student profiles16
Sustainability Management Student Expands Career View
While working as the project and sustainability planner for The Crane Resorts in her home country of Barbados, current MS in Sustainability Management student Lisa Howard realized that if she wanted to make a real difference in the sustainable built environment and tourism, she would need to have a more holistic understanding of the field.
MS Graduate Aims to Create Sustainable Solutions through Biomimicry
Recent M.S. in Sustainability Management graduate Adiel Gavish (’13) thinks that we’ve all got something to learn from nature. As the vibrant Founder of BiomimicryNYC, the thirty-two year old is leading the charge to change the way that people design solutions through biomimicry – the science and ethos that studies designs and patterns in the…
ESP Student Craves Career in Sustainable Food Systems
In a career that has already spanned the roles of farmer and corporate sustainability professional with ARAMARK; current MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Kendall Singleton knows that her niche in the sustainability sector lies in designing and implementing sustainable food systems. As her time in the MPA-ESP program comes to a close,…
Passion for Climate Change Issues Propels M.S. Student’s Career
Current M.S. in Sustainability Management student Megan Farrell works in the Sustainable Business Solutions division at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) where she focuses on developing strategic solutions to best address the challenges facing her clients, including those related to social, environmental, and economic factors.
MS Student Applies Sustainability Management Skills to CDP
M.S. in Sustainability Management (MSSM) student Andrea Tenorio joined the program because she was interested in a career that aligned with her values of social responsibility, recognized her affinity for efficiency and conservation, and was technically challenging. Currently, Andrea works at CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project), where she manages a program that provides companies with…
MS Student Uses Blogging to Improve the Urban Food System
Current M.S. in Sustainability Management (MSSM) student Henry Gordon-Smith began his studies at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Soon thereafter he studied at Ryerson University in Toronto, where he specialized in Food Security and Urban Agriculture. When a job opportunity led him to New York, he ended up deciding to join the MSSM…
Sustainability Management Student Enhances Energy Efficiency Work
As a “career-changer,” M.S. in Sustainability Management (MSSM) student Laura Humphrey felt that she could not consider herself successful until her daily work reflected her core values. Currently, Laura works as a Senior Associate at ICF International in the Energy Efficiency division. Laura believes that her graduate studies have informed her work at ICF because…
MS Student Earns Recognition as Corporate Social Responsibility Leader
Current M.S. in Sustainability Management (MSSM) student Pamela Alabaster joined the program after a corporate sustainability appointment at L’Oréal USA with the express purpose of honing her skills in the corporate social responsibility field. Through meaningful lectures and applicable project-based coursework, Pamela has acquired the practical knowledge and understanding in the field and has been…
Former Fulbright Scholar Explores Science of Sustainability
Current MPA in Environmental Science and Policy (MPA-ESP) student Holly Battelle parlayed her undergraduate study of economics into a Fulbright Fellowship in Bangladesh where she explored the economics of solar energy. This field experience prompted her to enroll in the program because she wanted to formally study environmental science and policy and gain the necessary…