Author: Columbia Climate School3
Alexis Abramson Appointed Next Dean of the Columbia Climate School
An expert in sustainable energy technology and advanced energy research, Abramson is currently Dean of the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth. She will begin her tenure at Columbia on January 1, 2025.
From India to Barbados: Insights from the Climate School’s Earth Month Research Showcase
Three students reflect on their research experience in climate and health, environmental justice mapping and sustainable coffee practices.
Climate School Appoints Five New Faculty Members
New faculty members from a variety of disciplines will add to the breadth of Climate School education programs.
Study Finds Switching From Gas to Electric Stoves Cuts Indoor Air Pollution
New research evaluated the feasibility and benefits of transitioning from gas to induction stoves in affordable housing.
High School Students Learn About Microplastic Pollution in Eco Ambassador Program
New Jersey students spent two days at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory studying microplastics and how they affect the world around us.
New Courses Will Lead the Way on Climate Resilience and Equitable Disaster Response
The National Center for Disaster Preparedness at the Columbia Climate School will now offer FEMA-certified trainings on climate change, equity and emergency management.
Daniel Zarrilli Named Columbia’s Inaugural Chief Climate and Sustainability Officer
Zarrilli, who formerly served as the NYC Mayor Office’s chief climate policy advisor, will help the university achieve its climate commitments and reach sustainability goals.
Faculty Announcement: Sheila Foster Appointed Professor of Climate
Sheila Foster has been appointed a tenured professor of climate at the Climate School.
Sheila Foster Recognized as a Fellow of the American College of Environmental Lawyers
Foster, a visiting professor of climate at Columbia Climate School, was honored by the prestigious organization for her career achievements.