State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Author: Earth Institute47

  • Partnership in Action: Lessons Learned Following Haiti Floods

    Partnership in Action: Lessons Learned Following Haiti Floods

    Flood relief efforts, immediate needs assessments, and coordinated damage assessments in Haiti’s Côte Sud region are underway following the rains and flooding that began October 9 and continued through October 11. The Earth Institute Haiti team, working through the CSI partnership, Millennium Village Project (MVP) sector leads, and with the Government of Haiti, are jointly…

  • Partnership Framework Supports Haiti Flood Relief

    Partnership Framework Supports Haiti Flood Relief

    Recent heavy rains and consequent flooding in Haiti’s Côte Sud region—the site of the Côte Sud Initiative (CSI) and Port-à-Piment, designated as the first Millennium Village in the Western Hemisphere— required the not yet fully formed team to leverage the CSI partnership framework to help coordinate an immediate and ultimately lifesaving emergency response. The first…

  • The Flow of Change: Piped Water Arrives in Ruhiira, Uganda

    The Flow of Change: Piped Water Arrives in Ruhiira, Uganda

    By Molly Powers When the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) was first launched in Ruhiira, Uganda, in 2006, community members identified their most pressing problem as lack of access to water. Nearly all 6,500 residents of the mountainous parish of Ruhiira live on hilltops, and most water sources

  • Understanding the Mind as the Temperature Climbs

    Understanding the Mind as the Temperature Climbs

    Warnings of potentially cataclysmic climate change have reached nearly every newspaper front page and legislative chamber around the globe since the 1990s. So why has the human response been so limited?

  • Earth Institute Participates in First Ever mHealth Survey

    By Chelsea Kinsman Patty Mechael, Nadi Kaonga, and Hima Batavia, researchers at the Earth Institute (EI), assisted in designing the first ever mHealth survey module as part of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Second Global Observatory for eHealth (GOe) Survey.

  • A Call for One Million Community Health Workers

    A Call for One Million Community Health Workers

    By Anne Liu and Sarah Sullivan Extending the reach of public health systems through a well-trained and supported community health workforce is the best step we can take in meeting the MDGs. This can be done by strengthening health systems and increasing equity in health care access by extending care to the world’s most vulnerable…

  • The Indiana Jones of Climate Modeling

    The Indiana Jones of Climate Modeling

    By JD Capuano Benjamin Cook is a climate modeler at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, part of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Cook completed his Ph.D. in environmental science at the University of Virginia in 2007. He was among a select group of scientists awarded a Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship by the National Oceanic…

  • Master of Science in Sustainability Management Application Deadline Approaching

    Master of Science in Sustainability Management Application Deadline Approaching

    The Earth Institute and School of Continuing Education at Columbia University invite you to learn more about the Master of Science in Sustainability Management before the May 1 deadline for Fall 2011 admission. Watch the faculty and students share their experiences: All organizations, whether they are multinational corporations or local nonprofits, face a growing…

  • Millennium Villages Cookstove Program Honored for Supporting Community Needs

    Millennium Villages Cookstove Program Honored for Supporting Community Needs

    The Millennium Villages Project’s (MVP) Household Stove Program was recently given a special achievement award for “Meeting Community Needs” at the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air Forum’s (PCIA) bi-annual meeting in Lima, Peru.  The award is “in appreciation and recognition of the MVP’s dedication to meeting community needs through household energy interventions,” and recognized the…

  • Partnership in Action: Lessons Learned Following Haiti Floods

    Partnership in Action: Lessons Learned Following Haiti Floods

    Flood relief efforts, immediate needs assessments, and coordinated damage assessments in Haiti’s Côte Sud region are underway following the rains and flooding that began October 9 and continued through October 11. The Earth Institute Haiti team, working through the CSI partnership, Millennium Village Project (MVP) sector leads, and with the Government of Haiti, are jointly…

  • Partnership Framework Supports Haiti Flood Relief

    Partnership Framework Supports Haiti Flood Relief

    Recent heavy rains and consequent flooding in Haiti’s Côte Sud region—the site of the Côte Sud Initiative (CSI) and Port-à-Piment, designated as the first Millennium Village in the Western Hemisphere— required the not yet fully formed team to leverage the CSI partnership framework to help coordinate an immediate and ultimately lifesaving emergency response. The first…

  • The Flow of Change: Piped Water Arrives in Ruhiira, Uganda

    The Flow of Change: Piped Water Arrives in Ruhiira, Uganda

    By Molly Powers When the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) was first launched in Ruhiira, Uganda, in 2006, community members identified their most pressing problem as lack of access to water. Nearly all 6,500 residents of the mountainous parish of Ruhiira live on hilltops, and most water sources

  • Understanding the Mind as the Temperature Climbs

    Understanding the Mind as the Temperature Climbs

    Warnings of potentially cataclysmic climate change have reached nearly every newspaper front page and legislative chamber around the globe since the 1990s. So why has the human response been so limited?

  • Earth Institute Participates in First Ever mHealth Survey

    By Chelsea Kinsman Patty Mechael, Nadi Kaonga, and Hima Batavia, researchers at the Earth Institute (EI), assisted in designing the first ever mHealth survey module as part of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Second Global Observatory for eHealth (GOe) Survey.

  • A Call for One Million Community Health Workers

    A Call for One Million Community Health Workers

    By Anne Liu and Sarah Sullivan Extending the reach of public health systems through a well-trained and supported community health workforce is the best step we can take in meeting the MDGs. This can be done by strengthening health systems and increasing equity in health care access by extending care to the world’s most vulnerable…

  • The Indiana Jones of Climate Modeling

    The Indiana Jones of Climate Modeling

    By JD Capuano Benjamin Cook is a climate modeler at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, part of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Cook completed his Ph.D. in environmental science at the University of Virginia in 2007. He was among a select group of scientists awarded a Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship by the National Oceanic…

  • Master of Science in Sustainability Management Application Deadline Approaching

    Master of Science in Sustainability Management Application Deadline Approaching

    The Earth Institute and School of Continuing Education at Columbia University invite you to learn more about the Master of Science in Sustainability Management before the May 1 deadline for Fall 2011 admission. Watch the faculty and students share their experiences: All organizations, whether they are multinational corporations or local nonprofits, face a growing…

  • Millennium Villages Cookstove Program Honored for Supporting Community Needs

    Millennium Villages Cookstove Program Honored for Supporting Community Needs

    The Millennium Villages Project’s (MVP) Household Stove Program was recently given a special achievement award for “Meeting Community Needs” at the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air Forum’s (PCIA) bi-annual meeting in Lima, Peru.  The award is “in appreciation and recognition of the MVP’s dedication to meeting community needs through household energy interventions,” and recognized the…