State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


Climate Services event at COP-17

The International Research Institute for Climate and Society will be hosting a panel event at this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference taking place in Durban, South Africa from Nov. 28 to Dec. 9.

The panelists will discuss the recent creation of the Climate Services Partnership, which was the main outcome of the recent International Conference on Climate Services.

An informal and diverse alliance of organizations committed to climate-smart development, the CSP will work to advance climate services worldwide. Partners will collaborate to learn from each other’s experiences, to identify gaps and needs, and to develop and evaluate innovations.
This side event will introduce the CSP and give members time to explain their individual initiatives. The speakers will be:
  • Stephen E. Zebiak, International Research Institute for Climate and Society
  • Jerry Lengoasa, World Meteorological Organization
  • William Breed, United States Agency for International Development
  • Kanta Kumari Rigaud, World Bank
  • Carlo Scaramella, World Food Programme
  • Youba Sokona, ClimDev Africa
  • Guy Brasseur, Climate Service Center, Germany

For more information, click on the flier thumbnail.

You can also watch the event live from here:

Other side events with IRI participation:
Insurance approaches for weather-related risks in Africa
Date: December 2, 9-11 a.m. Location: Africa Pavilion. IRI’s Haresh Bhojwani will present.

Roundtable on Climate Change Information and Water Resources in Africa
Date: December 3, 1-3 p.m. Location: Africa Pavilion. IRI’s Haresh Bhojwani present.

Visit the COP17 web site for more details.

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13 years ago


Malaysia’s has been a vocal voice of developing countries in all COP meetings and negotiation.

Critical Analysis
Malaysia’s approach toward a “common but differentiated responsibility” is rather holistic and in compliance with ASEAN spirit and ASEAN CHARTER.

This is rather different when compared with the US approach along this framework of working reference.

India, China and the majority of developing countries have contributed tremendously toward the targets set in the 1st Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol. The irony is the fact that developed countries have not performed their parts as agreed under the initial 1st Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol 1997.

Developed countries unfortunately made not made significant achievement and performance as agreed according to the 1st Commitment Period.

Perhaps, there will be positive development at the next COP-18.

As far as the government of Malaysia is concerned, COP-18 will be a redefinition and a transformation of a legal binding document for climate change paradigm.

Jeong Chun Phuoc
Expert Consultant at a major law firm in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
and a Lecturer-in-Law
and a pioneer advocate in Competitive Legal Intelligence(CLI)
and a Reader in Syariah Competitive Legal Intelligence(sCLI)
He can be reached at

**The above professional analysis is the writer’s personal view and in no way represent the view/position of the research institutes/thinktanks/organisations to which he is currently attached to.