State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


  • Faculty Profile: Allen Zweben

    Faculty Profile: Allen Zweben

    Allen Zweben is currently doing landmark research on integrating behavioral and pharmacological treatment for alcohol problems. His specific focus has been on exploring the biological and psychosocial pathways that can produce lasting change for individuals with alcohol problems. Zweben has derived important insights on the kinds of behavioral strategies that might be employed along with…

  • Faculty Profile: Robert Pollack

    Faculty Profile: Robert Pollack

    Robert Pollack, biology professor and the director of the Earth Institute’s Center for the Study of Science and Religion, sums up his academic interests on the biology department’s Web site this way: “To reconsider the large question—is the natural normative?—from both scientific and religious perspectives at once.” Pollack also holds positions as a lecturer at…

  • Apply Now for Environmental Science and Policy Fellowship

    Apply Now for Environmental Science and Policy Fellowship

    The Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy is pleased to announce, for the second year, the Dean’s Environmental Science and Policy Fellowship. Created in 2014, it was the first full tuition grant made in the program’s 13-year history. All prospective students who apply to the program by Jan. 15, 2016, will be…

  • Internships: Work with NASA Scientists on Climate Change

    Internships: Work with NASA Scientists on Climate Change

    An internship program at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York is offering graduate students a chance to work with NASA scientists on climate change research.

  • The Transformative Potential of Sustainability Education

    The transition to a renewable economy requires education at every level. We need students in public and private schools to develop a deeper understanding of the global sustainability crisis, but we also need aspiring professionals and current professionals to develop the expertise needed to begin the transformation in real time, today.

  • The Most Valuable Skill? Creative Problem Solving

    The Most Valuable Skill? Creative Problem Solving

    “It took taking the Intro to Sustainable Development class for me to understand that this major is not only immediately applicable and vitally important, but also varied and interesting enough to keep me engaged throughout my college experience. Put simply, I discovered the passion that I hadn’t realized was there all along.”

  • Officials Launch ‘School as a Way of Life’ in Assam, India

    Officials Launch ‘School as a Way of Life’ in Assam, India

    The initiative will work to improve teaching and learning outcomes in public primary schools in rural Assam through changes in the classroom and improvements in infrastructure.

  • Faculty Profile: Stephen E. Zebiak

    Faculty Profile: Stephen E. Zebiak

    Dr. Zebiak is a Senior Research Scientist and is the head of the Climate Services Partnership, which is housed at the IRI. The Climate Services Partnership is an information collaborative platform to advance knowledge, tools, and capacities in the delivery of science-based climate services to inform practical decision and policy making. Previously, Dr. Zebiak was…

  • Student Profile: Andrew Cummings

    Student Profile: Andrew Cummings

    For Andrew Cummings, the MPA ESP program is providing him the opportunity to marry science and policy with the experience he gained as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Burkina Faso. Cummings credits his experience as a volunteer for giving him the skills he needs to succeed in a fast-paced environment.

  • Faculty Profile: Allen Zweben

    Faculty Profile: Allen Zweben

    Allen Zweben is currently doing landmark research on integrating behavioral and pharmacological treatment for alcohol problems. His specific focus has been on exploring the biological and psychosocial pathways that can produce lasting change for individuals with alcohol problems. Zweben has derived important insights on the kinds of behavioral strategies that might be employed along with…

  • Faculty Profile: Robert Pollack

    Faculty Profile: Robert Pollack

    Robert Pollack, biology professor and the director of the Earth Institute’s Center for the Study of Science and Religion, sums up his academic interests on the biology department’s Web site this way: “To reconsider the large question—is the natural normative?—from both scientific and religious perspectives at once.” Pollack also holds positions as a lecturer at…

  • Apply Now for Environmental Science and Policy Fellowship

    Apply Now for Environmental Science and Policy Fellowship

    The Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy is pleased to announce, for the second year, the Dean’s Environmental Science and Policy Fellowship. Created in 2014, it was the first full tuition grant made in the program’s 13-year history. All prospective students who apply to the program by Jan. 15, 2016, will be…

  • Internships: Work with NASA Scientists on Climate Change

    Internships: Work with NASA Scientists on Climate Change

    An internship program at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York is offering graduate students a chance to work with NASA scientists on climate change research.

  • The Transformative Potential of Sustainability Education

    The transition to a renewable economy requires education at every level. We need students in public and private schools to develop a deeper understanding of the global sustainability crisis, but we also need aspiring professionals and current professionals to develop the expertise needed to begin the transformation in real time, today.

  • The Most Valuable Skill? Creative Problem Solving

    The Most Valuable Skill? Creative Problem Solving

    “It took taking the Intro to Sustainable Development class for me to understand that this major is not only immediately applicable and vitally important, but also varied and interesting enough to keep me engaged throughout my college experience. Put simply, I discovered the passion that I hadn’t realized was there all along.”

  • Officials Launch ‘School as a Way of Life’ in Assam, India

    Officials Launch ‘School as a Way of Life’ in Assam, India

    The initiative will work to improve teaching and learning outcomes in public primary schools in rural Assam through changes in the classroom and improvements in infrastructure.

  • Faculty Profile: Stephen E. Zebiak

    Faculty Profile: Stephen E. Zebiak

    Dr. Zebiak is a Senior Research Scientist and is the head of the Climate Services Partnership, which is housed at the IRI. The Climate Services Partnership is an information collaborative platform to advance knowledge, tools, and capacities in the delivery of science-based climate services to inform practical decision and policy making. Previously, Dr. Zebiak was…

  • Student Profile: Andrew Cummings

    Student Profile: Andrew Cummings

    For Andrew Cummings, the MPA ESP program is providing him the opportunity to marry science and policy with the experience he gained as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Burkina Faso. Cummings credits his experience as a volunteer for giving him the skills he needs to succeed in a fast-paced environment.