State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

International Research Institute for Climate and Society30

  • Climate Services: No need to wait for disasters to happen

    Climate Services: No need to wait for disasters to happen

    “We need climate information to be able to see disasters coming ahead of time, not just hours, but also weeks, months, and even decades in terms of trends.” — Maarten Van Aalst, the Director of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre talks about the importance of climate services for humanitarian operations planning and preparedness, for…

  • A Cup of Joe for #1000

    A Cup of Joe for #1000

    IRI is offering a token of thanks for helping us reach a Twitter milestone. Care to help us get there?

  • Does La Niña Lead to Flu Pandemics?

    Does La Niña Lead to Flu Pandemics?

    Four major flu pandemics of the last century, including the deadly 1918 flu, were all proceeded by La Niña conditions in the Pacific, according to a recent paper.

  • East Africa Drought Is “Exceptional”

    East Africa Drought Is “Exceptional”

    Climate scientist Simon Mason talks about the drought and the role of climate information in disaster preparedness and response.

  • The Art and Science of Speed Dating

    The Art and Science of Speed Dating

    Speed dating can help singles looking for love. Can it help bring artists and scientists closer together, too?

  • Health Risks From Famine Likely to Persist

    Health Risks From Famine Likely to Persist

    Video Short: IRI’s Madeleine Thomson discusses the short- and long-term health risks of the East Africa famine

  • Now is the Time for Climate Services

    Now is the Time for Climate Services

    Last week, IRI organized a conference that brought together nearly 100 individuals from 30 countries to discuss the state and future of international climate services. What was discussed and what were the outcomes?

  • Welcome Back, La Niña

    Welcome Back, La Niña

    The components of La Niña are getting ready to tango. But will their performance break any climate records this time around?

  • Climate Information, Meet Public Health Problems

    Climate Information, Meet Public Health Problems

    IRI convened the fourth Summer Institute on Climate Information for Public Health. How did it help bring the two fields closer together?

  • Climate Services: No need to wait for disasters to happen

    Climate Services: No need to wait for disasters to happen

    “We need climate information to be able to see disasters coming ahead of time, not just hours, but also weeks, months, and even decades in terms of trends.” — Maarten Van Aalst, the Director of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre talks about the importance of climate services for humanitarian operations planning and preparedness, for…

  • A Cup of Joe for #1000

    A Cup of Joe for #1000

    IRI is offering a token of thanks for helping us reach a Twitter milestone. Care to help us get there?

  • Does La Niña Lead to Flu Pandemics?

    Does La Niña Lead to Flu Pandemics?

    Four major flu pandemics of the last century, including the deadly 1918 flu, were all proceeded by La Niña conditions in the Pacific, according to a recent paper.

  • East Africa Drought Is “Exceptional”

    East Africa Drought Is “Exceptional”

    Climate scientist Simon Mason talks about the drought and the role of climate information in disaster preparedness and response.

  • The Art and Science of Speed Dating

    The Art and Science of Speed Dating

    Speed dating can help singles looking for love. Can it help bring artists and scientists closer together, too?

  • Health Risks From Famine Likely to Persist

    Health Risks From Famine Likely to Persist

    Video Short: IRI’s Madeleine Thomson discusses the short- and long-term health risks of the East Africa famine

  • Now is the Time for Climate Services

    Now is the Time for Climate Services

    Last week, IRI organized a conference that brought together nearly 100 individuals from 30 countries to discuss the state and future of international climate services. What was discussed and what were the outcomes?

  • Welcome Back, La Niña

    Welcome Back, La Niña

    The components of La Niña are getting ready to tango. But will their performance break any climate records this time around?

  • Climate Information, Meet Public Health Problems

    Climate Information, Meet Public Health Problems

    IRI convened the fourth Summer Institute on Climate Information for Public Health. How did it help bring the two fields closer together?