State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Author: Alyssa Rome6

  • Students Learn from Faculty, Alumni about Energy Efficiency Careers

    Students Learn from Faculty, Alumni about Energy Efficiency Careers

    The Earth Institute is expanding its professional development program with the addition of mini-career workshops that focus on particular areas of sustainability. The first of these workshops, which took place on April 17, focused on energy efficiency. The purpose of the workshops is to provide opportunities to students to learn from faculty and alumni who…

  • MS Student Transitions to Career in Sustainable Investing

    MS Student Transitions to Career in Sustainable Investing

    Prior to joining the M.S. in Sustainability Management program, current student Carolyn was working as a consultant for Perkins+Will, an architecture and planning firm, where she focused on green building and sustainability planning work. Carolyn chose the MSSM program because she wanted to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to transition into a career in…

  • MS Student Makes the Case for a More Sustainable Future

    MS Student Makes the Case for a More Sustainable Future

    Prior to joining the M.S. in Sustainability Management program, current student Mikael Amar was working for the corporate culture reform and strategic business development efforts for the Abdul Latif Jameel Group, the largest independent distributor of Toyota in the world. While working for ALJ, Mikael witnessed how the economic climate can negatively affect people’s willingness…

  • Sustainability Management Alums Create Award Winning Sandy Rebuild Design

    Sustainability Management Alums Create Award Winning Sandy Rebuild Design

    The word resiliency has emerged as the new gold standard for designing the built environment. Its meaning may be interpreted as design that not only maintains self-sufficiency throughout extreme environmental scenarios, (e.g. heat waves, power outages, extreme storm events, etc.) but also allows communities to quickly recover in the aftermath of such an event. It…

  • Apply Now for Summer Curriculum Grading Assistant Posts

    The Sustainability Management program is seeking candidates for the following curriculum and grading assistant positions for the summer 2014 semester. The assistants are responsible for attending class sessions, holding weekly office hours for students, addressing student inquiries, reviewing course material with the instructor, and assisting in the grading of problem sets and examinations.

  • ESP Student Shifts Focus to Urban Sustainability

    ESP Student Shifts Focus to Urban Sustainability

    Current Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Maureen Loman is no newcomer to the science world. Her undergraduate studies at the University of Maryland included research into subjects such as plant genetics, forest fragmentation, and bat acoustics, and for the past three years she has worked at the Bioacoustics Research…

  • Sustainability Management Alum Works to Bring Electric Vehicles to NYC

    Sustainability Management Alum Works to Bring Electric Vehicles to NYC

    Master of Science in Sustainability Management alumnus Stephen Marlin (’12) has always been a “car guy.” Now, as the Senior Business Development Manager in the East Region for BYD Motors, he works to bring electric vehicles into New York City livery services. He credits the MSSM program’s integrated approach to sustainability with allowing him to…

  • MS Students Tackle Tough Environmental Problems

    MS Students Tackle Tough Environmental Problems

    Working on real-world sustainability projects for actual clients is integral to the Master of Science in Sustainability Management program. Students made presentations earlier this week about projects that they are conducting on renewable energy, climate resilience, sustainable investment, urban agriculture, and environmental management systems. The clients range from the Federal Transit Administration to the Newark…

  • ESP Students Present Initial Findings for Clients

    ESP Students Present Initial Findings for Clients

    On March 5, students in the Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy presented their initial findings for the Workshop in Applied Earth Systems Policy Analysis to fellow students, staff, and invited guests at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.

  • Students Learn from Faculty, Alumni about Energy Efficiency Careers

    Students Learn from Faculty, Alumni about Energy Efficiency Careers

    The Earth Institute is expanding its professional development program with the addition of mini-career workshops that focus on particular areas of sustainability. The first of these workshops, which took place on April 17, focused on energy efficiency. The purpose of the workshops is to provide opportunities to students to learn from faculty and alumni who…

  • MS Student Transitions to Career in Sustainable Investing

    MS Student Transitions to Career in Sustainable Investing

    Prior to joining the M.S. in Sustainability Management program, current student Carolyn was working as a consultant for Perkins+Will, an architecture and planning firm, where she focused on green building and sustainability planning work. Carolyn chose the MSSM program because she wanted to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to transition into a career in…

  • MS Student Makes the Case for a More Sustainable Future

    MS Student Makes the Case for a More Sustainable Future

    Prior to joining the M.S. in Sustainability Management program, current student Mikael Amar was working for the corporate culture reform and strategic business development efforts for the Abdul Latif Jameel Group, the largest independent distributor of Toyota in the world. While working for ALJ, Mikael witnessed how the economic climate can negatively affect people’s willingness…

  • Sustainability Management Alums Create Award Winning Sandy Rebuild Design

    Sustainability Management Alums Create Award Winning Sandy Rebuild Design

    The word resiliency has emerged as the new gold standard for designing the built environment. Its meaning may be interpreted as design that not only maintains self-sufficiency throughout extreme environmental scenarios, (e.g. heat waves, power outages, extreme storm events, etc.) but also allows communities to quickly recover in the aftermath of such an event. It…

  • Apply Now for Summer Curriculum Grading Assistant Posts

    The Sustainability Management program is seeking candidates for the following curriculum and grading assistant positions for the summer 2014 semester. The assistants are responsible for attending class sessions, holding weekly office hours for students, addressing student inquiries, reviewing course material with the instructor, and assisting in the grading of problem sets and examinations.

  • ESP Student Shifts Focus to Urban Sustainability

    ESP Student Shifts Focus to Urban Sustainability

    Current Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Maureen Loman is no newcomer to the science world. Her undergraduate studies at the University of Maryland included research into subjects such as plant genetics, forest fragmentation, and bat acoustics, and for the past three years she has worked at the Bioacoustics Research…

  • Sustainability Management Alum Works to Bring Electric Vehicles to NYC

    Sustainability Management Alum Works to Bring Electric Vehicles to NYC

    Master of Science in Sustainability Management alumnus Stephen Marlin (’12) has always been a “car guy.” Now, as the Senior Business Development Manager in the East Region for BYD Motors, he works to bring electric vehicles into New York City livery services. He credits the MSSM program’s integrated approach to sustainability with allowing him to…

  • MS Students Tackle Tough Environmental Problems

    MS Students Tackle Tough Environmental Problems

    Working on real-world sustainability projects for actual clients is integral to the Master of Science in Sustainability Management program. Students made presentations earlier this week about projects that they are conducting on renewable energy, climate resilience, sustainable investment, urban agriculture, and environmental management systems. The clients range from the Federal Transit Administration to the Newark…

  • ESP Students Present Initial Findings for Clients

    ESP Students Present Initial Findings for Clients

    On March 5, students in the Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy presented their initial findings for the Workshop in Applied Earth Systems Policy Analysis to fellow students, staff, and invited guests at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.