State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

MPA in Environmental Science and Policy News17

  • Beyond Coal: Economic Alternatives for Kentucky

    Beyond Coal: Economic Alternatives for Kentucky

    Earth Institute students evaluated Kentucky’s physical, economic and cultural resources to identify ways to move the economy toward a more sustainable future—and to make recommendations for how the state’s community and technical college system could help.

  • Congratulations to the MPA in Environmental Science & Policy Class of 2014

    Congratulations to the MPA in Environmental Science & Policy Class of 2014

    The MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program bid farewell to the class of 2014 on May 22 as the students celebrated their graduation from the School of International and Public Affairs.

  • Capstone Projects Address Real Sustainability Challenges

    Capstone Projects Address Real Sustainability Challenges

    Students from the Earth Institute’s Sustainability Management and Environmental Science and Policy master’s programs once again demonstrated the broad range of applications for interdisciplinary approaches to sustainable development in their Spring 2014 team capstone projects. The projects provided analysis and recommendations to a range of clients on diverse, real-world sustainability challenges.

  • ESP Students Tackle Tough Environmental Problems

    ESP Students Tackle Tough Environmental Problems

    On April 30, students in the Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy presented their initial findings for the Workshop in Applied Earth Systems Policy Analysis. This semester’s workshop projects dealt with topics ranging from natural disaster resilience to evaluating the success of solar incentive programs.

  • Students Learn from Faculty, Alumni about Energy Efficiency Careers

    Students Learn from Faculty, Alumni about Energy Efficiency Careers

    The Earth Institute is expanding its professional development program with the addition of mini-career workshops that focus on particular areas of sustainability. The first of these workshops, which took place on April 17, focused on energy efficiency. The purpose of the workshops is to provide opportunities to students to learn from faculty and alumni who…

  • ESP Student Shifts Focus to Urban Sustainability

    ESP Student Shifts Focus to Urban Sustainability

    Current Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Maureen Loman is no newcomer to the science world. Her undergraduate studies at the University of Maryland included research into subjects such as plant genetics, forest fragmentation, and bat acoustics, and for the past three years she has worked at the Bioacoustics Research…

  • ESP Students Present Initial Findings for Clients

    ESP Students Present Initial Findings for Clients

    On March 5, students in the Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy presented their initial findings for the Workshop in Applied Earth Systems Policy Analysis to fellow students, staff, and invited guests at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.

  • ESP Student Expands Skillset

    ESP Student Expands Skillset

    After three years working with the Peace Corps in Madagascar, Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy student Jonathan Mason came to Columbia with a strong background in research and writing, but limited experience in quantitative analysis. As he begins his final semester, he reflects that the quantitative and project management skills he…

  • MPA Alum Focuses on Disaster Response and Recovery

    MPA Alum Focuses on Disaster Response and Recovery

    MPA in Environmental Science and Policy alum Maham Ahmed (’13) is combining her undergraduate degree in Environmental Science with her new MPA degree while serving as a Presidential Management Fellow at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in Washington D.C. Maham hopes to bring change to disaster response and recovery for future generations.

  • Beyond Coal: Economic Alternatives for Kentucky

    Beyond Coal: Economic Alternatives for Kentucky

    Earth Institute students evaluated Kentucky’s physical, economic and cultural resources to identify ways to move the economy toward a more sustainable future—and to make recommendations for how the state’s community and technical college system could help.

  • Congratulations to the MPA in Environmental Science & Policy Class of 2014

    Congratulations to the MPA in Environmental Science & Policy Class of 2014

    The MPA in Environmental Science and Policy program bid farewell to the class of 2014 on May 22 as the students celebrated their graduation from the School of International and Public Affairs.

  • Capstone Projects Address Real Sustainability Challenges

    Capstone Projects Address Real Sustainability Challenges

    Students from the Earth Institute’s Sustainability Management and Environmental Science and Policy master’s programs once again demonstrated the broad range of applications for interdisciplinary approaches to sustainable development in their Spring 2014 team capstone projects. The projects provided analysis and recommendations to a range of clients on diverse, real-world sustainability challenges.

  • ESP Students Tackle Tough Environmental Problems

    ESP Students Tackle Tough Environmental Problems

    On April 30, students in the Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy presented their initial findings for the Workshop in Applied Earth Systems Policy Analysis. This semester’s workshop projects dealt with topics ranging from natural disaster resilience to evaluating the success of solar incentive programs.

  • Students Learn from Faculty, Alumni about Energy Efficiency Careers

    Students Learn from Faculty, Alumni about Energy Efficiency Careers

    The Earth Institute is expanding its professional development program with the addition of mini-career workshops that focus on particular areas of sustainability. The first of these workshops, which took place on April 17, focused on energy efficiency. The purpose of the workshops is to provide opportunities to students to learn from faculty and alumni who…

  • ESP Student Shifts Focus to Urban Sustainability

    ESP Student Shifts Focus to Urban Sustainability

    Current Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Maureen Loman is no newcomer to the science world. Her undergraduate studies at the University of Maryland included research into subjects such as plant genetics, forest fragmentation, and bat acoustics, and for the past three years she has worked at the Bioacoustics Research…

  • ESP Students Present Initial Findings for Clients

    ESP Students Present Initial Findings for Clients

    On March 5, students in the Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy presented their initial findings for the Workshop in Applied Earth Systems Policy Analysis to fellow students, staff, and invited guests at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.

  • ESP Student Expands Skillset

    ESP Student Expands Skillset

    After three years working with the Peace Corps in Madagascar, Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy student Jonathan Mason came to Columbia with a strong background in research and writing, but limited experience in quantitative analysis. As he begins his final semester, he reflects that the quantitative and project management skills he…

  • MPA Alum Focuses on Disaster Response and Recovery

    MPA Alum Focuses on Disaster Response and Recovery

    MPA in Environmental Science and Policy alum Maham Ahmed (’13) is combining her undergraduate degree in Environmental Science with her new MPA degree while serving as a Presidential Management Fellow at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in Washington D.C. Maham hopes to bring change to disaster response and recovery for future generations.