State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Summer 2019 Teaching Assistantship Available in Environmental Science and Policy Program

The Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy at Columbia University is seeking to hire a teaching assistant for its Summer 2019 (May 29, 2019 – August 16, 2019) course in “Earth Systems and Environmental Politics, Policy, and Management.”

This course is designed to guide students interested in policy and management towards an understanding of how environmental policies are devised, implemented, and evaluated. It combines lecture with discussion sections and class debates. The class meets each Wednesday for 12 weeks. Preferred applicants will have an interest in and experience with environmental policy and solid writing skills.

Requirements include that you:

  1. Must be a CU graduate student (students graduating in May 2019 are not eligible to apply)
  2. Attend all lectures (Wednesday, 1:00PM – 3:00PM), do class readings, hold office hours, and meet each week with me to prepare and review the following week’s material
  3. Keep records of assignments/discussion posts/participation
  4. Assess assignments
  5. Help with other aspects of the course that may arise

For more information on the MPA-ESP program and for more information about the summer courses, please consult the program’s website.

The position has a salary of $6,000 for the Summer 2019 term.

Application Process:

To apply, please e-mail a cover letter stating your interest, your resume, and a brief writing sample to Professor Sara Tjossem, Senior Lecturer, at Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and should be submitted by Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Students graduating in May 2019 are not eligible.

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