Crucial Antarctic Glacier Likely to Collapse Much Earlier than Expected
Thwaites Glacier, dubbed Antarctica’s ‘doomsday glacier,’ has been predicted to undergo dramatic changes, with its ice shelf likely to break apart in as little as five years.
Blood Glacier and Creative Climate Storytelling for an Uncertain Future
A new eco-horror film highlights how filmmakers, journalists and artists can tell stories about climate change in ways science traditionally has not.
Leaders from Glaciated Regions Highlight Importance of Women, Youth, and Indigenous Peoples at COP26
They discussed adaptation strategies for mountain regions.
COP-26: A Kyrgyz Journalist’s Perspective
A Kyrgyz journalist shares stories from her time at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland.
Climate Change Is Destroying Honey Production in Kyrgyzstan
The loss of glaciers in Kyrgyzstan is having a devastating impact on water supply for farmers and wildflower pastures, imperiling the country’s renowned honey industry.
Antarctica Glacier Named for Glasgow Climate Negotiations at COP26
The Antarctic Place Naming Commission has agreed to name glaciers on the Southern Continent after city locations of past and present climate treaties.
Scientist Questions Ethics of Collecting Endangered Insects for Study
As glaciers disappear, so too do the insects that call them home. So an ecologist has questioned whether traditional methods of killing insects to study them is sustainable.
Kyrgyzstan Will Move Away From Coal to Hydropower by 2050
At COP26, Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov made a statement about transitioning to an emission-free economy and the impact of climate change on the people of mountainous areas.
Loss of Fire Lookouts Spurs Questions About Historic Preservation
The rapid disappearance of historical fire lookouts across the United States is pushing communities to reevaluate the role of preservation.