Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory33
Increased Heat-Drought Combinations Could Damage Crops Globally, Says Study
Staple crops may see magnified adverse effects when warming climate drives away soil moisture.
Harnessing Drones, Geophysics and Artificial Intelligence to Root Out Land Mines
A grad student and his colleagues search for innovative new ways to detect and disarm millions of hidden hazards.
A Journey Into an Alaskan Volcano
A Columbia Climate School Ph.D. student recounts a research expedition into an active volcano in the Aleutian Islands.
Experts Weigh In on Hurricane Ida and Deadly Flash Floods in New York City
Experts from the Columbia Climate School have provided their insights and perspectives to journalists across the country trying to make sense of Hurricane Ida.
A New Center Will Study Ocean Chemical-Microbe Networks and Climate Change
Fast turnover of carbon between seawater and microbes is a fact, but how it works is largely a black hole. This projects aims to shed light.
Columbia to Launch $25 Million AI-Based Climate Modeling Center
A new venture will leverage big data and many disciplines to create better estimates of future climate.
Faculty Spotlight: Yutian Wu, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Researcher and ESP Climatology Professor
Wu started her career in mathematics before coming to Lamont and applying it to climate change and atmospheric processes.
A Morning That Shook the World: The Seismology of 9/11
Seismologist Won-Young Kim heard the first reports of the World Trade Center attacks while driving to work. Soon, he would be enmeshed in helping figure out exactly what happened, and when.
Personal Interviews Gain Insights to Community Perspectives
Interviews provide an emotional and thoughtful connection to others through discussing and sharing over topics that they might never have a chance to discuss otherwise.