State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

Contest Highlights Stunning Photos of Nature and Fieldwork

By the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology

Columbia’s Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology (E3B) has announced the winners of its annual photo contest, which celebrates the research done by the E3B community and the beauty of their hard work.

The photo contest was established in the 2017–18 academic year by members of E3B Graduate Resource Association of Student Scientists and E3B administration. Photos are submitted by all E3B students, faculty, postdocs, affiliates and administration. First, second and third place prizes are awarded for the top choices in three categories: Biodiversity, Humans in Nature, and Ecosystems & Landscapes. The three categories are department-wide but the faculty, staff and postdocs are judged separately. All in the E3B community are eligible to vote.

First place winners get a $50 gift card to REI. Second place winners get a society subscription of their choice up to $40, and third place winners get a Yeti brand water bottle. Congrats, winners!

Click through the slideshow below to see this year’s contest winners in each category, as well as information about the photographers and their work. To see all the submissions, visit the E3B Facebook page.

E3B’s mission is to educate a new generation of scientists and practitioners in the theory and methods of ecology, evolution, and environmental biology. Our educational programs emphasize a multi-disciplinary perspective to understand life on Earth from the level of organisms to global processes that sustain humanity and all life.

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