National Center for Disaster Preparedness6
How These Women Are Contributing to a Sustainable Tomorrow
For International Women’s Day, we highlight a few women in the Columbia Climate School who are leading on climate science and adaptation, and helping to promote equity, sustainability, and resilience.
Irwin Redlener on COVID, Politics, and Social Vulnerability
The director of the Pandemic Resource and Response Initiative discusses how inequality, politics and misinformation worsened COVID’s impact in communities across the U.S.
Disaster Expert Testifies in Congress Regarding Future Pandemics
Columbia Climate School’s Jeffrey Schlegelmilch spoke to members of Congress about how better preparedness before disasters strike can save money and lives.
Spring 2022 Internship Opportunities
The Earth Institute is offering undergraduate, graduate and PhD students with opportunities to intern in various departments and research centers.
How Utilities Can Help Communities Build Economic Resilience to Disasters: Part II
Given the essential role of the power grid, electric utilities are in a unique position to lead disaster mitigation and preparedness.
FEMA Awards the National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP) with Two New Training Programs
The training programs will highlight best practices and lessons learned for pandemic planning in mass care settings, with a specific focus on society’s most vulnerable.
Irwin Redlener: On the Pandemic, Harnessing Celebrity Fame, and Public Health Activism
The pediatrician and founder of Columbia’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness also talks about childcare, climate change, and what’s next for him.
Experts Weigh In on Hurricane Ida and Deadly Flash Floods in New York City
Experts from the Columbia Climate School have provided their insights and perspectives to journalists across the country trying to make sense of Hurricane Ida.