New Report on U.S. Climate Litigation in the Age of Trump
The new white paper takes stock of 378 U.S. climate cases that responded or interacted with federal policy and law during the Trump administration.
Explore This Map of Land and Sea Features Named After Trailblazers at Lamont
The legacies of many of our researchers are recorded not only in the history books, but also in the mountains, canyons, and islands that now bear their names.
14 Months Into the Pandemic, What Do We Miss Most?
New survey data uncover Americans’ top priorities for returning to ‘normal’ life. They could help policy makers determine how to prioritize new guidelines.
Columbia Institute to Be Key Partner in New World Bank-funded Climate Resilience Project
The Accelerating the Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa project will help farmers anticipate and prepare for destructive climate-related events.
All-ABOARD: Changing Minds and Hearts at Sea
Pilot project aims to build diversity, equity, and inclusion in the geosciences via a unique ship-based professional development model.
New Report: Opportunities and Limits of CO2 Recycling in a Circular Carbon Economy
The report pinpoints CO2 recycling pathways that can deliver deep emissions reductions, and makes strategic policy recommendations.
Short-Term Exposure to Air Pollution May Impede Cognition; Aspirin Could Help
A new study is among the first to explore short-term air pollution exposures and the use of NSAIDs to mitigate their effects.
Tracking the Impact of Climate Change in Alaska
Sea ice is rapidly melting off the northwest coast of Alaska, endangering the Indigenous population. Researchers joined forces with the local community to understand how climate change is affecting their region.
Report: 2020-2021 Highlights from the ACToday Columbia World Project
The project remains focused on its goal of combating hunger by increasing climate knowledge in six countries.