Earth Institute Postdoctoral Research Program Now Accepting Applications for 2019
Doctoral candidates or recent degree recipients interested in research on sustainable development should apply by October 31, 2018.
Graduate Professional Education in Sustainability Management and Environmental Policy
The students studying with us are the antidote to dysfunction and corruption and our best hope for a sustainable future.
Sustainable Development Alum Embraces Shift to Physical Sciences
Sustainable Development alum Sara Lytle talks her move to environmental engineering and tips for others looking to change their academic course.
Uncovering the Science behind Environmental Legislation
The MPA in Environmental Science and Policy Workshop requirements mirror real-world sustainability problem-solving.
Internship With Dr. David Maurrasse
Dr. David Maurrasse, adjunct research scholar at the Earth Institute, is seeking an intern to assist with qualitative research. Graduate and undergraduate students at Columbia and Barnard are welcome to apply.
Ethics for Sustainability Management and Finance
The redesigned course focuses on the ethical challenges, pathways, and practices of sustainability in its intersections with the financial sector.
This Summer, Global Fellows Take Theory into the Field
Four students are undertaking sustainable development fieldwork in Brazil, Iceland, and New York City through the Global Fellows Program.
Accounting, Finance, and Modeling of Sustainable Investments
In Fall 2018, this course will examine traditional and emerging financial and cost accounting practices, non-financial sustainability performance metrics, and more.