State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


Earth Institute Celebrates Earth Day 2018 in Herald Square

At the Earth Institute, every day is Earth Day. We spend our lives uncovering the secrets of the earth and environmental systems, and then putting that knowledge to good use through policy, public outreach, and personal action. On Saturday, April 21, we were delighted to share our enthusiasm for the planet as part of New York City’s Car-Free Earth Day.

In celebration of Earth Day, the city closed off 30 blocks of Broadway to cars, allowing people to walk or bike between booths and activities to learn more about climate change and other pressing environmental issues. We had a blast spreading the word about how everyone can help, and hearing from others about what steps they’re taking to protect the environment. Check out the photos below to learn more.

margie turrin earth day
Education coordinator Margie Turrin takes back the streets as part of NYC’s Car-Free Earth Day. The Earth Institute had a booth near Herald Square. Photo: Jennifer Genrich
earth day activities
What can you do to fight climate change? Our posterboard displayed 10 ways we can all pitch in, ranging from driving less to spending more time outdoors instead of on our phones. Kids and adults got to place a sticker on whichever carbon-cutting activity they would like to commit to. Photo: Sarah Fecht
x-snow earth day exhibit
Turrin and Patrick Alexander, a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, explain the basics of the X-Snow citizen science project. The researchers are studying how climate change is affecting snow in the northeast, and they need your help! Photo: Sarah Fecht
earth day pamphlets and flyers
The team also handed out a variety of informational flyers and pamphlets about the Earth Institute. Shown here, from left to right: office coordinator Judy Jamal, communications manager Jennifer Genrich, and senior project manager Vilma Rivera Gallagher. Photo: Judy Jamal
earth day stickers
Natalie Unwin-Kuruneri, associate director of education at the Earth Institute, hands out stickers. Photo: Judy Jamal
earth day sticker committments
A child commits to talking to her friends about climate change. Photo: Judy Jamal
dog earth day
This doggo resolves to go on more walks … to help fight climate change, of course. Photo: Natalie Unwin-Kuruneri
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