State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

New Resource Compares All the Carbon Tax Proposals in Congress Right Now

chart shows how the different bills would tax carbon over time
A new online resource from the Center on Global Energy Policy compares the different carbon tax proposals introduced in Congress. This chart shows how the different bills would tax carbon over time. Source: CGEP Analysis

By Pete Marsters and Noah Kaufman

Climate change presents serious threats to the economy, the environment, and national security. To address these threats, a growing number of influential businesses, scientists, NGOs, policymakers, and thought leaders are calling for a carbon tax, which would put a price on carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Economists point to a price on GHGs as a key part of a strategy to address climate risks cost-effectively.

Last week, three new carbon tax proposals were released in Congress: Rep. Rooney’s bill and Rep. Lipinski’s bill in the House of Representatives, and the Coons/Feinstein bill in the Senate. Given the unprecedented level of movement in Congress surrounding carbon tax legislation, the Center on Global Energy Policy’s Carbon Tax Research Initiative launched a new online resource that explains what you need to know about a federal carbon tax in the United States, including comparisons of the existing federal carbon tax legislation introduced thus far.

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