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Two Degrees Too Many: Average Global Temperature Increase Will Trigger Climate Tipping Points
A recent study expands upon previously established tipping points, naming 16 total tipping points and their respective temperature triggers.
‘The Canary in the Coal Mine’: Most Olympic Peninsula Glaciers Will Disappear by 2070
A recent study projects that climate change will cause most glaciers on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State to disappear by 2070, threatening water resources, ecosystems, and tourism.
Report Released at COP27 Gives a ‘Terminal Diagnosis’ for Summer Sea Ice
The COP27 State of the Cryosphere 2022 Report has stated that summer sea ice will melt completely, likely before 2050. This outcome is deemed “inevitable.”
Greenland’s Long and Intense Melt Season Is a Worrying Sign for Sea Level
Summer melt across Greenland has broken records this year.
What Lies Beneath Melting Glaciers and Thawing Permafrost?
As the planet’s ice disappears, it’s exposing new surfaces, opportunities, and threats — including valuable mineral deposits, archaeological relics, novel viruses, and more.
Declining Salmon Lead Eagles to Seek Out Food in Washington’s Agricultural Areas
As warming streams reduce the populations of chum salmon in northwest Washington, bald eagles are exploring adjacent farmland for alternative foods.
Collapsing Glacier in Kyrgyzstan Sends Worrying Signal to Central Asia
In Kyrgyzstan, where glaciers cover 8% of the land, a recent glacier collapse highlights the dire plight of glaciers in a country that depends on them.
Asian Mountain Nations to Present Unified Voice at Global Climate Conference
Countries from the Hindu Kush Himalayas seek to present a unified voice at COP26 with their #HKH2Glasgow campaign.
Quantifying the Ecosystem Services of Glaciers Highlights Their Importance to Humankind
Scientists at the University of Iceland seek to measure the ecological and societal benefits of glacial ecosystems.