climate science2
International Team to Drill Deep Through Antarctic Ice Into Ancient Sediments
The research project, dubbed SWAIS 2C, will investigate the sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to global warming of 2 degrees Centigrade.
Columbia Climate School’s Non-Degree Offerings for Fall 2021
Starting in fall 2021, the Columbia Climate School will offer non-degree educational programs for high school students and adult learners.
Columbia to Launch $25 Million AI-Based Climate Modeling Center
A new venture will leverage big data and many disciplines to create better estimates of future climate.
Some Past Sea Levels May Not Have Been as High as Thought, Says Study of Rising and Sinking Landmasses
A time similar to our own saw catastrophic sea-level rise. But exactly how catastrophic?
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory: Milestones in Climate Science
Much of the modern understanding of climate change is underpinned by pioneering studies done at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. Here’s a timeline of significant studies.
Scientists Track the Sudden Disappearance of an Antarctic Ice-Shelf Lake
A rarely seen phenomenon may not bode well for the future survival of the ice.
Meet the Inaugural Cohort of the Earth Institute Summer Intern Program
These undergraduates and educators will work on research projects that connect the science of climate change to people and communities.
Watching My Dad Die With Optimism Changed My Outlook on Climate Change
His father’s positive attitude in the face of terminal illness has inspired Cascade Tuholske to apply the same optimism while studying climate change.