water matters38
The Guarani Aquifer: a little known water resource in South America gets a voice
By Annabel Symington The Guarani Aquifer in South America is a huge underground reservoir that lies under Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil, covering an area of land the size of Texas and California combined.
Good News from EPA – No Fooling
Recently, the Obama administration has been getting harsh reviews from some environmentalists for its decision to open several new areas of the US to offshore drilling. Putting this admittedly odd decision aside though, the Thursday April 1 (April Fool’s Day) decision to roll out tough new water quality standards that could severely limit some of the most destructive…
New York City Water Summit (photos)
About 150 people attended the first New York City Water Summit on April 9th, which was organized by Professors William Becker and Kartik Chandran of the Columbia University Dept. of Earth and Environmental Engineering. The morning sessions dealt with drinking water issues, while the afternoon sessions concentrated on wastewater treatment. The event had a focus…
Closing the Water Gap – India
Following up on my previous post, “Creating a Sustainable Water Future”, I will now go over a few of the steps that are being taken to better assess the current and future state of our global water resources. The tools that are being presented are based on economic analyses that aim to provide both private…
Rainfall forecasting key to efficient hydropower in Ethiopia
Hydropower is a tremendous potential energy source for many developing countries, but managing water reserves to maximize energy production is a tricky business. Let too much water out of the reservoir and you may not have enough later. Let out too little, and you aren’t producing all the energy that you could. Paul Block presented…
Run for Water with CWC in Earth Week event
Students and non-students alike are invited to join the Columbia Water Center in a run to raise awareness and funds for clean water, at the Dow Live Earth Run For Water on April 18.
The Dead Sea Dilemma – Part II
My prior post about the “The Dead Sea Dilemma” summarized the current condition of the Dead Sea and the ecological value of the region. In this post I will briefly describe two solutions that have been suggested. The Red Sea to Dead Sea Water Conveyance project – a conduit to transport water from the Red…
Punjab Water Day 2010
On March 20, the Columbia Water Center and the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) celebrated Punjab Water Day. Don’t be looking for a water slide or balloons or information booths. This was a recognition of the seriousness of the water crisis in Punjab, and of the commitment to find solutions.
GRACE Satellites and the Global Water Balance: CWC Seminar
In an April 1 Columbia Water Center Seminar, two researchers from the Center for Sustainable Water Resources, Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas Austin, Bridget R. Scanlon and Laurent Longuevergne, spoke on their work with GRACE data and subsurface tracer studies, and what they bring to the climate science field.