Author: Annie Tickell3
Religion, Peace, and International Law: A Genealogy
This Thursday, April 1st ISERP (the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy) is hosting a lecture by Professor Nathaniel Berman of Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies. The lecture will be held in Room 1118 of the International Affairs Building on Columbia’s campus from 4:15 to 6:00pm. Nathaniel Berman is the Rahel Varnhagen…
Second Spring Seminar Tomorrow Night!
Wendy Chung, the director of the Clinical Genetics Program at Columbia University, is presenting the second lecture of the CSSR’s Spring series tomorrow night (March 23rd) at 6pm. Don’t miss the discussion of her fascinating research on genetic medicine. CSSR 2010 Spring Seminar Series Presents: Ethical Challenges in Genetic Medicine Wendy Chung, MD, PhD –…
Past Lecturer Now Director of NIH
Last February Francis Collins enchanted the CSSR with his lecture, “The Language of God: A Believer Looks at the Human Genome”. Collins was the leader of the Human Genome Project, the revolutionary program which undertook the task of reading out all of the letters of the human DNA instruction book, and has recently become the director…
Let There Be Climate Change
At times of flux when little can be trusted to remain the same, it is common to look for solace in the concrete. Today, as our climate continues to change, many find guidance in the unchanging words of the Bible. The lessons kept within those ancient pages free themselves for interpretation in order to give…
Can Science Explain Religion?
The concluding seminar of the CSSR’s fall semester will take place Thursday, December 10th from 6:00 – 7:30 pm in the Davis Auditorium on Columbia University’s main campus. Come one, come all, this seminar is free and open to the public. John Horgan, the Director of the Center for Science Writings at The Stevens Institute…
Climate Change and Religion
Andrew Revkin’s New York Times blog, Dot Earth, has been raising an interesting question recently: how can religion affect climate change? These two concepts may seem antithetical, one works with beliefs while the other strives to present hard data, but when broken down into parts, it can be seen that they could easily work together.…
Wonder and Knowledge
On September 30th the Crossroads Cultural Center held a conference called Wonder and Knowledge that focused on “the origin of the universe in science and philosophy and the role of wonder in scientific discovery.” It was co-sponsored by the Columbia Catholic Ministry and the CSSR. Our very own Professor Pollack gave a captivating introduction concerning…
Katherine Pollard: What Makes Us Human?
For the past six years Katherine Pollard has been working with the Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium comparing the genes of chimps and humans in order to more fully understand how the human genome has evolved. Using the software she created to study genomic data, Pollard was able to identify the areas of the human…
The Starry Messenger
Summer Ash, a current Frontiers of Science Fellow at Columbia College, takes a page out of Galileo’s book and looks towards the cosmos under the ever-enlightening lens of a telescope. Read her ruminations on our night sky here: The Starry Messenger The universality of the sky was revealed to me last night. It started simply…