Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Rocket Launches Are Proliferating. What Is This Doing to the Atmosphere?
What goes up in the form of rockets and their payloads must eventually come down in the form of launch emissions and objects falling out of orbit.
2024 Confirmed As Hottest Year on Record, Part of Sustained Upward March
Earth’s temperature exceeded the previous record set in 2023.
American Geophysical Union 2024: Key Research From Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and Columbia Climate School
Some of the most newsworthy presentations at the world’s largest yearly gathering of earth and space scientists.
Can ‘Super Volcanoes’ Cool the Earth in a Major Way? A New Study Suggests No.
An extended volcanic winter could have huge impacts on all living creatures. But could this really happen?
American Geophysical Union 2023: Key Research From the Columbia Climate School
A guide to notable research to be presented at the world’s largest gathering of earth and space scientists.
2022 Tied for Fifth Warmest Year
Last year saw a continuation of the long-term rise in the planet’s average temperature.
Solar Energy Explains Fast Yearly Retreat of Southern Ocean Sea Ice
Sea ice in the Southern Ocean retreats each year much faster than it develops. This has puzzled scientists, but the explanation turns out to be simple.
Scientists Find Surprisingly Stable Carbon Uptake by Land and Oceans From Air
Estimates that predate satellite imagery fill in a missing link and imply that oceans and land have been removing carbon from the air more efficiently than previously thought.
A New Multimedia Package Offers Talks by Top Scientists on Climate Impacts and Adaptation
A printed book supplemented by electronic slides and a webinar series will present authoritative lectures from a wide variety of scientists across the world.