Author: Earth Institute42
Pedaling for the Planet: NYC-DC Climate Ride
Columbia and Earth Institute alumni JD Capuano will be navigating a 300-mile bicycle ride between New York City and Washington, D.C., from Sept. 20-24 to support Climate Ride, the national bike ride to raise charitable donations for and awareness about climate change, cycling, and environmental causes.
Internship Opportunity in Executive Director’s Office
Are you a Columbia or Barnard student looking for an internship for fall 2014? Apply to the Office of the Executive Director at the Earth Institute. The institute is the world’s leading academic center for the integrated study of Earth and its environment, human society and the interaction between the two.
CIRSD Joins New Earth Institute SDSN Advisory Group
To strengthen the collaboration between the Center of International Relations and Sustainable Development and the Earth Institute at Columbia University and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the Earth Institute and SDSN have established the Earth Institute-Sustainable Development Solutions Network Advisory Group on International Relations and designated the members as senior EI SDSN advisors.
EPA’s Upcoming Carbon Rules: A Primer
On Monday, June 2, President Obama will announce proposed federal rules aimed at curbing carbon emissions from existing U.S. power plants–possibly a landmark in U.S. climate policy. It is uncertain how far the rule will go, and the announcement is being closely watched around the world.
Project Aims to Strengthen Climate Resilience
The Caribbean, Asia’s Indo-Gangetic Plain and West Africa are three regions known to be extremely vulnerable to climate variability and change, particularly to droughts, extreme weather events and stresses on food production, water resources and coastal areas. A new five-year project jointly led by the International Research Institute for Climate and Society and the University…
Houston Honors Jeffrey Sachs
The city of Houston honored Jeffrey Sachs on Tuesday proclaiming May 27, 2014 as “Dr. Jeffrey Sachs Day” for his work in the field of sustainable development.
Denning to Receive Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching
Professor Glenn Denning, director of the School of International and Public Affairs’ MPA in Development Practice program, will receive a Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching from Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger at the University’s commencement ceremony on May 21.
IPCC Says Managing Risks of Climate Change is Critical
Among the key findings of the WGII AR5 Report chapter on human security, a topic highlighted in the Report for the first time, is that societies in conflict are more vulnerable to climate change.
Gerry Iturrino: Oceanographer, Engineer, Friend
Gerardo Iturrino, a longtime engineer and ocean explorer at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, passed away unexpectedly on March 12. A resident of nearby Nyack, he was 51; the cause was heart attack, said his family. His incessant curiosity about the structure and origin of the Earth drove his career, the last 18 years of which he…