Author: Guest119
Artist/Scientist Speed Dating Event on Nov. 6
Have you ever wondered what can spark collaboration between artists and scientists? Witness as first “dates” unfold between two featured pairs of artists and scientists, and then have your turn at meeting potential collaborators of your opposite discipline.
Perspective: A Q&A with Development Practitioner Sarah Curran
Sarah Curran, Master of Public Administration in Development Practice (MDP), Class of 2011, believes that addressing complex global issues starts with a meal. As a Program Manager for the Center on Globalization and Sustainable Development at the Earth Institute, she brings a full plate of organizational and information experience, from back home in the UK…
A Different Climate Change Message, on Stage Nov. 2-3
The Superhero Clubhouse eco-theater group will be putting on a double-billed performance –Don’t Be Sad Flying Ace! and Field Trip: A Climate Cabaret- on November 2nd and 3rd at the Theater at the 14th St. Y, 344 East 14th Street (between 1st and 2nd Aves).
Myanmar: a New Frontier for Sustainable Development
The Center on Globalization and Sustainable Development is building a sustainable development program to provide policy support for the government of Myanmar, local NGOs and the donor community, accelerating growth that is both socially inclusive, sustainable and mindful of climate risks and opportunities. This video explains the project.
Sustainable Development Seniors Gain Experience as Consultants
As part of the fall semester Capstone Workshop in Sustainable Development, seniors in the Undergraduate Program in Sustainable Development have partnered with organizations in the New York area to work on a range of projects aimed at combatting challenges to sustainability. This semester’s clients include West Point Academy, the Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance, and West Harlem…
Postdoc Crosses Disciplines to Put Theory to Practice
The Earth Institute postdoc has provided me with a strong foundation to continue to initiate and develop these sorts of collaborations, has helped me learn how my own research can benefit from being challenged by and contextualized in another field, and has taught me how much fun it can be to share the same sort…
Lessons From Front Lines of Climate Change
Cities already lead the action on responding to climate change. And cities are utilizing groups such as the Urban Climate Change Research Network to share lessons from implementation and scholarly research on urban climate change.
Exploring New Zealand Climate Change in Groundwater
Alan Seltzer, a senior at Columbia University, traveled to New Zealand this past summer to work on field experiments aimed at reconstructing temperatures in the region over the last 20,000 years. His adviser, geochemist Martin Stute, is working closely with colleagues at Lamont-Doherty to understand how the southern hemisphere came out of the last ice…