We are currently taking samples of water and sediments from high-elevation lakes near the glaciers. Like ice cores from the glaciers themselves, these should contain substances that will help us understand the climate history of this region. The sampling is being done in conjunction with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences and the Indonesian Meteorological, Climatological…
We are staying at the high-elevation Grasberg gold and copper mine—not on top of Puncak Jaya—because some of our equipment has not arrived. We have 99 pieces out of the 106 we shipped, but unfortunately our ice drills are in the missing pieces, and we cannot do anything without those. We are working hard to…
Your old infrastructure is going to eat you alive. Well, maybe not you, exactly, but it is eating some people alive. I’m talking about the astounding sinkhole that formed in Guatemala City over the weekend.
Nano and I have arrived in the Crotone Basin, where we’re staying in a place that Italians call an “agriturismo,” which is like a bed and breakfast that also serves lunch and dinner. Our little place is unique even among agriturismos. It is called Canciumati (can-chew-ma-tea), a house with four generations living under one roof.…
Official press release: United Nations Secretary-General Makes First Trip to Millennium Village A run through of remarks the SG made on the Millennium Development Goals and his trip to Mwandama. First his address to the Malawi Parliament. Then speaking to the press on what he saw in Mwandama. Millennium Promise CEO, John McArthur writes, on…
Key Data Toward Achieving Millennium Development Goals Released
Team members are now actively scouting by foot on Puncak Jaya, looking for the best drill spots, travel routes and campsites. The man in red is Broxton Bird of Ohio State University. In brown, the appropriately named alpine veteran Keith Mountain of the University of Louisville. At bottom: team leaders Dwi Susanto and Lonnie Thompson give a…
Bottled water – “one of the least green and least defensible ripoffs on the market.” Is this a routine quote from one of the usual suspects of anti-bottled water campaigners? Surprisingly, no. It’s from the Economist – the journalistic bastion of free market economics – and is is included in their new special report on…
A Grueling Trek, a Fast-Melting Glacier, and Vital Climate Signs