Learning From Tree Rings: An Interview With Nicole Davi
A dendrochronologist explains how tree rings can teach us about our past, present, and future.
An Immersive Art Installation Records the Sounds of the Sea
Columbia’s School of the Arts will present Jana Winderen’s “The Art of Listening: Under Water,” February 3-13.
Weddell Seal Population May Be Much Lower Than Previously Thought
High-resolution satellite images allowed researchers to do a more comprehensive head count than ever before, and revealed patterns in the seals’ distribution.
Losing a Hectare of Wetlands Could Cost $8,000 Per Year in Flood Damages
New findings may help inform discussions as the Supreme Court takes up a case that could limit wetland protections under the Clean Water Act.
How Climate Change Will Affect Plants
While elevated levels of CO2 can help plants grow, the impacts of climate change mean it’s not all good news for the plant world.
U.S. May Have Been Responsible for Almost Half of Recent Past Illegal Tiger Trade
A new study indicates that the scale has been underestimated.
Can We Feed Billions of Ourselves Without Wrecking the Planet?
A new Earth Institute primer lays out the basics of achieving sustainable agriculture on a global scale.
Columbia Professor Shahid Naeem to Head Ecological Society of America
The Columbia ecologist will serve as the society’s president in 2023-2024.
You Asked: When Will Polar Bears Go Extinct?
A recent study provides a rough timeline, but there’s still time to save them if we cut our carbon emissions.