Author: Francesco Fiondella8
More Food Insecurity Expected in Horn of Africa
The current rainy season in the Horn of Africa is off to a poor start, and fear of famine once again looms large for the region.
Climate Services: Power in Numbers
Many countries and organizations are already investing in climate services, says IRI’s Steve Zebiak. What has been missing until recently is a central platform for capturing experiences and sharing best practices–enter the Climate Services Partnership.
Climate Services: Bring In Many Perspectives, Early On
What’s a “climate service”? Depends on whom you ask, which is why it is crucial to bring as many different perspectives to the table, says Guy Brassuer, head of Germany’s Climate Service Center.
A Model for Improving Climate Services in Africa
A groundbreaking set of new online climate data maps for Ethiopia gives users free access to 30 years of rainfall and temperature data for the entire country at the click of a button. This is unprecedented anywhere in Africa.
Climate Services: Global Framework
Jerry Lengoasa, Deputy Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organization — How do we bridge the gap between those who have the knowledge and those who don’t, those who have the capacity and those who don’t have the capacity, and the capability?
Climate Services: A Private-Sector Perspective
For the private sector, climate services need to be framed in terms of business risks and drivers, says Jean-Cristophe Amado, Risk Manager at Acclimatise North America.
Climate Services: Providers, Users Must Partner
The potential of climate services depends on the strength of partnerships between those who provide climate information and those who need it, says Zhang Zuqiang, Deputy Director of China’s National Climate Center.
Climates Services: Must Help Us Understand Risks
The point is setting priorities right, and for an agency like the World Food Programme, our focus is of course vulnerable people in the most vulnerable countries, countries where climate change is a multiplier of hunger risk. –- WFP’s Carlo Scaramella, in the fifth in a series of video interviews.
Climate Services: Science=Credibility
It’s terribly important that those who provide climate services are backed up by science and most importantly, link with and understand the problems of the user community. – says John Zillman, former president of the World Meteorological Organization, in the fourth in a series of video interviews.