State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


Switchyard Project: A Very Successful Year

May 22: The 2011 field season has been a very very successful year, in fact the most successful one we have ever had. The weather has been great, the equipment proved to be mostly reliable, the people have been great and the samples are plenty. In the month to come, we will analyze the water samples and eventually end up with a tremendous amount of very exciting data. Thanks to everyone who made this happen.

Area of operation and sampled stations in 2011 by LDEO (red “o” symbols) and UW (pink “+” symbols). Open white circles show the LDEO stations that we would like to target every year.

We left Alert yesterday and are on our way back home. We are stranded in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, for a couple of days until the Air National Guard can take us and our valuable freight back to the U.S.

Best wishes.

The Switchyard Team.

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