serious?” I think that’s the bottom line. They know how ridiculous the nonsense that they spout sounds, so they’re already on the defensive.
In none of my encyclopedias’ introductions, or on any scientific organisation’s website, will you see a stated plea to the reader to believe that is to follow, because they’re already identified that it sounds ridiculous. Like saying: “I know this sounds absolutely silly, but two plus two is actually four! Don’t be scared! Believe it!!!” If someone believes that two plus two equals three, that anyone else who does not believe that is part of a global (that word’s ironic, isn’t it!) conspiracy, then, they will NEVER be convinced otherwise, not if they are a true believer. A true believer never renounces their beliefs. A scientist will adapt what they believe according to the evidence. There’s the rub.

Reply to  Chuck
4 years ago

Heavy objects aren’t more dense. 1 Kilo of water is more dense then a million kilos of ice. That’s the problem with flat earthers. They most times do not get any basic concepts right.

Reply to  Vince
3 years ago

That’s why ice floats on water and reduces to 1 kilo of water when heated.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Vince
3 years ago

Actually, denser objects are heavier. Saying they aren’t is like saying that a black hole the same size as the sun, but still many times denser, would have the same amount of gravity as the sun does. Anyone can tell you that this is not true.

Stacie Becht
Stacie Becht
Reply to  Chuck
4 years ago

The Bible isn’t science. Balls made of cork are dense and not heavy. Quit using semantics to prove your theories.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Chuck
3 years ago

You literally just described gravity and then claimed that it does not exist. The principle of gravity is that any object that has mass attracts other objects with mass. Objects with more mass (aka more density) are heavier. What do you think pulls objects towards the center of the round earth in the first place? The helium rises because the heavier elements in the air such as oxygen and are being pulled downwards (by gravity). The helium is also being pulled by gravity, but since helium is very light and oxygen is heavier, the oxygen sinks and helium is pushed up. Is that really such a confusing concept? Your “denser things are heavier” explanation is the exact same thing as gravity. What you flat earthers don’t understand is how enormous the earth really is. Whoever originally spread the lie that there should be an 8-inch drop for every mile (probably a flat earther) was wrong. If you would do your own calculations, you would see that there is actually a 0.01445725071-degree curve for every mile. This is obviously not an 8-inch drop and therefore the horizon is really much further than 3 miles away as most people think. The horizon is actually more than 69 miles away. All flat earth experiments have been based on the faulty assumption that there should be an 8-inch drop. All of your flat earth experiments have no credibility. Flat earthers, you tell people to do their own research and challenge authority, but you are the biggest black sheep of all. If you really want to do your own research, then make your own calculations. Do not blindly follow the “official numbers” because they are more popular. Do not follow what others tell you is true. Seek out the truth for yourself. How do you feel about your own words being used against you in a way that makes sense! Muahahahahahahaha! Oh, and one more thing. The motion of the earth is detectable. Do you know that really cool invention that was created by a flat earther to measure the rotation of the earth? Yep, that same invention was the one that picked up a 15-degree rotational shift from the earth. Also, I can think of a picture of the globe that I am 100% certain wasn’t created digitally off the top of my head. I warn you, this may hurt your feeble mind to try to comprehend, but is the truth. Ask anyone over the age of 54 that hasn’t gone senile yet. The first moon landing happened during the year 1968. Digital photoshopping was invented in the year 1987. CGI was invented in 1973 what does all this mean? Well, the picture “Earthrise NASA” was taken by William Anders from the moon in 1968 during the first moon landing. Since the picture was taken before digital photoshopping or CGI was invented, the picture has to be 100 percent real, therefore proving undeniably, without a doubt, that the earth is round. Round earth isn’t “just a theory” now is it?

Reply to  Chuck
2 years ago

So i can’t rely on a 500 year old calculation but you can rely on a book scrounged together from several dubious sources from thousands of years ago?

6 years ago

In a “flat earth model”, can someone explain why the celestial sky rotates clock-wise in the Southern Hemisphere and then it rotates counter-clockwise in the Northern hemisphere? This seems to only fit with the earth being a globe.

Ron Cab
Ron Cab
6 years ago


Movement of celestial bodies as you mentioned is clockwise in the southern hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the northern hemisphere can be logically explainable by a globe earth. And I agree.

But it can also be explained with a flat earth with a dome atmosphere that serves as a giant dome lens through which we see the stars. You might be surprised that it would give similar visuals. (And also how we see the sun the way we see it moves across the sky and how it partially lightens a flat earth). Kindly check it out if you are interested to really know the arguments of both sides. God bless.

Mads Lack
Mads Lack
Reply to  Ron Cab
5 years ago

@Ron Cab

A Flat Earth Model needs to show more than stars projected on a sphere high above.

For proof the Flat Earth Theory is real it has to show in a SINGLE model:
1. Day and Night
2. Sunrises and sunsets
3. The seasons of the year.

This is not possible, therefore FE is impossible. Don’t get sucked in. If everyone who answered a Flattard did it only by asking for this model and not debating further until they did, the wind goes out of their sails as they cannot do it.

No more arguments! No more flattards sitting on their behinds all day earning money from gullible YouTubers to support them and give them more time to come up with their next crazy theory!

They would have to get real jobs to support themselves… perhaps they could then all become real scientists?

Happy days!

6 years ago

Flat earthers always tends to say all photos are photoshopped, mind you, unless you’re still a child you’d realise that space photos we’re here even long before Photoshop was existed, plus even before NASA was even existed, the earth was already proven to be round. Don’t believe everything you read, do experiments yourselves

Reply to  Donald
4 years ago

I always liked the cherrypicking of which photos are safe to use and which are not. Photos from space are a no-go; they are composites. Photos from commercial airliners; nope, because the windows heavily distort the images (but apparently only while flying at altitude, since photos while on the ground seem distortion free). But a P900 or P1000 at the beach zooming in on cargo ships, well, that’s OK (although that zoom feature doesn’t actually do what FE’ers seem to think, such as bringing a ship over the horizon back into full view.)

6 years ago

No pole to pole circumnavigation……we have west to east but no north/ south. There is one entry in the Guinness book of records given to an English guy for north south circumnavigation BUT he didn’t cross Antarctica and sail back to his starting point! He started from the North Pole and travelled to the tip of Antarctica………then turned back! That’s not completing a full circle……maybe it’s not possible…….cos earth is flat…..check it out and be honest with yourselves.

Reply to  Udge
5 years ago

Well obviously he couldn’t travel any further, the wall at the end of the Earth would have stopped him. 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉

Donnie Jr
Donnie Jr
Reply to  Greg
5 years ago

i doubt that, he probably got lost and/or died. JUST ACCEPT IT THE EARTH IS ROUND

Reply to  Udge
5 years ago

You have little appreciation of the history of actual record-making journeys, Udge, it would appear.
Our planet has been completely encircled by aircraft in the South/North/South (Pole to Pole and back to the starting point) direction some 30 years ago:

In 1988/89 Dick Smith and his co-pilot,the late Giles Kershaw, flew a Twin Otter aircraft VH-SHW (registered after his hero, Sir Hubert Wilkins) following meridians around the world, landing at both the North and South Poles.

Marco Kelly
Marco Kelly
Reply to  Udge
4 years ago

On a journey requiring minimal equipment, would you choose to go the warm way or a very cold way?
Just because no one is dumb enough to circumnavigate the globe north to south doesn’t mean it cant be done. Since no one was basing their decision of direction on trying to prove already proven scientific theory, there was very likely very little thought put in to which direction to go.

John Klumpp
Reply to  Udge
3 years ago

Dead wrong, Udge. As of the present there have been at least seven circumnavigation flights over BOTH poles, with one in 1977, PanAm Flight 50, involving a commercial airliner [just ‘google’ “1977, PanAm Flight 50”].
The web-site “” details many of these events with four of the flight routes illustrated on globe images at the top of their web-page.

6 years ago

Why isANTARCTICA completely off limits to private explorers? What are they hiding?
If you walk around your neighborhood does that make it a ball? The plane earth surrounded by a 50,000 mile circular ice wall makes a hell of a lot more sense than the globe earth theory, and let’s be clear, this 500 year old theory has NEVER been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, once it is, the flat earth theory will go away, but not until then.
No one wants to believe they’ve been lied to their entire lives, to admit it makes you look foolish, but to ignore it makes you look insane. As Admiral bird said, there is vast amounts of unexplored land beyond the south “pole” and some of it is tropical in nature. Land rich in minerals and gold and uranium and oil exists beyond the pole, you don’t just continue south beyond the pole and suddenly travel north back up towards the North Pole , which is what happens when circumnavigating from north to south. They have been lying to us, they are hoarding whatever is beyond Antarctica for themselves, or there is something there that forbids public disclosure. Either way, I have found the flat earth theory to be more believable with the scientific evidence that can be proven. Wake up people, don’t let them enslave your minds as well as your bodies!

Reply to  Scott
5 years ago

But Antarctica is most certainly NOT off-limits to record-breaking “explorers”, nor to those seeking employment at stations in Antarctica.

Manon Ossevoort, (then) 38, who’s already driven her tractor across Europe and Africa, reached a milestone when she reached the South Pole in her red Massey Ferguson MF 5610 tractor on December 10, 2014.

Australian citizens with various vocation skills (particularly trades such as Communications, IT, Boilermaker-Welder, Carpenter, Electrician, Fitter and Turner, Plumber, Refrigeration Mechanic, Concreter) can seek employment in Antarctica:

Mads Lack
Mads Lack
Reply to  Scott
5 years ago


Where is your Single Flat Earth Model that shows:
1. Day and Night
2.Sunrises and Sunsets
3. Seasons

You don’t have one and it should be the simplest thing to do!

If you could show one then all your twaddle about Flat Earth would be proven in a single stroke and everyone else including scientists would be proven the fools in this debate, not you!

YOU do the science to make one, as you are so keen on doing science. When you have one it would make our real science irrelevant, like yours is now and you would have a job as a Flat Earth Scientist and get paid big bucks to do all your other science!

Good luck

Reply to  Mads Lack
3 years ago

@Mads Lack…..your asking this Scott character about seeing flat earth models that show sunrise, sunsets, seasons, etc. There are plenty that I have seen, and yes they are very simple. There are flat earth apps, that show you everything you have asked Scott there to provide and more. So I’m so sure why your going anal on Scott. It’s a compelling argument with valid points on both sides. But no one person is going to change anyone’s mind. I am not saying either of you are correct, nor do I care, all I’m saying is there are plenty of models you are demanding Scott to provide.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Jim
3 years ago

They do not have any models of flat earth that explain day-night cycles. If, as flat earthers admit, the sun is spherical that means that it has 360 degrees light emission in every direction. If the sun were somehow spinning around above the flat earth, the light would hit every part of the earth at once, and the sun would never set. That is, unless the flat earthers think the sun is covered by a giant lampshade now too? Some flat earthers may argue that the atmosphere blocks out the sun when it gets far away, but the amount of atmosphere you need to block out the sun to pitch black levels is like being deep inside the Jovian planet. We do not find ourselves in such an environment, with such high pressures. There is not enough atmospheric density to refract the sun, as air is 784 times less dense than water.

Alan B
Alan B
Reply to  Scott
4 years ago

It’s not off limits. It’s just that no one living in their mom’s basement has ever tried to go there or collect any actual evidence that would prove their conspiracy theories.

I suppose that’s because they think all evidence is really a trick. It must be a difficult world to navigate.

Dre Cole
Dre Cole
Reply to  Alan B
3 years ago

Alan B, Research the Antarctic Treaty.

Reply to  Scott
4 years ago

Because of the aliens that live in Antartica duh. They don’t like humans cause they are still debating flat earth vs round earth

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Scott
3 years ago

I don’t know where you got your information, but if you do a quick google search you can book a flight to Antarctica right now. And the earth has been proven to be round. There are pictures from space. Don’t say the pictures are photoshopped either because the picture “Earthrise NASA” was taken from the moon before photoshop and CGI were invented.

6 years ago

I do see how both views could be true. There are valid arguments on both sides. I have come to the conclusion that we really can’t KNOW anything. We think we know what we are taught, but then we find evidence that causes us to question it. And let’s face it, ‘un-learning’ isn’t fun. And maybe, earth is neither a sphere, nor a plane. Maybe it is something else entirely, like a holographic illusion! Our perceptions are not always trustworthy! Our brains can lie to us and they often do! For instance, I went on a cruise recently, and upon disembarking, I still felt the ship moving. The land beneath my feet did not feel still. This continued for 2-3 weeks! My brain was telling me I was still at sea, when I was certainly not. So now I am at the place where I don’t trust much anymore. Not what is written in books, not what I was taught, and not even my own perceptions. It’s actually quite scary and I feel insecure not knowing what to believe. It makes me realize how important ‘beliefs’ really are to us. And what makes us so curious? I still ask questions even though I realize they may never be answered. Here’s one:… if the earth is flat, why doesn’t the sun ‘shrink’ into the distance if it’s just hovering overhead in a circle and gets further away? The size of the sun does not seem to change on the horizon or overhead. Here’s another:… I have the original LIFE magazine after man landed on the moon in July ’69. The centerfold pages instead of being a photograph, are a painting. The only picture is a small thumbnail of man’s first step on the moon. All the photos I’ve seen of the lunar landing do look rather fake… like a movie set. And the earth view from the moon is always very small in size, sometimes different sizes. Astronauts vary about what they say… some say earth is small, some say huge, some say they can’t see the stars, others say they see so many stars. The ISS Live Feed keeps them in daylight more than 45 mins… and it doesn’t always agree with being where my phone app says they are. Once the Live Feed had them in daylight, but it was over my house at 9:30 pm in total darkness. So there is some strangeness going on, I don’t know, maybe it can be explained somehow. I hate to think people in power have been lying to us. NASA’s logo is rather odd as well. The red part does look like a forked tongue. One last question… what are all the meteor showers we have in spring and fall? If we are in an enclosed dome, where do they come from and what are they? OK, enough for now. I hope one day we’re all on the same page. Jesus said “If you abide in my Word, you are my disciples indeed, and you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” He also said He was the Truth. (And I guess it takes faith to believe He said that, right?) 😀 Yeah…. I don’t know if we need to ‘wake up’, I think most of us are already ‘awake.’ We just have to keep on questioning, and not be afraid to let go of old belief systems. In my case, I don’t think knowledge is power. For me, knowledge is security. I want to have these answers because I want to feel safe. Blessings, all!

Reply to  Kacie
5 years ago

I’m concluding bowl shaped?¿ Either way you will fail your class if denying the spherical belief, I don’t believe much of so called science community. Teachers, professed sirs, instructors, all paid to pass on confusion and lies. Even the Bible imply a flat earth, which makes more sense to me than not.

Reply to  Ogimaa
5 years ago

Still, that bible is an ancient book of myth, and any “knowledge” to be found within is grossly out-of-date. Who would get sick nowadays, go to a doctor (or hospital), and seek to have devils (or demons) “cast out” to return to a state of well-being?

Reply to  Ogimaa
3 years ago


Why does a flat earth make more sense to you? If you wish to think for yourself, then you should try an experiment to see for yourself if the theory is true or not. Like to know what your findings are.

Reply to  Ogimaa
2 years ago

Yes, The Book Of Enoch has a vivid description about the Earth with the firmament bowl over it.
I never paid much attention to his birds eye view of the Earth until this raging debate.

Reply to  Kacie
5 years ago

Yet Sea Captains have used our Globe-based Maps & Navigation aids at least since the days of Ferdinand Magellan (16th Century), while more in the history of the USA; the powerful US Navy made headlines 110 years ago when they became a blue-water naval force by means of a Navy battle fleet completing a journey around the globe (from 16 December 1907, to 22 February 1909), by order of United States President Theodore Roosevelt. A popular nickname for the vessels in this endeavour was “The Great White Fleet”. This included a visit to Australia:

Successful navigation in this order requires competence in the use of our Globe-based Maps & Navigation aids. We can be fairly assured that there were no believers in any Flat Earth doctrine to be found in control of those naval vessels 110 years ago – as there are unlikely to be, since then and right now!

Mads Lack
Mads Lack
Reply to  Kacie
5 years ago


If you want real answers then ask all the Flat Earth fanatics to show you a Single Flat Earth Model that shows Day and Night and Sunrises and Sunsets; and also the Seasons Of The Year.

They cannot. They can show you individual pictures, but not a complete model. Until they can, go back to mainstream science for the answers you seek. You will find the truth in those answers, from professionals, not YouTube cowboys.

6 years ago

It is interesting that status quo ‘science’ mocks FEers. The Op also is hateful and unprofessional. I am a 61 y/o physician required to give photographic proof to CMS … with GPS, time-stamps, and sequential photos. CMS does not trust its doctors and their fraud.

Globists, OTOH, have no such photographic validation.

For 55+ years of ample time, space agencies have never independently validated any photos whatsoever. Yet, I witness plenty of fraudulent footage by the all space agencies.

FE models appear to me experimentally proven (land, sea, or sky) . And, until we demo footage or experiments that actually prove otherwise, it behooves me to believe earth is flat and stationary.

Reply to  Philip
4 years ago

So, you question the actual photographs freely released to the public (by NASA at least; I don’t know if ESA or JAXA, etc, follow similar Freedom of Information-type laws), both the press-release “enhanced” images and composites and the raw, unprocessed images … yet you believe the Flat Earth MODELS to be experimentally proven?? FE can’t even decide, internally amongst themselves, on a model which remotely agrees with real-world observation, let alone provide a single experiment which demonstrates their position in anything resembling a satisfactory, scientific manner. Hopefully I never need to rely on your practice in the event I get sick or injured…

Reply to  Philip
4 years ago

Why does travel by plane take longer when traveling westward?

John Klumpp
Reply to  Philip
3 years ago

First photos from outside the atmosphere were exposed in the year 1946, long before any of these Space Agencies which you suspect even existed.
No astronomer or navigator of any repute would accept YOUR Flat Earth viewpoint.
You mention GPS . . do you even know what the Global Positioning System involves?

The Earth is Round
6 years ago

All you flat earthers try getting the south pole. Really these flat earthers too much sci-fi [Edited]. And Stranger you say you have members all AROUND the globe. Sound familiar.

6 years ago

Do any of you flat earthers realize that if the earth was flat you would be able to see a lit candle from 20 miles away, your field of vision would be almost unlimited,

Reply to  Jerry
5 years ago

Or I should be able to see China from the highest building in New York with a scope.

Reply to  Corey
5 years ago

Are you crazy no one can see forever. Think about what said sounds illogical.

Marco Kelly
Marco Kelly
Reply to  Camont
4 years ago

Yet we can see the stars “on the dome” far beyond where those other things are in our line of sight that we can’t see, for some unexplained reason?
FE believers say we cant see the sun after it sets, although it would be in our line of sight being high above a flat earth, but we can see, very clearly, the stars behind it?
Is there a reasonable explanation for this?
I think not.

STanely Lukas
6 years ago

There is a tendency for people to reject that reality, that science of the day, on comfortable myths. Things that make them feel at home things that make them much happier that they know what’s going on.

6 years ago

Flat earth?
Viewing range in a powerful telescope would be astronomical yet cant see the things on antartica? For example stand on burj khalifa and look through with a telescope. If you cant see antartica, then the earths curved.
Seasons. Imagine the people that belong on the southern hemisphere still receiving the same quality of heat and light in a winter and summer season.
A star is a ball of fire, yet spit spotlight like light and heat? You flat earth could say the science of today cant be understood by the generality and still a theory..but what you flat earthers are saying was MAGIC. Sun is smaller than earth but is hot? Unless its colored bluish white, i cant believe it to produce stroking heat with that orange color…
If earth was not round, then why is there magnetic field. Aurora is the product of light EM waves, bending on the polar regions as the suns light shine… You cant also see the changing of color of the sky due to rayleigh scattering if its not curved.
The on earth would you explain that? The moon earth and sun suddenly rearrange for a matter of time as if its normal then back to flat again???
If you say there is no gravity, how did the universe even begun? How did it rearange itself. If your saying its density, then to where does that lead it to? I say the gravity sets that direction..
How could you explain the meteors and comets if its not due to planetary motion and gravitational force.
How do you explain the atomsphere? Is it flat? The weather? The current?
How can someone travel straight for hours get a curved displacement by following the model of a flat earth? And for shits sake, the east to west is a straight path only facing forward, not inching to left or right.
Then this is a more simple question, how did the earth originate systematically for a flat earther?

6 years ago

Re: Udge
April 10, 2018 at 9:53 pm
“No pole to pole circumnavigation” – This is untrue.

29 AUGUST 1982
The first surface circumnavigation via both the geographical Poles was achieved by Sir Ranulph Fiennes and Charles Burton (both UK) of the British Trans-Globe Expedition. They travelled south from Greenwich, London, UK on 2 September 1979, crossed the South Pole on 15 December 1980, the North Pole on 10 April 1982, and returned to Greenwich on 29 August 1982 after a 56,000 km (35,000 mile) journey.

Mike Shellenberger
Mike Shellenberger
6 years ago

FLAT EARTH = EVERYONE DIES sun burns us up there would be no magnetic field to protect us [edited]

Donnie Jr
Donnie Jr
Reply to  Mike Shellenberger
5 years ago

perfect, simple explanation

Reply to  Mike Shellenberger
5 years ago

Really?! if the earth iz flat, globe shaped or bowl shaped it’s obvious once again things would be just as they are now. Except no fussing only accepting what truly iz. Apparently the spherical society has gone through a lot of trouble to deny a flat Earth theory. I wonder why the lack of open mindedness and hostility towards those who think and wonder of other possibilities. Who think outside the box.

Reply to  Ogimaa
4 years ago

It’s not lack of open mindedness, its lack of a sensible response from FE regarding seeing some actual evidence. I’ve seen it in this comments section. Mads Lack asked for a model from FE which actually matches what we observe … you know, those things we see with our senses, like sunrises and sunsets, day and night, seasonality. It’s been over a year, and so far no models have been presented here.

If FE proponents didn’t proport to be doing science, and instead just admitted they want to believe in a flat earth for whatever reason but have no way to prove it, I doubt many in the scientific community would have given it much attention. Untestable beliefs simply aren’t a part of the scientific process. Plenty of scientists, myself included, don’t believe in a god, but I can’t prove the matter one way or the other. And no big deal; I keep my beliefs out of my work as they’re irrelevant.

So if FE would just admit that it’s not science, I’d personally be fine with it. People are free to believe whatever the want, and for whatever reasons they want. But if FE wants to avoid scrutiny and incredulity from the scientific community, either start doing actual science which we all can then discuss collectively and rationally, or give up the ghost and stop attacking scientists as “government shills” and close-minded, dogmatic automatons parroting what they were taught. It’s disingenuous at best, and flat-out antagonistic and paranoid at worst.

sophie Robinson
sophie Robinson
6 years ago

weirdness ensues. How do satellites stay up over a flat earth?

6 years ago

Why doesn’t NASA put a camera on the moon and do a 24 hr loop of earth? And while they are at it , NASA could send probes to do 24 hour loop of south America , Antarctica to show people walking upside down , buildings on their sides, waterfalls running backwards / upside down ect. that might settle this debate. However, I don’t think NASA can do this .
It makes more sense to me that everyone on earth believes that they are standing upright at a 90 degree angle. that rivers are flowing N-S and S -N which seems crazy if earth is a spinning ball. Also, when we look up at sky and watch sun and stars they move above us. I trust my senses!

Reply to  Nordie
5 years ago

Your SENSES are NOT science. Do you even know how to do mathmatical physics?

Marco Kelly
Marco Kelly
Reply to  Nordie
4 years ago

Do you travel at all? Have you ever been anywhere but the town you live in?
Why would NASA spend the money to put a camera on the moon to prove to a very small percentage of people, who disbelieve proven scientific theory, that the earth is round when likely no matter how real or sound their proof would be by doing this, FE believers would just call it fake rather than admit they were wrong?

6 years ago

Prove me the Earth is rounded. Don’t show the boring old painted NASA ones since 1972. There’s one saying SEX on it. Shame on you all scientists. 2 little girls send their digital little camera up in a balloon and you know what???. There ain’t a drugging curvature for 6 miles wide, not even for 100 mile radius.

One day NASA’s deception will come when they will start showing rovers and men in cgi going to the Moon and then Mars. Just waiting for the gaffes, it 2020 yet..hehe

Reply to  Charlie
5 years ago

Yet, thanks to our binocular vision, and of parallax, anyone in a favourable still-water location can get close to the water surface and readily perceive through moving their eyes slowly Up-and-Down-and-Up (POV), the water-surface curvature forward-and-backward. By this method, I mean their whole head and Point-Of-View. Birds, which can have their stereoscopic sense reduced because their eyes are close together often use whole head movement to enhance their stereoscopic perception.

Maybe all of you are looking in the wrong directions, or you suffer from ‘Curvature Blindness’ ?
You are too close to Earth’s surface to perceive any Left-to-Right Horizon curve – the visible curvature is from your knees out forward. I’m certain that many rowers, kayakers, and inflatable paddlers have noticed THIS on calm water.

Marco Kelly
Marco Kelly
Reply to  Charlie
4 years ago

The next time you’re driving in the farmlands, driving down a long steep hill, look at the horizon and notice how the horizon recedes as you go down the hill. This is how you can see the curvature of the earth.
The horizon doesn’t fade due to atmospheric distortion, as you can still see the clouds and possibly the sun beyond the horizon, if it happens to be in that direction. No, it doesn’t fade. It recedes and maintains a sharp line of horizon.

Joshua Noriega
Joshua Noriega
Reply to  Charlie
3 years ago

The person who really made a mistake was the person who calculated that there should be an 8-inch drop for every mile squared. That would only hold true if the earth had a circumference of 1080 miles. The actual curvature of the earth is 0.01445725071 degrees of curvature for every mile because the circumference of the earth (24,901 miles) divided by 360 is 69.16944444444445 miles for every 1 degree of curvature, meaning that the horizon is really about 69.2 miles away (not the 3 miles that most people, round Earthers and flat Earthers alike) believe. And if you divide 1 degree by 69.16944444444445 you get 0.01445725071 degrees of curvature for every one mile, aka much less than an 8-inch drop. This is really where all of the flat earthers go wrong with their experiments. They go off of the “official numbers” as evidence, but the “official numbers” don’t match up with the above calculations, and therefore the only logical conclusion is that the “official numbers” must be incorrect, making all flat earth experiments invalid. Also, CGI and photoshop didn’t exist in 1968 during the first moon landing, which proves undeniably, that the moon landing was not fake and the pictures taken from the moon of the ROUND earth during that year are 100 percent real. An example of such a picture is “Earthrise NASA”, taken by William Anders from the moon. Flat earthers, I say to you, in your face suckers! Muahahahaha!

6 years ago

So if the earth is indeed flat this means that science is a scam (I cannot think of a motive for lying about the shape of earth). Let’s say (hypothetically) that ALL scientists are a part of this lie. This would mean that I could enroll in collage right now and begin courses to become a scientist. Through my research and tests I would discover that the laws of nature aren’t what I’ve been told and the earth is indeed flat. At what point do I decide to be a part of the lie and claim that earth is round? Am I threatened to go along with the lie? This is a thing that people who are becoming scientists are doing every day right? You could become a scientist and this would inevitably be the way you would react to proof of a flat earth? I don’t think it would be. I think science loves proving itself wrong. That’s what science is….a constant addition of updates and studies yielding the same results independently in different parts of the world. I have my issues with NASA but just because I don’t trust NASA I’m not pessimistic about science in general. After all, science is the reason a flat earther can post a comment denying science and it’s instantly seen by the entire world. Kinda ironic isn’t it?

Reply to  threepeeoh
2 years ago

It would be a win to find one good not photo shopped picture.
Unfortunately, There are none from today or from long ago.
I thought this awesome new Earth documentary would be the missing link-the real deal but of course is CGI with a creator.
I give up going to side with old-school firmament believer ( The shape of the plane could vary) until a real sphere Earth picture is found.

Last edited 2 years ago by Marie
6 years ago

Science didnt prove anything…they are storyteller…and making lotta money. What a shame to lie and be paid.

Reply to  sorin
4 years ago

So science hasn’t proven anything, but I suppose so-called “holy books” do prove things? Keep believing in nonsense like the Tower of Babel and that there was a worldwide flood. These are stories (and obviously fictional ones). But yes, it’s scientists who are the story tellers… SMH.

Marco Kelly
Marco Kelly
Reply to  sorin
4 years ago

And the church isn’t paid a lot of money to maintain the life about Jesus? The Vatican has far more wealth than NASA, if you’d like to “follow the money”.
Look up any of the religious organizations and see what their worth is economically. I’d say the churches have more to gain in perpetuating superstitious beliefs than the scientific community does in “brainwashing”.

Reply to  sorin
3 years ago


If you believe that science doesn’t prove anything, do you believe the information you get from your own eyes? What is acceptable truth in your eyes? what was your basis of believing in a flat earth to begin with?

Reply to  sorin
3 years ago

Agree global theorist defend something easy to disprove

6 years ago

If the earth was flat how could planes and ships/boats be able to sail/fly west to south and/or south to west. I’ll tell you how… it WOULDNT BE POSSIBLE! You are then saying that the ships pass the Antarctic or Atlantic to get west to south making the bow outwards to get around the flat edge like clockwise or anti-clockwise around the flat plate (imagine a clock face laying on your kitchen table) world to get to. [Edited] If you don’t believe the astronauts that have been into space why don’t you go for yourselves and we will be here waiting for you to return and say we were right so we can laugh in your face.

Lloyd Hunt
Lloyd Hunt
6 years ago

Your article falls about rather quickly for anyone you truly thinks about it. But don’t worry most people don’t. You haven’t truly researched flat earth I can tell. You blindly believe what you’ve been told showing me your lack of intelligence. You’re right where you belong, with the other sheep.

Simon Magus
Simon Magus
6 years ago

The earth is flat and motionless just as our eyes, senses and common sense tells us…you chose if you want to believe CGI, animations and globalist elites or yourself…

Reply to  Simon Magus
5 years ago

Any lack of motion at the Earth’s surface and the star-fields would not cycle through their relative positions over the course of 24 hours.

I’ll attack YOUR nonsensical argument with a nonsensical counter argument, since that’s all that such a weak proposition deserves-
Australia and New Zealand are located in the Southern Hemisphere-
(A hemisphere is Half-of-a-Sphere).

Because of this location, to a Flat Earth devotee, these two nations should NOT exist- yet they do exist!
What’s more, emblems on aircraft of both nations consist of animals which do not have the power of flight: the Kangaroo in Australia and the Kiwi in New Zealand!

Thusly, because markings of non-flying animals appear on THESE aircraft, our world is an oblate spheroid, and is certainly not flat except for small areas such as car parks and airports!
comment image

Ronnie Foshee
Ronnie Foshee
6 years ago

threepeeoh.. Why do we need to know a motive? That question alone keeps you held down from the truth! when you started kindergarden, You sat in a desk just like we did” We were not taugh”! we were indoctrinated. And as long as you remembered what was taught better than I,then you were so-called smarter.
Do you think the scientist and the higher ups of society went to school like we did? Nope!
This whole article looks very very uneducated,from the eyes of the one’s above like Simon, Lloyd and myself who took the time to find the truth!

Reply to  Ronnie Foshee
4 years ago

Except that you can find hundreds of classmates of each of any scientist

Reply to  Ronnie Foshee
3 years ago

You assert that I was indoctrinated into this global lie. I have a scientific bent to my mind. Give me any experimental means that can prove a flat earth. Plate Techtonics would not seem to support your flat earth theory. Please explain.

Tatu ross
Tatu ross
6 years ago

There are no truths only differences in perspective.

6 years ago

The one who rules this world is the father of all lies. The truth will unveil to all in time and not on our own timing, but His timing. When that time comes you can say, “Booyah! I told you so,” but then we would be doing what the enemy already wanted us to falling straight into his hands. Teach with humbleness and love and If they have ears to hear let them hear if not shake off the dust from your feet and go onto the next. If you’re an individual with a soul look inside yourself. What does your soul/spirit identify with? If you only know of one reality, I’d search and ask questions about the other one deep within your spirit/soul. You’re either hot or cold and can only serve one master. For those who are wise will understand, but for most it will make no sense. Blessings to you all brothers and sisters! Love and Peace be with you until the Day is come.

David Dionne
David Dionne
6 years ago

Hrm…so I lived on Kwajalein, Marshall Islands. We fished ocean-side every weekend for years. Many times the flocks took us great distances from the island. On our way back, using rediculious binoculars (like 150x50s it something, it was 30 years ago) we’d watch for the radar fish to come over the horizon as a visual verification. First we’d see the tippy top of the dish, the more and more and more. Idk, never thought much about it. But it never failed us.

Make of this what you will…

David Dionne
David Dionne
6 years ago

Radar dish, not fish, stood about 200’ above sea level…I guess, we were in high school, so I didn’t pay much attention. We just did what we were told on how to get back home from open sea. Always worked.

Reply to  David Dionne
2 years ago

My big ugly C-Band dish showed the plane of the Earth domed.

David Dionne
David Dionne
6 years ago

And just to clarify, we fished for tuna mainly. Counterintuitively, to find the fish, you search the skies for flocks of birds going nuts just above the surface of the water. The tuna drove the bait fish up which attracted the birds. Then we’d troll through the ruckus with lines out. It’d eventually die down and we’d start searching the skies again. So it wasn’t uncommon to find ourselves 75+ miles away from the main island, Kwajalein.

On a few occasions it took so long to get back that it was dark (yes, we got in trouble). And when the moon wasn’t bright, IT WAS DARK. We could see the lights from the island with the naked eye at the same time as we could with the binoculars. It was too dark to spot the dish, as I recall.

Also, outside of a serious storm, or very strong winds, the open sea is surprisingly calm. Sometimes there’d be big rolling swells, but they weren’t tall, but very long…or low frequency. Was amazing.

Kwajalein is an island in an atoll, a string of islands that usually comprise the ring of an ancient volcano. Lagoon side depths ran into the 400’s. Ocean side, miles. All ocean side boats required at least two methods of propulsion. The boats we took were small Boston Whalers with twin 90hp Evinrude engines.

David Dionne
David Dionne
6 years ago

Oh, there would also be times where we could see the birds, with the binoculars, but not the water…we wouldn’t go for those unless there was nothing closer cause it could take 10-15 min just to get there, and sometimes it’d die down before we got there. But when we did go for one, we’d keep checking for the water…to see how ‘boiling’ it was. We even joke around saying, I kid you not ‘why the fuk is the earth round! It’s interfearing with our fishing’

Hope this helps…

David Dionne
David Dionne
6 years ago

It was funny, you know we were kinda scared when we got caught out in the dark. I remember, I was using the binoculars, frantically scanning the horizon. Then suddenly there were lights, I yelped “there it is, I see lights!” and my brother said “yeah, i know ding dong, we can see em too”. It was a relief. The next few times weren’t as stressful, for us. Parents didn’t appear any less unpleased. Great memories.

6 years ago

I do not care, flat or not, God or No God..pointless arguments, because you will not convince either party who is right or wrong even if the evidence is there.

Reply to  Mark
2 years ago

I bet if you were to go out into space you would see the earth is not flat. Plus dude he was just sharing a story and you just said you don’t care that’s not very nice bro

John Hudson
John Hudson
6 years ago

Two points: First, even though they seem to take all the vitriol from the conspiracy mob, NASA is not the only space agency. There are at least seven national or geographic agencies, plus many private ones. At least two of the others, Russia and China, closely monitored the moon landings. If NASA had cheated, I’m sure those two nations would have loved to tell the world about it, but they didn’t, so it did happen. The first nation in space was Russia, not America. Both Russia and China have landed robot rovers on the moon, several of which can be seen from the Earth, when they reflect sunlight, and the laser reflectors the Americans left there are still being used today by several nations.
Secondly: Why would many of the Earths nations, not just America, be spending Billions and Billions of Dollars, just to support a myth?

Spheroidal Earth
Spheroidal Earth
6 years ago

Everyone of the FE that say the crap about being able to see things beyond the curvature of the earth are forgeting about light refraction via water & atmosphere. But they don’t forget it when they try to say fish eye lense. Can’t have it both ways.

Flat earthers riddle me this: How does Gravitropism work in your model of this lumpy pancake earth? How do plants know to grow roots down & stems/stalks/leaves up? How do I know even with my eyes closed that I am standing vertically or laying horizontally? How would vertigo work on this gravity lacking pancake?

Also If earth were truly flat, we would be 2 dimentional. We would only see line segments of each other.

That said, the earth is not a perfect sphere, its lumpy, oblonged & squished.

You FEs use technology on a daily, hell even hourly baisis that proves earth is not flat.

David Dionne
David Dionne
6 years ago

I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything, just sharing an experience from my life with the hope that I could serve as a data point.

For all I know, the earth is a shallow arch that never completes a full circle.

David Dionne
David Dionne
6 years ago

Grrrr…not I, it could serve…

David Dionne
David Dionne
6 years ago

I’m sorry, I lied, I firmly believe the earth is round…or roundish. But I assure you, when I was in high school, I didn’t give a bleep what it was. I did find the horizon fascinating and everything I experienced reinforced the spherical nature of the earth.