Learning From History To Help Guide the Future of NYC’s Crucial Watershed
While persistent drought conditions threaten the NYC water supply, Columbia students prepare to step up to the challenge.
Learning About Complex Climate Risks
This Climate School summer class teaches students that climate impacts do not impact the environment or society in isolation.
‘Hot Drought’ Unprecedented Across Western North America Since the 16th Century, Study Suggests
Increased heat due to human-induced climate change, not just lack of rain, is driving the continued drying of soils, say researchers.
Space Station Instrument Provides Newly Detailed Look at Plants’ Drought Resistance
Plants in the same groups often show similar drought resistance independent of the climate in which they grow.
Megadrought in Southwest Is Now the Worst in at Least 1,200 Years, Study Confirms
The continuation of dry conditions across a wide region has broken records going back to the year 800. Researchers believe climate change is largely to blame.
Simultaneous Droughts Could Threaten Global Food Security, Says Study
In a world where many countries depend on agricultural imports, warming climate increases the odds that multiple important crops could fail.
Climate Change May Have Huge Impacts on Staple Crops Within 10 Years, Says NASA
The study projects that wheat will do better in temperate regions, but corn production could plummet in warmer ones. Some crops may decline in nutritional value.
Increased Heat-Drought Combinations Could Damage Crops Globally, Says Study
Staple crops may see magnified adverse effects when warming climate drives away soil moisture.
A 1,000 Year Drought is Hitting the West. Could Desalination Be a Solution?
Filtering salt out of water is used in many parts of the world that deal with severe drought, but it can come with its own set of problems.