State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

American Geophysical Union 2016

  • Creating Earthquake Heat Maps: Temperature Spikes Leave Clues in the Rock

    Creating Earthquake Heat Maps: Temperature Spikes Leave Clues in the Rock

    When a fault slips, the temperature can spike by hundreds of degrees, high enough to alter organic compounds in the rocks and leave a signature. Lamont scientists have developed methods to use those organic signatures to reconstruct past earthquakes and better understand what controls them.

  • Learning from Slow-Slip Earthquakes

    Learning from Slow-Slip Earthquakes

    Off the coast of New Zealand, there is an area where earthquakes can happen in slow-motion as two tectonic plates grind past one another. These slow-slip events create an ideal lab for studying fault behavior along the shallow portion of subduction zones.

  • State of the Arctic: Longer Melting Seasons, Thinning Sea Ice

    State of the Arctic: Longer Melting Seasons, Thinning Sea Ice

    The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, and scientists are seeing the effects across ice and ecosystems. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory’s Marco Tedesco describes the changes underway.

  • IEDA: Revolutionizing Big Data

    IEDA: Revolutionizing Big Data

    The Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance is fueling groundbreaking multi-disciplinary discoveries worldwide. “This is a new era of data mining,” says IEDA Director Kerstin Lehnert, a geochemist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

  • Spy Satellites Reveal the Himalayas’ Changing Glaciers – in 3D

    Spy Satellites Reveal the Himalayas’ Changing Glaciers – in 3D

    Declassified spy satellite images are beginning to provide the first consistent look at how glaciers across the Himalayas are changing and what future water supplies might look like for millions of people.

  • Live from San Francisco: Science from Lamont

    Live from San Francisco: Science from Lamont

    Earth scientists from around the world will be in San Francisco next week to share their latest discoveries at the American Geophysical Union’s fall meeting. You can watch several of their presentations live online through AGU On-Demand, including seven involving scientists from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

  • AGU 2016: Key Events From the Earth Institute

    AGU 2016: Key Events From the Earth Institute

    Scientists at Columbia University’s Earth Institute will present important findings at this year’s meeting of the American Geophysical Union, the world’s largest gathering of earth and space scientists.

  • Creating Earthquake Heat Maps: Temperature Spikes Leave Clues in the Rock

    Creating Earthquake Heat Maps: Temperature Spikes Leave Clues in the Rock

    When a fault slips, the temperature can spike by hundreds of degrees, high enough to alter organic compounds in the rocks and leave a signature. Lamont scientists have developed methods to use those organic signatures to reconstruct past earthquakes and better understand what controls them.

  • Learning from Slow-Slip Earthquakes

    Learning from Slow-Slip Earthquakes

    Off the coast of New Zealand, there is an area where earthquakes can happen in slow-motion as two tectonic plates grind past one another. These slow-slip events create an ideal lab for studying fault behavior along the shallow portion of subduction zones.

  • State of the Arctic: Longer Melting Seasons, Thinning Sea Ice

    State of the Arctic: Longer Melting Seasons, Thinning Sea Ice

    The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, and scientists are seeing the effects across ice and ecosystems. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory’s Marco Tedesco describes the changes underway.

  • IEDA: Revolutionizing Big Data

    IEDA: Revolutionizing Big Data

    The Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance is fueling groundbreaking multi-disciplinary discoveries worldwide. “This is a new era of data mining,” says IEDA Director Kerstin Lehnert, a geochemist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

  • Spy Satellites Reveal the Himalayas’ Changing Glaciers – in 3D

    Spy Satellites Reveal the Himalayas’ Changing Glaciers – in 3D

    Declassified spy satellite images are beginning to provide the first consistent look at how glaciers across the Himalayas are changing and what future water supplies might look like for millions of people.

  • Live from San Francisco: Science from Lamont

    Live from San Francisco: Science from Lamont

    Earth scientists from around the world will be in San Francisco next week to share their latest discoveries at the American Geophysical Union’s fall meeting. You can watch several of their presentations live online through AGU On-Demand, including seven involving scientists from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

  • AGU 2016: Key Events From the Earth Institute

    AGU 2016: Key Events From the Earth Institute

    Scientists at Columbia University’s Earth Institute will present important findings at this year’s meeting of the American Geophysical Union, the world’s largest gathering of earth and space scientists.