State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

community health workers

  • Millennium Promise Team to Join Battle Against Ebola

    Millennium Promise Team to Join Battle Against Ebola

    Locally based community health workers, who bring vital primary health care to underserved populations across sub-Saharan Africa, will join the battle against the deadly Ebola virus through a partnership between the government of Guinea and The Earth Institute.

  • GlaxoSmithKline Supports African Health Workers Campaign

    GlaxoSmithKline Supports African Health Workers Campaign

    The Earth Institute and its corporate partner, global healthcare company GlaxoSmithKline are embarking on a new project to broadly expand the reach of healthcare services in sub-Saharan Africa. In collaboration with the One Million Community Health Workers Campaign, the new project will develop an online information dashboard that will help streamline community health worker operations…

  • Health Systems Expert Wins Young Leader Award

    Health Systems Expert Wins Young Leader Award

    Dr. Prabhjot Singh, an international health systems expert at the Earth Institute who helped design community health worker systems for the Millennium Villages Project across 10 African countries, has won a $40,000 Young Leader Award from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

  • Child Mortality Drops Sharply in Millennium Villages

    Child Mortality Drops Sharply in Millennium Villages

    Approximately one in eight children dies before the age of 5 in sub-Saharan Africa – a rate that has been declining, but is still nearly 20 times higher than in developed nations. A new Lancet study out this week suggests that the multiple interventions applied in the Millennium Villages Project are having a significant impact,…

  • Increasing Access to Health Care Using a Community-Based Approach

    Increasing Access to Health Care Using a Community-Based Approach

    Community Health Workers (CHWs), health assistants or lay health workers who provide a fundamental level of health care for residents in the community in which they live, have been shown to make a tremendous contribution to public health and community development. In Kisumu, Kenya, residents of Manyatta, an informal settlement with nearly 90,000 people that…

  • A Call for One Million Community Health Workers

    A Call for One Million Community Health Workers

    By Anne Liu and Sarah Sullivan Extending the reach of public health systems through a well-trained and supported community health workforce is the best step we can take in meeting the MDGs. This can be done by strengthening health systems and increasing equity in health care access by extending care to the world’s most vulnerable…

  • A Community-based Approach to Combating Malnutrition:  What It Looks Like and How to Evaluate It

    A Community-based Approach to Combating Malnutrition: What It Looks Like and How to Evaluate It

    In a world of increasing rates of obesity, it is sometimes hard to remember that another type of malnutrition—undernutrition—remains a major contributor to mortality. Although all ages may be affected by malnutrition, children are most vulnerable to death and long-term disabilities caused by this disease. As such, treating and preventing undernutrition in children contribute to…

  • The Rising Tide of Community Health Workers

    The Rising Tide of Community Health Workers

    In the past few weeks, there has been an steady rise in news about Community Health Workers (CHWs), domestically and abroad. The reason for enthusiasm is obvious: without replacing doctors and nurses, regular people can take an active role in the health of their community.

  • Over $1m in New Commitments to Support Earth Institute Work

    Over $1m in New Commitments to Support Earth Institute Work

    Today, two of the world’s leading companies announce grants and technical support totaling more than $1,000,000 aimed at ending global poverty by 2015.

  • Millennium Promise Team to Join Battle Against Ebola

    Millennium Promise Team to Join Battle Against Ebola

    Locally based community health workers, who bring vital primary health care to underserved populations across sub-Saharan Africa, will join the battle against the deadly Ebola virus through a partnership between the government of Guinea and The Earth Institute.

  • GlaxoSmithKline Supports African Health Workers Campaign

    GlaxoSmithKline Supports African Health Workers Campaign

    The Earth Institute and its corporate partner, global healthcare company GlaxoSmithKline are embarking on a new project to broadly expand the reach of healthcare services in sub-Saharan Africa. In collaboration with the One Million Community Health Workers Campaign, the new project will develop an online information dashboard that will help streamline community health worker operations…

  • Health Systems Expert Wins Young Leader Award

    Health Systems Expert Wins Young Leader Award

    Dr. Prabhjot Singh, an international health systems expert at the Earth Institute who helped design community health worker systems for the Millennium Villages Project across 10 African countries, has won a $40,000 Young Leader Award from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

  • Child Mortality Drops Sharply in Millennium Villages

    Child Mortality Drops Sharply in Millennium Villages

    Approximately one in eight children dies before the age of 5 in sub-Saharan Africa – a rate that has been declining, but is still nearly 20 times higher than in developed nations. A new Lancet study out this week suggests that the multiple interventions applied in the Millennium Villages Project are having a significant impact,…

  • Increasing Access to Health Care Using a Community-Based Approach

    Increasing Access to Health Care Using a Community-Based Approach

    Community Health Workers (CHWs), health assistants or lay health workers who provide a fundamental level of health care for residents in the community in which they live, have been shown to make a tremendous contribution to public health and community development. In Kisumu, Kenya, residents of Manyatta, an informal settlement with nearly 90,000 people that…

  • A Call for One Million Community Health Workers

    A Call for One Million Community Health Workers

    By Anne Liu and Sarah Sullivan Extending the reach of public health systems through a well-trained and supported community health workforce is the best step we can take in meeting the MDGs. This can be done by strengthening health systems and increasing equity in health care access by extending care to the world’s most vulnerable…

  • A Community-based Approach to Combating Malnutrition:  What It Looks Like and How to Evaluate It

    A Community-based Approach to Combating Malnutrition: What It Looks Like and How to Evaluate It

    In a world of increasing rates of obesity, it is sometimes hard to remember that another type of malnutrition—undernutrition—remains a major contributor to mortality. Although all ages may be affected by malnutrition, children are most vulnerable to death and long-term disabilities caused by this disease. As such, treating and preventing undernutrition in children contribute to…

  • The Rising Tide of Community Health Workers

    The Rising Tide of Community Health Workers

    In the past few weeks, there has been an steady rise in news about Community Health Workers (CHWs), domestically and abroad. The reason for enthusiasm is obvious: without replacing doctors and nurses, regular people can take an active role in the health of their community.

  • Over $1m in New Commitments to Support Earth Institute Work

    Over $1m in New Commitments to Support Earth Institute Work

    Today, two of the world’s leading companies announce grants and technical support totaling more than $1,000,000 aimed at ending global poverty by 2015.