State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Apply Now: Fellowship for Adapting the Existing Built Environment Earth Network

The Adapting the Existing Built Environment Earth Network, sponsored by the Columbia Climate School, is looking to hire one or two graduate students (master’s or PhD level) to support the work of the network. A core group launched the network in 2021 with the intention of promoting innovative and cross-disciplinary learning opportunities that prepare students to address the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of decarbonizing and adapting existing buildings.

The Existing Built Environment fellow would be responsible for helping to co-develop, coordinate, and implement network activities, including but not limited to: outreach to faculty and researchers across campus and beyond; data collection regarding existing courses, projects, research, and community-based activities related to the network’s interests; preparation of communications, meetings, and events; organizing systems and processes to maintain network connectivity; and more. Fellows are expected to be available to work 10 to 15 hours per week and will be paid $21.50/hr.

Applications will be accepted until July 31. The position starts at the beginning of the fall semester and extends through the academic term 2022-2023. Positions will involve some remote work and some work in-person.

Ideal candidates should demonstrate knowledge of climate issues and policies and/or the built environment, commitment to environmental and climate justice, and excellent communications, writing, and organizational skills, including cooperative and team building skills.

To apply, please contact Erica Avrami at with a cover letter and resume.

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