Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory32
Quantum Phase Transition Is Detected on a Global Scale in the Deep Earth
Scientists have observed and learned to use subatomic phenomena on the earth’s surface. Now, for the first time, they can see similar things deep within the planet.
Scientists and Native People Jointly Study Sea-Ice Declines Threatening Seal Hunts
Seals have been a staple for the coastal village of Kotzebue for generations. Rapid changes in sea ice driven by ocean warmth are presenting a challenge for hunters.
Arctic Sea Ice May Make a Last Stand in This Remote Region. It May Lose the Battle.
Researchers have zeroed in on what they call the Last Ice Area, where the last year-round Arctic ice, and associated ecosystems may–or may not–survive in a warmer future.
Now-Extinct Giant South American Sloth Likely Devoured Meat With Its Vegetables
Up to now, it has been thought that the two-ton Darwin’s ground sloth, which lived up to 10,000 years ago, was strictly vegetarian. Apparently not.
Attribution Science: Linking Climate Change to Extreme Weather
Scientists can now determine what role climate change plays in making extreme weather events more frequent and intense.
EI LIVE K12 Is Back for the Academic Year
Our popular video series for students, educators, and parents returns with an exciting lineup from October to May.
Why the U.S. Northeast Coast Is a Global Warming Hot Spot
A sharp rise in temperatures on land is linked to unusual heating of the Atlantic Ocean, and changes in wind patterns that send that warmth westward.
When Record-Breaking Is the Norm: Mitigating the Impacts of Extreme Rainfall Events in a Changing Climate
Rainfall extremes this year affected millions.