Alum Records Glacier Sounds in Peru
Gustavo Valdivia’s work helps people to connect with the natural world in a different way.
What Yak Herders in Northern Bhutan Are Saying About Global Warming
Yak herders in the Himalayas are observing climate change in action, and it’s one of the factors threatening their way of life.
New IPCC Report Offers New Data, Stern Warnings, Hope
The report shows that every degree of warming matters for livelihoods in most communities.
UN Resolution Would Protect Land and Water Rights of Rural People
This proposed declaration includes a number of rights, and specifically mentions that water resources in mountain ecosystems should be protected against pollution from mining activities.
Thoughts From the Grinnell Glacier Trail in Glacier National Park
A lot is different from my first visit to the park back in 2016 versus now.
War Against Natural Disasters: A Fight the Indian Military Can’t Win
Ladakh’s glaciers are retreating, causing floods and threatening livelihoods. But a recent study reveals that disaster risk reduction is often slow or absent due to its status as a conflict and military-tense zone.
Melting Glaciers Help Spur a Message on Climate
On Oct. 5, several small mountain countries with glaciers—Austria, Bolivia, and Nepal—undertook an important step in advancing global action on climate change. They helped the Paris Climate Agreement reach the threshold to enter into force and become legally binding.