Isaac Wilkins: An Environmental Justice and Sustainability Calling
Isaac Wilkins, a current MPA ESP student, has a calling. Introduced to the environmental movement through advocating for environmental justice issues impacting communities of color, he is expanding his mission to help solve diverse issues across the various sectors within the environmental movement.
Learn About Environmental Sustainability and Conservation
The Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability offers an Executive Education Program in Environmental Sustainability and Conservation that is geared toward professionals seeking an understanding of our natural world and our changing environment.
Faculty Profile: Klaus S. Lackner
Editor’s Note: In the time since this article was written, Klaus S. Lackner has moved on to another position and is no longer affiliated with the Earth Institute. To address the exponential rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations since the Industrial Revolution, Professor Klaus S. Lackner, director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy at…
Sustainable Development Fall 2016 Workshop Briefings
By Chandler Precht On December 9, 2016, students in the Undergraduate Program in Sustainable Development presented practical solutions to sustainability issues and challenges faced by real world clients. Under the guidance of Professor Stuart Gaffin and Professor Radley Horton, the Capstone Workshop offers students a chance to convey the knowledge and theories gained throughout their time in the…
Beyond the Classroom: Field Visit to Rockefeller State Park
As part of the course on The Business and Ecology of Sustainable Forestry with Professor Ralph Schmidt, students visited the Rockefeller State Park in October 2016.
Leon Billings, Tom Jorling and the Origins of U.S. Environmental Law
If you had the experience of hearing Leon Billings teach and tell stories, it is hard to believe his voice is no longer with us. He was a great American and an important figure in American environmental history.