Author: Sarah Fecht9
How to Disinfect Your Mask: A Step-by-Step Guide
Social distancing and mask-wearing are here to stay for the foreseeable future. This guide will help you safely disinfect and reuse some types of disposable masks.
Welcome, GlacierHub!
The website dedicated to glaciers, climate change, and indigenous cultures is moving to its own blog on State of the Planet.
What the First Earth Day Achieved
And what we can learn from its success.
Unusually Clear Skies Drove Record Loss of Greenland Ice in 2019
Study identifies unprecedented atmospheric conditions behind devastating summer; suggests climate models may greatly underestimate future melting.
John Furlow: Helping Developing Countries Adapt to Climate Change
He and his team are deploying seasonal climate forecasts and index insurance to help Vietnamese farmers plan ahead for changing weather, and to enhance food security.
American Robins Now Migrate 12 Days Earlier Than in 1994
New GPS data show birds adjust to shifting snow conditions as climate warms
How to Stay Sane While Social Distancing
The coronavirus pandemic is changing everything about how we live, work, and interact with each other. Here’s how to cope.
How Have Careers in Sustainability Evolved Over the Past 10 Years?
The All Ivy Career Fair provides a glimpse into the diverse professional opportunities for sustainability students and graduates.
How to Prepare for a Coronavirus Outbreak in the U.S.
Irwin Redlener, a medical doctor and director of Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness, explains how you can protect yourself and the people around you.