Beyond Coal: Economic Alternatives for Kentucky
Earth Institute students evaluated Kentucky’s physical, economic and cultural resources to identify ways to move the economy toward a more sustainable future—and to make recommendations for how the state’s community and technical college system could help.
CIRSD Joins New Earth Institute SDSN Advisory Group
To strengthen the collaboration between the Center of International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) and the Earth Institute at Columbia University (EI) and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), the Earth Institute and SDSN have established the Earth Institute-Sustainable Development Solutions Network Advisory Group on International Relations and designated the members as Senior EI…
How High Will Sea Levels Rise?
Scientists from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory are trying to determine how high sea levels may rise in the future by studying the shorelines of the past. Led by a team of researchers including Lamont climate scientist and marine geologist Maureen Raymo, the goal of Pliomax is to increase the accuracy of global sea level estimates for…
Climate Change’s Bottom Line
In the face of climate change, companies cannot continue to do “business as usual.” The risks and challenges of the changing climate threaten the bottom line, but also offer unprecedented opportunities.
Alumna Takes Sustainable Development Degree to El Salvador
Undergraduate Program in Sustainable Development alumna, Hannah Perls, takes her degree to El Salvador, where she is responsible for program development at Foundation Cristosal, a non-profit human rights NGO.
Transforming Urban Transport in Nairobi
In an effort to strengthen and expand public transport in Nairobi, Kenya, the Volvo Research & Educational Foundations is partnering with the Center for Sustainable Urban Development on a new project to improve accessibility in the city.
From Theory to Reality: Closing the Carbon Loop
Carbon capture, storage and reuse has the potential to help us reduce CO2 emissions and combat global warming. The Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy is bringing together experts from an array of fields to assess the state of the technology April 14-16.
Student Research Showcase 2014
The Earth Institute, Columbia University was proud to support student research in the areas of environment and sustainable development at the annual Student Research Showcase on April 25, 2014. Student interns, research assistants and travel grant recipients, and their Faculty and Research Advisors, were honored for their research contributions that ranged in topics from biodiversity,…
In Haiti, Exploring What Drives People to Alter the Landscape
Study of the Pedernales Watershed, located along Haiti’s southern national boundary with the Dominican Republic, may provide insights into the stark contrast in land cover patterns between the two countries.