Congratulations to the 2023 Graduates of the Columbia Climate School
Students graduating from the MA in Climate and Society program celebrated their Class Day ceremony today.
Saxon Stahl: Leading on Climate Through Student Governance
Stahl established the Climate School’s student government, writing its bylaws and constitution. They will soon be graduating from the Climate and Society program, and hope to eventually influence federal climate policy.
How to Defeat the Climate Change Complexity Monster
Use key questions to cut amorphous slogans like “climate emergency” into addressable pieces.
California Quake Faults Are Highly Sensitive to Solid Earth Tides, Say Scientists
Oceans have tides, and so does the solid earth. Could they have an effect on earthquake faults? Yes, say scientists, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they cause big quakes.
Johan Lopez: Creating Positive Change Through Sustainable Financing
A soon-to-be graduate of the Climate and Society program, Lopez hopes to continue building a financial system that works better for people and the planet.
Benjamin Preneta: Centering the Human Element in the Climate Crisis
What do African history, atmospheric dynamics, and military service all have in common? Preneta is combining his experience in each of them in order to advance climate solutions after he graduates from the Climate and Society program.
Upcoming Scientific Fieldwork, 2023 and Beyond
Climate School researchers are carrying out fieldwork on every continent and every ocean. A guide to upcoming projects.
Olivia Smith: Changing the Way We Look at Food Systems and the Environment
A soon-to-be graduate of the M.A. in Climate and Society program hopes to influence policy that makes food systems more sustainable and equitable.
The Joy of Graduation Season and the Centrality of Education
Graduation ceremonies are a time to step back, reflect, and savor progress and accomplishments. These ceremonies signify much more than the passage of time; they are evidence of work, dedication, and sacrifice.