State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

How One Manhattan Neighborhood Woke Up to Coronavirus

These pictures were taken around March 11-12, between 106th Street and 114th Street along Broadway, New York City, when residents were just grappling with how to deal with the then just-starting pandemic.

Hardware store, 114th Street. Merchandising opportunity, seized.
Same place, 7:30 am, well before opening time. Lining up to buy the stuff. Maintaining social distance.
Posted on a building near 106th Street. Wait: Maybe not a good idea to call a mass meeting to discuss the situation…..?
West Side Market, 110th Street. For your safety, workers have individually plastic-wrapped each roll, normally sold loose. For added safety, please use the tongs……that, uh….everyone else is using?
Left of an interior doorway, 114th Street. Please choose one. (Seriously consider the one on the right.)
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