State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

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Open House: Earth Institute Graduate Programs

Professor Sara Tjossem speaking with graduate students
Professor Sara Tjossem speaking with graduate students

Interested in graduate studies in environment and sustainable development? Whether you are concerned with global poverty alleviation, sustainable development, sustainability management, ecology, or environmental policy, Columbia University has a program you.

The Earth Institute, Columbia University is hosting the Environmental and Sustainable Development Programs Open House to provide you with the opportunity to learn more about these programs and the courses and come and meet our faculty and the students who make up our community.   The event will take place on Monday, Oct. 24, at the Low Memorial Library, Columbia University (116th & Broadway).  

Innovative Graduate Programs

If you are interested in exploring graduate opportunities there are many multidisciplinary programs you can consider. Over the past few years many innovative degree programs have been developed to train a new generation who are able to address these issues from multiple fronts.

Columbia has new graduate programs including the M.S. in Sustainability Management, designed to meet the growing demand for sustainability managers by training leaders to bridge the gap between the principle of sustainable management and its practice, or the M.P.A. in Environmental Science and Policy, which combines Columbia’s hands-on approach to teaching public policy and administration with the Earth Institute’s pioneering thinking about environmental sustainability. The collaborative M.P.A. in Development Practice teaches aspiring practitioners to understand, develop and implement integrated approaches to sustainable development.  The Climate and Society graduate program is addressing the need for individuals who are able to combine an understanding of climate science with policy.

We have many other graduate opportunities to learn about at the event including:

 We have a robust array of doctoral programs, including the PhD in Sustainable Development that was developed several years ago:

Beyond the Classroom

Our students have access to an array of programs and all the resources of both Columbia University and the Earth Institute, including field research funds, research assistantships, internships, and the diverse expertise of hundreds of researchers and on-the-ground experts. Past student projects and student-faculty collaborations have focused on such things as water-harvesting systems in India, sustainable planning for Haiti, and urban agriculture in New York City. Travel grants have allowed many students to conduct research and participate in summer internships internationally. To learn about exciting student opportunities or achievements, please visit our Education News Page and the State of the Planet blog.    

To read more about the exciting research and career opportunities our graduates are pursuing, visit our student profiles page.      

To RSVP for this exciting event please click here to register . For more information, please contact Pamela Vreeland at or call (212) 854-8158.  Additional information about the Earth Institute’s academic programs can also be found at .

We look forward to seeing you there.

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Pinoy Techologies
13 years ago

Great Programs, Congratulations

Devon Accommodation
13 years ago

Excellent programs indeed. Will produce students who are well-versed about the problems at the ground level.