State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

communicating climate10

  • Low-cost water management in Ethiopia

    Water capture and storage for irrigation has been an ongoing theme of research in Columbia’s earth and environmental engineering department, but Professor Upmanu Lall has recently taken things a step further. With funding from the Pulitzer family, Lall challenged a group of students in his senior engineering course to design a low-cost system of water…

  • Wally Broecker wins prestigious BBVA Foundation award for Climate Research

    Earlier today it was announced that Wallace S. Broecker, Newberry Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University, has received the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Climate Change Research. In announcing the award, the jury cited Wally for his seminal research on ocean chemistry and for pioneering the development of Earth System…

  • Columbia Climate Center Launches its Website

    This blog, Climate Matters @ Columbia, is brought to you by the Columbia Climate Center, created in 2007 by the Earth Institute, Columbia University. The mission of the Columbia Climate Center is to integrate climate related research throughout Columbia University and to build upon it to address the challenges of understanding, predicting, adapting to, and…

  • Climate matters, and most of the world agrees

    Climate matters, and that’s not just the opinion of the Columbia Climate Center. Recent surveys in the US and overseas indicate that most people see climate change as a threat; even those that don’t consider it a serious problem agree that it is worth addressing. In a recent survey of twelve countries, made by HSBC…

  • Welcome to Climate Matters @ Columbia!

    Welcome to Climate Matters @ Columbia, a new blog coming out of the recently formed Columbia Climate Center from the Earth Institute, Columbia University. On Climate Matters, we’ll talk about all things climate: from basic climate science to policy considerations, from the climate impacts on public health to using conservation of biodiversity as a strategy…

  • Low-cost water management in Ethiopia

    Water capture and storage for irrigation has been an ongoing theme of research in Columbia’s earth and environmental engineering department, but Professor Upmanu Lall has recently taken things a step further. With funding from the Pulitzer family, Lall challenged a group of students in his senior engineering course to design a low-cost system of water…

  • Wally Broecker wins prestigious BBVA Foundation award for Climate Research

    Earlier today it was announced that Wallace S. Broecker, Newberry Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University, has received the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Climate Change Research. In announcing the award, the jury cited Wally for his seminal research on ocean chemistry and for pioneering the development of Earth System…

  • Columbia Climate Center Launches its Website

    This blog, Climate Matters @ Columbia, is brought to you by the Columbia Climate Center, created in 2007 by the Earth Institute, Columbia University. The mission of the Columbia Climate Center is to integrate climate related research throughout Columbia University and to build upon it to address the challenges of understanding, predicting, adapting to, and…

  • Climate matters, and most of the world agrees

    Climate matters, and that’s not just the opinion of the Columbia Climate Center. Recent surveys in the US and overseas indicate that most people see climate change as a threat; even those that don’t consider it a serious problem agree that it is worth addressing. In a recent survey of twelve countries, made by HSBC…

  • Welcome to Climate Matters @ Columbia!

    Welcome to Climate Matters @ Columbia, a new blog coming out of the recently formed Columbia Climate Center from the Earth Institute, Columbia University. On Climate Matters, we’ll talk about all things climate: from basic climate science to policy considerations, from the climate impacts on public health to using conservation of biodiversity as a strategy…