State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

No reason to care about water

Don’t get upset–it is merely an instance of irony. Irony works in getting people’s attention and emphasizing the real meaning behind it. The video is more for the general public who are not familiar with water issues, but it can also be motivating to professionals and people who are active concerning water issues. The message is clear: water IS crucial in every aspect of our life and the global economy.

Presented by:  World Economic Forum, Pacific Institute, Circle of Blue
Video by Eric Daigh, Peter Gleick, Sylvia Lee, Dominic Waughray
Music by Carly Comando

Circle of Blue’s video “no reason,” describing in surprising images and unlikely pacing the roles water and water scarcity play in the global economy, debuted at the last World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, on January 29, 2008.  According to a press release by WEF, “Water security links together food, energy, climate, economic growth and human security challenges, which the world economy will face over the next two decades…. The world is now on the verge of water bankruptcy in many places with no way of paying the debt back.”

Read more about WEF’s Water Initiative here.

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Jennifer Vettel
Jennifer Vettel
15 years ago

I think this is a great example of how irony can emphasize about how big of an issue water is. There were commercials and youtube videos that were similar to this on the topic of legalizing gay marriage, which I think made a major impact on the public opinion. If videos like this could be highly circulated, I think the public would have a better understanding of water issues and how it effects them – so often people don’t understand and just assume since water flows from the tap and is so afforable that it isn’t a problem worth paying attention to. Thanks for showing us all this video!