Solar Energy Explains Fast Yearly Retreat of Southern Ocean Sea Ice
Sea ice in the Southern Ocean retreats each year much faster than it develops. This has puzzled scientists, but the explanation turns out to be simple.
Sea Ice That Slowed the Flow of Antarctic Glaciers Abruptly Shatters In Three Days
Since 2011, a mass of sea ice from the Larsen B ice shelf helped stabilize the landward glaciers, but the stopgap rapidly disintegrated in January 2022.
Weddell Seal Population May Be Much Lower Than Previously Thought
High-resolution satellite images allowed researchers to do a more comprehensive head count than ever before, and revealed patterns in the seals’ distribution.
Marco Tedesco: Snow Man
Although his parents wanted him to become an electrical engineer, Tedesco felt drawn to a life of research. Then he fell in love with snow. Now he is among the most well-respected and quoted polar experts in the world.
Crucial Antarctic Glacier Likely to Collapse Much Earlier than Expected
Thwaites Glacier, dubbed Antarctica’s ‘doomsday glacier,’ has been predicted to undergo dramatic changes, with its ice shelf likely to break apart in as little as five years.
Study of West Antarctica’s Deep Past Reinforces Vulnerability to Melting
The continent’s western ice sheet turns out to once have been much bigger than previously thought. This implies that the now smaller version could waste quickly.
International Team to Drill Deep Through Antarctic Ice Into Ancient Sediments
The research project, dubbed SWAIS 2C, will investigate the sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to global warming of 2 degrees Centigrade.
Scientists Track the Sudden Disappearance of an Antarctic Ice-Shelf Lake
A rarely seen phenomenon may not bode well for the future survival of the ice.
Sidney Hemming, Paleoclimate Detective, Wins Guggenheim Fellowship
A Q&A with the geochemist, who plans to investigate a key climate interval millions of years ago.